This blog will hopefully challenge women to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately give Him glory and display His splendor.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I must tell you that I just started to cry. All these questions welled up along with the tears. Am I fulfilling my calling? Am I doing the right thing? What's my next step? What does it all look like? You know, the big questions that always come up and usually bring the enemy of doubt along for the ride.
Gary's web site - - reminded me of ther verse: 2 Corinthians 3:18: 18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
This so reminds me of my calling, my passion, what I was made for. I'm made to do women't ministry through speaking and writing. It's about trusting Him and remembering that I didn't make this calling up. It is real and it's how I feel alive (right after having fun with my guys!). So, as I am waiting, I am also praying and looking for ways that God will show me "what IT looks like!"
Here's the question. What is your calling? What makes you come alive? What makes you get excited? Let your heart experience the calling, come alive and thrive!
Friday, November 20, 2009
You Are Hold Me
I've been trying to expose my boys to a variety of worship music lately. My 5-year old (well, almost 5) was singing away to "God of Wonders". This particular song is pretty special to me. When Scott and I got married this song was played when I walked down the aisle to see him and pray before we got pictures done prior to the wedding. I was just glad my son was enjoying it. There is a part of the song that states, "The universe declares your majesty; You are holy, holy". Later that day, he just started singing it. This allowed me the priviledge of hearing his words to the song. He is passionately singing the following:
"The universe declares your majesty, You are hold me, hold me"
My first reaction was one of "Oh how cute!", then quickly turned to a teachable moment. I explained that the word was holy and that it meant very special, set apart, there is no one like God. My son was quick to say, "No, mommy! It's You are hold me!" Then wouldn't you know the Holy Spirit says, "He's right, ya know!" So take a listen to "God of Wonders" and while not forgetting the extreme holiness of God, listen to it with You are hold me. It gives the song new perspective!
It's crazy how often we forget who God is even after he has shown us to many times to count. Just last week I went into a minor panic about something that God has always taken care of for us. But in that instant, I thought it was up to me instead of just letting Him hold me. So what are you facing today that has you doubting, fearful, asking "what if..."? What has you asking why or wondering where God is in all this craziness? It's all about remembering: remembering that He is truth, He is bigger than anything we face, He is who He says he is, He keeps his promises, He wants us to receive and bask in his love and freedom. So what if you've never experienced him in that way before? Well, simply read His Word and invite the God of the Universe to show you who He is. Remember, You are hold me.
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
Love & Prayers,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Who is the author?
Romans 8:18 - I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
So I'm just getting started with my day and while showering God plants this question in my head - Who is writing your story? I don't know about you, but I get a little uncomfortable when God does that because I have to answer the question. There is no place to hide - He's God!
So as I'm thinking about my answer, I realize that am writing my story more often than God is. Then I dug a little deeper and had to confess the sin of unbelief/not trusting God to be who he says he is.
Whenever we're in a difficult situation or circumstance, we make a bad decision or there is spiritual warfare going on from all fronts, we must hold onto Hebrews 12:2 and Romans 8:18. Jesus is the author of our faith, our journey, our story. The great thing is he's also the perfector. There's this new song out, "Perfect People" by Natalie Grant . Here are my favorite lyrics:
There's no such thing as perfect people
There's no such thing as a perfect life
So come as you are, broken and scared
Lift up your heart and be amazed
And be changed by a perfect God
Love that! He is a perfect God and worthy to be trusted. Then the hard part comes: if God is perfect and he allows this "stuff" to be part of my life, what do I do with it? The answer is simple, but not easily accomplished: you go through it; you persevere. That's where Romans 8:18 comes in. It's all for His glory. This is how we become reflections of Him, His beauty, His love, His hope.
Be bold, my sisters. Live out what he has allowed to enter your life to grow you, build you up and mold you into the amazing princess he has made you to be.
So, who is writing your story? Please join me in the journey of surrendering to let Jesus be the author and perfector of the story.
Love & Prayers,
Friday, September 11, 2009
Loving Fearlessly - Part 2
OK - confession time. The fist time I read this verse I literally told God, "You've got to be kidding me!" Then I dug in a little deeper and am now trying to live it out for real! I guess the part that I had the hardest time with was the word "quiet". Anyone who knows me knows that quiet is not an adjective that fits! So I had to dig and discovered this is what it means: at rest or at peace. Well doesn't that change everything!!
Now as I look at this verse about a year later, I'm struggling with a couple of other things. First of all the daily part. Living at peace every day is huge. I'm not there yet, but the idea sounds fantastic!!
The other part is the "not be dependent on anybody" part. Hmmm - guess that means that Jesus is supposed to be everything!!! I'm so glad he's up to the task. I thought of this verse the other day. I'm still slowly reviewing my notes from the Beth Moore simulcast. She was talking about the heart of our desires and the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4) One of the things she said was, "Be aware of what is present in the absence." Wouldn't you know my 4-and-a-half year old would give me a great picture of this (God is so good at meeting us right where we're at!).
So, we're eating dinner. Ian doesn't want to eat the spaghetti I made. This was a first. He wanted to eat cheese and crackers. Unfortunately I was in one of my "I'm an exhausted mommy" mode and didn't do battle with this and let him eat cheese and crackers for dinner (cheese is a good source of calcium and protein right?). God immediately brought back to my mind Beth's statement and this verse.
How often we fill our hearts with anything just to have it full. Sometimes it's whatever feels good at that moment; sometimes what looks good; sometimes whatever is convenient or easy or we may even hate it but take it in anyway. How many times have I called my friends about something instead of going to God first. Basically, it's hiding from the fact that we have a desire that isn't met. I'm trying to get an idea of what the world would be like if all of us just admitted that we have unmet desires instead of pretending that we have it all together.
So, here is the question to myself and to you. What are you filling your heart with? Are you quiet and at rest because you're not depending on anyone or anything else but Jesus? If not, what are you going to do to get there?
Please join me in answering these hard questions and letting God strip away (and yes, it will proably hurt some along the way) the stuff that doesn't help you love Him fearlessly. 1Thessalonians 4:11-12 is what we look like when we love fearlessly!
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Loving Fearlessly
Sorry to say I've let life (and some bad choices on time management!) get in the way of blogging regularly. Can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last blog - time flies! OK - on to the good stuff!
This verse has intrigued me for about 6 weeks now. I didn't understand the punishment part of it. When I dug into the Greek, the flood gates opened!
The Greek word for punishment (torment in the KJV) is "not enjoying love". Does that not blow your mind? "Perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with not enjoying love." I know I'm guilty of blaming other people for not loving me the way I think they should. But God has put this one back on me. How often do I get caught up in my own expectations, my own desires, my own circumstances and stuff that I completely miss how much God loves me and delights in me - even over the little things that I don't think will matter. He sees everything and is the only one who knows how the little things we think, say and do will impact others.
Don't hear what I'm not saying - I'm not saying "don't have expectations or desires and reactions and responses to life's circumstances and stuff". Experiencing those things lets us know that we're really living. Just don't let that stuff get in the way of you enjoying God's amazing, extravagant love for you.
So here's my question - Are you enjoying God's love for you? I mean really enjoying (to take pleasure or satisfaction in) God's love. If not, then take some time to rest there until you are enjoying His love. If you are, great job, but how are you going to abide there. This is definitely a choice that you alone can make.
Picture this: What does loving God fearlessly look like? (this is where you pull out your journal and write about the pictures and stuff that God gives you!)
For me, it's a picture of trust. God holding out his BIG hand and me resting in the middle of it. Trusting that He will be who he said he would be and do what he said he would do. Now, each situation in my life - the "resting" part is probably the hardest. Sometimes I have to wrestle with God in order to get to the resting place. Sometimes I go compliantly. Other times I don't rest and I miss out on taking in and enjoying His love because I'm so busy focusing on other stuff.
Next question - How do you love others? Do you love others fearlessly?
How about your spouse? How about your kids? How about the person at work that gets on your last nerve? What about the people that don't look or think like you?
Now, I'm not saying be stupid and give your heart to everyone! Ask God what this looks like (another journal opportunity!). If you're in an abusive relationship, then yes, you need to get out and not love your abuser fearlessly - leave that up to God - He's bigger! Loving others fearlessly to me means not expecting anything back - just giving and letting others enjoy the fact that they are loved by God becuase ultimately it's Christ's love through me that makes me even capable of loving others, much less loving others fearlessly with no thought of getting anything in return. This one to me is even harder than the first question. The good thing is that love is a fruit of the spirit - can only be done with and through Jesus!
Be brave! Be bold! Be you!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
Friday, June 26, 2009
Psalm 63:8 - My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You; Your right hand upholds me.
It's funny how God grows us. I wrote a lot of what I'm about to share about a year ago. Recently God has expanded my picture of what clinging is and looks like.
I was having one of those sweet mornings. I had a few moments to read my Bible. My sleepy-eyed three-and-a-half year old little boy slowly walks to the living room and simply says, “Mommy, I want to hold you.” How can you resist that?! So, we snuggled on the couch, chatted for a bit, got breakfast and watched a little bit of TV. Then we got ready for school/daycare because mommy had to get to work. The meltdown began and continued intermittently until we got to the school parking lot. The message he kept giving me in his pathetic, little whiny voice was, “Mommy, I just want to hold you.”
It was just a rough morning, for both of us by this time. I told his teacher he was a bit clingy this morning. She started tickling him while I made my escape, which made me so sad.
Then as only our sweet Heavenly Father could do, He reminded me of what being clingy really means. So, I looked up the word “cling” in the dictionary. Here’s what it said:
1 a: to hold together b: to adhere as if glued firmly c: to hold or hold on tightly or tenaciously 2 a: to have a strong emotional attachment or dependence
Wow! I thought how much I long for my children to cling to me, but how I want them to grow into strong, God-fearing, God-loving independent men. In our human-ness we can’t do or be both. However, God simply reminded me that clinging to Him is a great picture of what he wants our relationship to look like. He wants me to eat solid food, get more nutrients, take responsibility for my actions and attitude, but at the end of the day if I don’t cling to him, I have no strength – nothing to give.
So what does clinging to him look like? For me, it looks like this…
When I’m struggling with that sin that I keep choosing to do, I must cling to him to overcome its hold on me.
1. When I’m scared and uncertain about the future, I must cling to him because he holds the future. I must talk with him and listen to him so I know what my next steps will be.
2. When I’m overwhelmed with doing to much, I must cling to him and ask him what needs to go in my schedule and then refer to #1 so I can be obedient.
3. When I don’t know where to turn, turn to the one who knows the best directions and the best plans for you.
4. Take a look at all of Psalm 63 – It’s a good picture of clinging! All in all, it looks like a sweet child resting in her Father’s arms. Enjoying the time together. Savoring His presence.
5. Take a look at John 17:10-18. In verse 17 Jesus tells Mary Magdalene to stop clinging to him because he has not yet returned to the Father.
I noticed that sometimes I cling to so many other things than the One who oversees the universe. Other times I cling to parts of Jesus, but not the complete Jesus. This is what I mean - Mary Magdalene was clinging to a relationship with Jesus even though it wasn't complete. He still had to go be with the Father so the Holy Spirit could come for and be with us. Who or what are you clinging to? Are you clinging to a relationship the way you remember it or are you embracing the way the relationship really exists (or doesn't exist) now? It's hard to cling to the new normal or the new comfort zone. The more we know who Jesus is, the more we have to cling to.
Join me in the journey of living a life clinging to Jesus.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I must say that right now my walk with God mirrors my kids. Ian is learning who is the boss and how to be a good listener and follow through with obedience. Ryan is starting to teeth, so full of pain and wanting to cry and scream. But then a moment later he is so full of pure joy and he gives you a big coo and the biggest smile ever. I'm amazed at the parallels our sweet Daddy gives us in life!
Speaking of parallels, last week's Bible study was on Hannah (quite appropriate for Mother's Day). While teaching, Scott asked, "What is your heart sorrowful about?" Then he talked about handing it over to God, just like Hannah did. I was struck with the hurt of my heart with missing my boys and just where life has us right now. It is good, it just hurts. There is such freedom when we hand our hurts over to our Daddy King. He's the only one that turns mourning to gladness and makes things new each morning.
Then my sweet sister, Traci, bought Ian a new movie and it has quicly become one of my favorites ever! The Tale of Despereaux tells the story about a brave mouse. He has been made for nobleness and is honorable, but everyone around him lives in fear. He's the one who breaks out and rescues the princess. It's awesome! So here's to freedom, boldness and fun in Jesus!
Be blessed!
Love & Prayers,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Picture This...
Again, the timing of this makes no sense! I start back to work next week. What is He up to?
I have no idea what God will do with this or how it will bless and impact your walk, but I'm sure we'll all find out his plan together. I appreciate your prayers with this new adventure.
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
Friday, April 3, 2009
Extravagant Love
My little Ian is having a hard time putting himself to sleep. Now I take my part of the responsibility for some bad habits at bed time. You see I lay in bed with him until he falls asleep. I’m the “sleep prop”. I was working on breaking this for a long time before Ryan was born. It all went out the window, when Ryan arrived. So now, we’re adjusting.
It appears that Wednesday morning Ian took comfort in knowing that I checked on him several times throughout the night (before I went to bed at 10:30, when I got up to feed Ryan at 3 and when I got up again at 5). When Scott woke up he asked Ian how he slept. Ian replied that he slept well and that his mommy checked on him a lot. When I was talking it over with Scott, I was almost brought to tears with the spiritual example.
You see I am only human and can only check on my son in his sleep physically when I can get to his room, one moment at a time. It is an intentional choice. God is omnipresent. He is present everywhere all the time intentionally. He purposely watches over me all the time everywhere I go. I am humbled. It’s hard to imagine or understand being loved that much, but we are. Father, thank you for loving me and all your daughters and sons so extravagantly. WOW!
When thinking of Abba Father’s extravagance, I’m reminded of an occasion that I was speaking with a small group of women. I had asked them to close their eyes and imagine themselves at the wedding feast celebration. I asked the question, “What are you wearing?” Unfortunately, a woman in the group answered that she was wearing rags. Her answer made me very sad. I understand where she was coming from. Maybe she thought she was being super-spiritual by seeing herself as unworthy of anything but rags. Here's the truth: Yes, we are deserving of rags, but our sweet Father chooses to give us so much more -- grace. Here's what it looks like: You see in Isaiah 61:1-4 and 10 is a promise to make our garments new. This is how I interpret the scripture. Once we become a daughter of the king, we are a princess. He adorns us with a gown made especially for us. Unfortunately, we will make bad choices (sin) which will result in stains or rips in our dress. We must go to God, who gave us the dress and made us and the dress, and confess our bad choice(s). When our Abba Father forgives us, he either cleans the dress, patches the dress or gives us a whole new one.
Always with us. Intentionally watching over us and caring for us. Making us more beautiful, like Him every day.
If you have a moment, listen to Casting Crowns' "Your Love is Extravagant" or Michael W. Smith's "Deep in Love with You" and dance with Jesus, the Lover of your soul.
Love & Prayers,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mourning and Joy through the fear
Warning – I don’t want this message to be a downer – so work with me!
Mourning is part of life, just as death is. I’m struck today by the tragic story of actress Natasha Richardson. She was learning to ski on the bunny slope with her family in Canada. She fell, got up and was laughing about it and called it a day. About an hour later, she complained of a headache and now she’s braindead. No warning. No signs. Just like that. There are many others I’m sure that you know personally that are nearing the end of physical life here. I can think of two right now: Scott’s grandmother and a young woman, Jennifer, with 2 children and brain cancer.
We also mourn things in life: dreams, experiences, expectations and more. While I was pregnant with Ryan I remember telling Scott how bittersweet the last month of pregnancy is. It’s filled with anticipation of meeting this child and sadness because you’ve had this blessing all to yourself (I knew when he moved, kicked, punched, had the hiccups). I also knew that this would probably be the last time I’d experience it (I’m no spring chicken, you know!). Scott wisely shared, “Isn’t that the way it is with Heaven? Kind of bittersweet.” We long to be there to be in the presence of God, our Father and others who have gone on before us. But yet we don’t really want to leave this life either because we have family and friends to care for and share things with and dreams to dream and new adventures to experience.
I remember being a young, single woman living alone in my apartment. Sometimes I would get fearful of what could happen. Maybe I’d be raped and murdered (you know your imagination runs rampant with stuff like this). Then I’d snap back into reality and tell myself, “What’s the worse that could happen? I’d go to Heaven.” Although I understand that thought, it now makes me sad. Heaven is God’s answer to death and mourning. Heaven is joy, new adventure – it’s God! I now long for Heaven. Not in a way that I’m going to do something tragic to myself so I can go now, but just yearning to be in God’s presence with no distractions, total peace continuously – WOW!
The funny thing about mourning is that it proves we’re alive. When we mourn a dream, experience, job or expectations or whatever it may be, we have to own all the emotions involved in that situation and hand them over to God and say, “here they are. I don’t know what to do with them. Please take them and show me what things look like now.” We must feel them. We must go through those feelings and sort them out. Then our sweet Father delivers a new adventure. It’s an adventure that can generate new life and joy if we let God do what he wants to do.
Some things I’m mourning and the new adventures that go with them:
Date night with the love of my life, Scott = It will return shortly. It’s only gone for a short season.
More time with my little man, Ian = Intentionally dedicating time and planning activities with Ian
More time with my little man, Ryan = intentionally dedicating time and planning activities with Ryan
Being a stay-at-home mom = I get to live vicariously through Scott who will be a stay-at-home dad for a while.
The luxury of being a 2-income household = tightening our belt and trusting God a whole lot more!
Maternity leave = Returning to work and learning a new balancing act
Sleeping through the night = it’s only for a season (hopefully shorter than longer!)
The verse says, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” If He makes me do it, it sounds like I’m not so willing to do it sometimes. I think we only become obedient through mourning our loss and then letting ourselves receive the joy that comes with the new life he gives.
I guess you could say it’s kind of like coming to know Jesus or really any transformation. The process is hard, scary and sometimes demanding. But at the end of the day, He does make things new every morning and joy is part of it.
What are you mourning today?
How do you feel about it? What are you feeling?
How is God bringing joy through it? (and it’s ok if you don’t know yet, just be anticipating the joy because he promised it.)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Resting through the fear
Well, we're adjusting to our "new normal" after baby Ryan arrived with a grand adventure on February 3, 2009! All is well here and I'm trying to get back in the groove of things in between naps, feedings and normal chaos.
Our sweet Father had a nice chat with me today. I use the term nice loosely... it was really one of his grace-filled, gentle scoldings. I love how you can be scolded yet encouraged at the same time. It's a God thing!
Anyway, as many of you know, our family has grown with the birth of Ryan about 5.5 weeks ago. My husband, Scott, was laid off in October and has yet to find any job that would be feasible to have 2 kids in day care. Since this journey began last fall, we've seen the hand of God deliver, provide, reassure and WOW us daily. We're keeping a long list of God moments from this season to show the boys and remind us of His power.
Speaking of that, it's funny how much like an Israelite I am. Scott and I were talking today about a situation that at this moment has no definitive solutions. Those types of situations (you know the ones that you can't develop a planned strategy to solve the problem) just make me anxious. So, I was operating in the flesh with this situation and then the enemy saw an opportunity to tack another one on. I started to fret about the pending medical bills, which we haven't even received yet. The Holy Spirit quickly brought Proverbs 3:5-6 and Philippians 4:6 to my mind. Immediately, our sweet Father questioned me, "Why don't you trust me with these things? Haven't I been faithful so far? Trust me!"
Today's verse choice is really all about trusting. It's fun to see how this blog is transorming from a focus on fear to trusting God. Hmmm... maybe that was the point! I remember really digging into this verse (1 Thess. 4:11) and not liking the idea that I had to lead a quiet life. I'm an enthusiastic talker and the thought of being quiet sounded boring to me. So I really struggled with this verse. Then I looked up the Greek word for quiet and it means peaceful or at rest. Praise Jesus! It made so much more sense. The more I trust Him, the more at peace I am which ultimately results people who don't know Him seeing Him through me. And I come to the understanding and freedom that I am dependent on no one but Jesus himself.
I'm reminded of the verses in Luke that describe the vine and branches. It's a great picture of surrender, rest and trust. I'm trying to live there more each day!
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
Love & Prayers
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Great message about fear
The message is called "Spectrum: Yellow". It's a must!
Delight through the Fear
This is one of my favorite verses and until I read this translation I never related it to my fears. I read this verse for the first time proabably about 5 years ago when I was deep in John and Stasi Eldredge's "Captivating" study. The thought that the God of the universe delights in me was and still is an amazing thought and reality. His love is what calms me.
It's so important for us to remember that God delights in us - just because. It's not about what we've done, or how we did it, what we said or didn't say. It's just because He's God and He chooses to.
I was continuing to read in Jeremiah and ran across this treasure: Jeremiah 9:23-24: This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.
Something our Pastor said has stuck with me. He explained that all too often people know what we're against, but not what we're for or what we support. I think God often gets categorized like that too. Throughout His word he tells us little nuggets of what He delights in, what pleases him. All too often we focus on the things he doesn't like instead of what he does. So take a few minutes and really think about how God delights in you. Then take another few minutes to think about what Jeremiah 9:24 says - He delights in being understood and known; that He exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth.
If He is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) What did this do to your fears today? Rest in Him, in who He is. Long to know Him more. He always comes through.
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Obedience through the Fear
Jeremiah 1:17 - "Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them or I will terrify you before them."
Happy 2009!
Finished reading through Isaiah (wow!) and have moved onto Jeremiah. Learning lots along the way. These two verses stood out to me. Again, our strong Father reminds us why we shouldn't be afraid - He is with us, He is for us, He wants the best for us. These verses have a simple message: obedience through the fear. God simply says, listen to me because I will tell you what to say. Say it and don't worry about it - just do it. What about the need for connection. If God gave me this kind of message I'd be so afraid I'd miss something I was supposed to say - the enemy using his normal tactics. The truth is that when we are connected it's easier to hear God's voice. When we're not connected, He still draws us near.
Lately, I haven't been very kind to my heart. Been doing, doing more and doing more still and not taking time out to care for my heart and what my relationship with the Lover of my soul needs. This week on two different occassions, God simply said, "Be still. Know that I am God. Enjoy me. Let me enjoy you. This is just for you." I was in a spirit of humble thanksgiving - just amazed at what He's been up to around me. Had a great conversation with a dear Christian friend of mine that was challenging to me spiritually. Then the next morning had great praise and worship time. Just singing his praises and enjoying his presence. Saw a rainbow in the clouds in the morning (and it wasn't raining). It was just full of surprises. I had to just be still - be obedient to what he asked of me - which in reality was do nothing - just be.
I look again at the prophets and what they endured. At the end of the day, it is all about obedience because He supplies everything else that is needed. I listened to Chip Ingram earlier this week ( and he said soemthing profound that I considered all week long: "God favors obedience over sacrifice." Where I've landed is here: There are often times that sacrifice is the by-product of obedience. However, with our "comfortable Christianity" we often consider our obedience to be a sacrifice instead of worship.
Obedience through the fear - enjoy the adventure. He shows us more of who He is along the way!
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!