157. the hope of rain
158. rain falling
159. the smell of rain and how it lingers
160. worship songs like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX2uM0L3Y1A
161. artists willing to spill out like this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVVn1Yh0sEY
162. to long to have a heart like His!
163. remembering how small I am and how big He is!
Thank you, Daddy!
This blog will hopefully challenge women to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately give Him glory and display His splendor.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Multitude Monday
146. healthy kids
147. Other bloggers willing to share their life online
148. Meeting the new boss and learning more about him.
149. Fun team building activity - kayaking
150. Osprey diving for fish
151. pulling taffy and enjoying the treat after the pull!
152. my sister's bravery to share part of her story and give God the glory!
153. lunch with the boys and my sis!
154. discovering that a normal girls lunch with a friend was really a divine appointment
155. challenging quotes that stick with you
156. haircuts and that hair grows back quickly!
147. Other bloggers willing to share their life online
148. Meeting the new boss and learning more about him.
149. Fun team building activity - kayaking
150. Osprey diving for fish
151. pulling taffy and enjoying the treat after the pull!
152. my sister's bravery to share part of her story and give God the glory!
153. lunch with the boys and my sis!
154. discovering that a normal girls lunch with a friend was really a divine appointment
155. challenging quotes that stick with you
156. haircuts and that hair grows back quickly!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Picture This - Rebuilding
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display his glory.
They'll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They'll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new.
Isaiah 61:3b-4 (The Message)
I was putting my youngest son to bed tonight and that's where I heard the Holy Spirit's whisper.
See, my youngest son is a reminder of a promise from God. God promised me that when we learned he would be joining our family that our family, my marriage and our lives would be restored, actually rebuilt.
I was looking at my son as we prayed and thanking God for how He made him and is growing him. My wee one is learning so many new things. That's when the Holy Spirit clearly said, "That's the way it works." I confess my response was, "Huh?". He continued, "Your son started out completely dependent on you and now he's learning. He's being built."
In that moment, I realized that God has been staying true to His promise all along. I just didn't see it that way because things didn't look the way I wanted them too and the process was moving at a snail's pace at best. But, now that I know that the Creator of the universe is rebuilding me, rebuilding my marriage and family I love the picture He's painting. My prayer is that this rebuild brings glory to only Him.
Resting in Him,
They'll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They'll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new.
Isaiah 61:3b-4 (The Message)
I was putting my youngest son to bed tonight and that's where I heard the Holy Spirit's whisper.
See, my youngest son is a reminder of a promise from God. God promised me that when we learned he would be joining our family that our family, my marriage and our lives would be restored, actually rebuilt.
I was looking at my son as we prayed and thanking God for how He made him and is growing him. My wee one is learning so many new things. That's when the Holy Spirit clearly said, "That's the way it works." I confess my response was, "Huh?". He continued, "Your son started out completely dependent on you and now he's learning. He's being built."
In that moment, I realized that God has been staying true to His promise all along. I just didn't see it that way because things didn't look the way I wanted them too and the process was moving at a snail's pace at best. But, now that I know that the Creator of the universe is rebuilding me, rebuilding my marriage and family I love the picture He's painting. My prayer is that this rebuild brings glory to only Him.
Resting in Him,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Multitude Monday
#132 - #145
132. the smell of baby lotion
133. when a great movie shows a great picture of the love of Jesus
134. waiting for God's voice and hearing Him!
135. family ice cream date
136. realizing that it's a good thing when God gives me more than I can handle; just so I need Him more!
137. seeing a friend shine His love in her life - she is radiant!
138. progress reports - seeing where you've come from and realizing where Jesus has taken you and where we still can go!
139. accepting that the "waiting" can be over
140. the communication of a toddler - grabbing my hand and leading me to what he wants
141. not being able to get enough of Jesus!
142. surprises
143. new plans to connect with others
144. a pastor's reminder that I need to be "quick to listen and slow to speak"
145. a kind, gentle, strong husband
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Healing Continues
Day 24 - 9/11 - Remembering tragedy and triumphs. Where is my focus?
Day 25 - Learning that God doesn't remind us of lessons to condemn us (or we condemn ourselves) but to remind us of what imtimacy with Him looks like. I looked through my blog last Friday night. A year or so ago I blogged about a song my son was singing (God of Wonders) and how he changed the words from "You are holy" to "You are hold me". Wouldn't you know Sunday morning as we're getting ready to go to worship, this song plays and my son sings the correct words every time except once - and he slipped in a "You are hold me". How sweet is that! Thank you, Jesus!!
Day 26 - Focus on the Family aired the story of the President of Columbia International who quit his job to care for his wife who was afflicted with Alzhiemers. WOW! Great pictures of selfless love - loving fearlessly. Great picture of God's love for us! I am overwhelmed and empty. Please fill me up, Lord!
Day 27 - Rest is needed.
Day 28 - I woke up with this question from the Lord, "What are you waiting for?" I really thought the answer would come easily, but it hasn't. Am I waiting for someone else to come through for me, for a situation to improve, for things to look the way I want them to look? I'm missing so much life in the hiding of the waiting. I believe healing has come. I will continue for the next couple of days committed to my healing, but WOW! Feelin' some freedom! Thank you, Jesus!
Day 25 - Learning that God doesn't remind us of lessons to condemn us (or we condemn ourselves) but to remind us of what imtimacy with Him looks like. I looked through my blog last Friday night. A year or so ago I blogged about a song my son was singing (God of Wonders) and how he changed the words from "You are holy" to "You are hold me". Wouldn't you know Sunday morning as we're getting ready to go to worship, this song plays and my son sings the correct words every time except once - and he slipped in a "You are hold me". How sweet is that! Thank you, Jesus!!
Day 26 - Focus on the Family aired the story of the President of Columbia International who quit his job to care for his wife who was afflicted with Alzhiemers. WOW! Great pictures of selfless love - loving fearlessly. Great picture of God's love for us! I am overwhelmed and empty. Please fill me up, Lord!
Day 27 - Rest is needed.
Day 28 - I woke up with this question from the Lord, "What are you waiting for?" I really thought the answer would come easily, but it hasn't. Am I waiting for someone else to come through for me, for a situation to improve, for things to look the way I want them to look? I'm missing so much life in the hiding of the waiting. I believe healing has come. I will continue for the next couple of days committed to my healing, but WOW! Feelin' some freedom! Thank you, Jesus!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Multitude Monday
#121 - #131
121. Holding a sleeping toddler
122. Watching that sleeping toddler sleep and being overwhlemed with my love for this child and God's love for me and this child.
123. Amazing sunrises
124. Rainbows that remind me that God keeps His promises
125. Funny stories my husband shares
126. A kindergarten teacher that is bold and tells the truth
127. A 5-year-old that just wants to have fun
128. Two brothers hugging one another
129. Flexible work schedule
130. When God challenges me to be the person He made me to be
121. Holding a sleeping toddler
122. Watching that sleeping toddler sleep and being overwhlemed with my love for this child and God's love for me and this child.
123. Amazing sunrises
124. Rainbows that remind me that God keeps His promises
125. Funny stories my husband shares
126. A kindergarten teacher that is bold and tells the truth
127. A 5-year-old that just wants to have fun
128. Two brothers hugging one another
129. Flexible work schedule
130. When God challenges me to be the person He made me to be
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Season of Healing Continued
Day 17 - Learning more and more to be in the moment. Being thankful. Also knowing what it's like to be helpless and holding on to Jesus!
Day 18 - God reminded me that it is in the waiting that He heals. "While I'm Waiting" continues to be my theme song. I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone. Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey. Others can only benefit from my journey. (I love it when the verse in my journal goes right along with what God's teaching me: Ezekiel 34:26 - "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."
Day 19 - Asking hard questions is a good thing. Finding freedom from self-imposed expectations.
Day 20 - Remember the difference between grace (getting what you don't deserve) and mercy (not getting what you deserve), but also how they go hand in hand. Remember to love fearlessly!
Day 21 - Jesus is in the mundane tasks of life. He is in everything and everything is for His glory. I've discovered that I'm full of fear.
Day 22 - Perspective - maybe I'm looking at this as a battle to win instead of a journey to enjoy.
Day 23 - God is my refuge. I need to take some time out with Him alone. Beth Moore said, "You know when you're empty when you can't get enough." Once your heart is broken, you're never the same. God esteems the brokenhearted. He is more than willing to bind up the brokenhearted - it's what He came to do. We're not bothering Him when we let him into our brokenness. He came to do exactly that. That was His mission - to deliver us, to be our refuge, to free us, to bind up our brokenness. The word "bind" is like a medical term for tourniquet. It hurts, but it does what it's supposed to do for the healing.
Be blessed!
Day 18 - God reminded me that it is in the waiting that He heals. "While I'm Waiting" continues to be my theme song. I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone. Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey. Others can only benefit from my journey. (I love it when the verse in my journal goes right along with what God's teaching me: Ezekiel 34:26 - "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."
Day 19 - Asking hard questions is a good thing. Finding freedom from self-imposed expectations.
Day 20 - Remember the difference between grace (getting what you don't deserve) and mercy (not getting what you deserve), but also how they go hand in hand. Remember to love fearlessly!
Day 21 - Jesus is in the mundane tasks of life. He is in everything and everything is for His glory. I've discovered that I'm full of fear.
Day 22 - Perspective - maybe I'm looking at this as a battle to win instead of a journey to enjoy.
Day 23 - God is my refuge. I need to take some time out with Him alone. Beth Moore said, "You know when you're empty when you can't get enough." Once your heart is broken, you're never the same. God esteems the brokenhearted. He is more than willing to bind up the brokenhearted - it's what He came to do. We're not bothering Him when we let him into our brokenness. He came to do exactly that. That was His mission - to deliver us, to be our refuge, to free us, to bind up our brokenness. The word "bind" is like a medical term for tourniquet. It hurts, but it does what it's supposed to do for the healing.
Be blessed!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Had some great quality time with an eternal sister this morning and was reminded of so many lessons that I've learned but am not abiding in. No condemnation, just desire to abide and stay as close to Jesus as long as possible!
I'm reminded about loving fearlessly. I have to sit back and laugh as it was exactly a year ago that God and I were wrestling with this. The match continues and thank goodness God is winning! http://quartzministry.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html and http://quartzministry.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html
So if I love fearlessly I get to enjoy love, which is the best picture of abundant life and freedom if I ever saw one! So here's to living and being in the moment ready to enjoy Jesus!
I'm reminded about loving fearlessly. I have to sit back and laugh as it was exactly a year ago that God and I were wrestling with this. The match continues and thank goodness God is winning! http://quartzministry.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html and http://quartzministry.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html
So if I love fearlessly I get to enjoy love, which is the best picture of abundant life and freedom if I ever saw one! So here's to living and being in the moment ready to enjoy Jesus!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Multitude Monday
#106 - #120
106. Dancing with my littlest guy
107. God reminding me, while I'm dancing with my little guy, that when I try to take over or lead the dance the dancing stops... just like dancing with Jesus.
108. When God invites you to be a part of what He's doing by laying someone on your heart and all you can do is pray. You don't know circumstances, needs, etc. Then you learn the story and what God is up to. Wow - humbling and awesome!
109. Being able to laugh at the attacks of the enemy.
110. Swimming with the boys at our neighbor's house
111. Dinner by the pool with the boys at our neighbor's house
112. Great fellowship with a new friend and the anticipation of what God will do with this friendship.
113. Hearing the question of a child, "When is Jesus coming back?"
114. the anticipation of God's work at Battle Ready Men's Retreat
115. giggles and flirty smiles
116. safety patrols at the parent pick-up line at school
117. my job (and that Friday and Monday are days off!)
118. ice cream dates
119. Sermons that God uses to speak to you, meet you where you're at and give you hope.
120. Knowing that healing happens in the waiting. The great thing is that when healing happens in the waiting glory can only go to Jesus!

106. Dancing with my littlest guy
107. God reminding me, while I'm dancing with my little guy, that when I try to take over or lead the dance the dancing stops... just like dancing with Jesus.
108. When God invites you to be a part of what He's doing by laying someone on your heart and all you can do is pray. You don't know circumstances, needs, etc. Then you learn the story and what God is up to. Wow - humbling and awesome!
109. Being able to laugh at the attacks of the enemy.
110. Swimming with the boys at our neighbor's house
111. Dinner by the pool with the boys at our neighbor's house
112. Great fellowship with a new friend and the anticipation of what God will do with this friendship.
113. Hearing the question of a child, "When is Jesus coming back?"
114. the anticipation of God's work at Battle Ready Men's Retreat
115. giggles and flirty smiles
116. safety patrols at the parent pick-up line at school
117. my job (and that Friday and Monday are days off!)
118. ice cream dates
119. Sermons that God uses to speak to you, meet you where you're at and give you hope.
120. Knowing that healing happens in the waiting. The great thing is that when healing happens in the waiting glory can only go to Jesus!
Friday, September 3, 2010
A Season of Healing
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on our own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all." Prov. 3:5-7 Message Version
In Ecclesiastes 3:3, it says there is a time for healing. I'm on Day 16 of this Healing Journey for a wound that has burdened my heart for at least 3.5 years. I'm ready for the scar to be there instead of a scab. While I'm thankful for the journey, it's hard, uncomfortable, humbling, yet peaceful and refreshing.
This season of at least 30 days, I'm focusing on God and what He wants to show me. I learned this from a Beth Moore study - every message, every devotion, every song, everything shared, heard, etc. may point to healing of the particular wound you want delivery from.
Before I share what God has shown me over the last 2+weeks, I'm awakened to a new way of life. Although I may be focused on this one wound right now, I need healing every day because I need Jesus every day. So while now during this specific season, I'm expectant of what God is going to show me, how will he show up today, etc. Why don't I ask those questions every day? Why don't I expect him to show up every day? And how do I live that way while putting puzzles together with my boys or doing the dishes or commuting to the office? I love the paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-7. I've discovered that I think I'm being "super spiritual" by trying to figure out what God is up to in my life instead of enjoying Him being there, listening, dancing with Him and trusting Him. That last part is the hardest - the trusting Him. The great thing is that we have all of eternity to trust Him more!
What I've learned in my healing journey:
Day 1 - Had great worship with Travis Cottrell's "Jesus Saves", great fellowship with a friend and continue to be challenged by the book "Sacred Marriage". This week's chapter was on forgiveness.
Day 2 - "Family Life Today" radio program featured a couple who survived and thrived in spite of infidelity - learned a lot about marriage and communication in the conversation; my work situation - God is taking care of it.
Day 3 - What does healing look like? For me now with this wound: having the ability and courage to ask for what I want/need continuously regardless of the reaction/response each time. Also, read Ian the Berenstein Bears book about telling the truth. It said, "Trust can't be put back together." Guess it has to be re-built.
Day 4 - Jesus loves me and nothing can separate us. He is mine and I am His. He mourns with me. He turns mourning into praise. He set me free!
Day 5 - God loves to hear the sound of my voice in persistent prayer. Submit to God's sovereignty.
Day 6 - Psalm 107
Day 7 - Psalm 46 - Be still = surrender. Expectations - Jesus knew his 12 disciples wouldn't come through for him, but he loved them purposefully and passionately anyway. Look beyond my expectations. John 15:5 - It's all about Jesus!
Day 8 - WOW! Great message on Focus on the Family about unforgiveness and how it manifests itself in our lives/behavior. Distance = fear of being hurt again; rationalized as "protecting yourself" but in reality it leads to isolation and no intimacy (which was one of the things I'd been praying for - little did I know I was int he way!). God also revealed my fear - Trust Him through it! (the amazing thing - in my hand-written journal, the bottom of this page states the verse Psalm 37:4)! I did ask for forgiveness for using distance to protect myself, shared my 30-day journey of healing and got a simple earthly response. I heard Jesus say before I received the simple earthly response, "Give me your expectations." It was easier to take, still hurts, but looking to Him for strength!
Day 9 - It was a crazy day!
Day 10 - He is the vine and I am the branch. Be servant-hearted in marriage.
Day 11 - From "Sacred Marriage" - My servant-heartedness and selflessness (and cheerful attitude) have more to do with my relationship with Christ than my relationship with my husband. Also, remembered God has given me a new heart and that is how He sees me. The Christian walk isn't for wimps!
Day 12 - Remember that God's love for me is unconditional. The love I have for my husband should be unconditional - my expectations, needs and wants should not determine how much I love him.
Day 13 - Chuck Swindoll's message answered the "How do I do this?" Answer is Romans 12. Remember that pride and fear get in the way. Remember your roots.
Day 14 - Dancing! I was dancing with Ryan. he was standing on the changing table after bath time. I then picked him up and tried to dance with him while holding him. He wanted nothing to do with it (he wanted to go see daddy, play with this, read this book, etc.). Then it hit me - a picture of dancing with Jesus: If we let Him lead, it works and everyone enjoys it. But the minute I start to lead, the more distracted I get the more I don't want to dance. Hmmm! Also saw today how awesome it is to have God invite you into where He is already working and you have no idea!
Day 15 - The message for today appears to be humility; putting others before yourself. Also a lot about hope. "Life is falling down and getting back up all the way to Heaven." - from David Jeremiah message.
Day 16 - Have to say it's the focus thing and living it out every day, every moment.
Be blessed!!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
In Ecclesiastes 3:3, it says there is a time for healing. I'm on Day 16 of this Healing Journey for a wound that has burdened my heart for at least 3.5 years. I'm ready for the scar to be there instead of a scab. While I'm thankful for the journey, it's hard, uncomfortable, humbling, yet peaceful and refreshing.
This season of at least 30 days, I'm focusing on God and what He wants to show me. I learned this from a Beth Moore study - every message, every devotion, every song, everything shared, heard, etc. may point to healing of the particular wound you want delivery from.
Before I share what God has shown me over the last 2+weeks, I'm awakened to a new way of life. Although I may be focused on this one wound right now, I need healing every day because I need Jesus every day. So while now during this specific season, I'm expectant of what God is going to show me, how will he show up today, etc. Why don't I ask those questions every day? Why don't I expect him to show up every day? And how do I live that way while putting puzzles together with my boys or doing the dishes or commuting to the office? I love the paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-7. I've discovered that I think I'm being "super spiritual" by trying to figure out what God is up to in my life instead of enjoying Him being there, listening, dancing with Him and trusting Him. That last part is the hardest - the trusting Him. The great thing is that we have all of eternity to trust Him more!
What I've learned in my healing journey:
Day 1 - Had great worship with Travis Cottrell's "Jesus Saves", great fellowship with a friend and continue to be challenged by the book "Sacred Marriage". This week's chapter was on forgiveness.
Day 2 - "Family Life Today" radio program featured a couple who survived and thrived in spite of infidelity - learned a lot about marriage and communication in the conversation; my work situation - God is taking care of it.
Day 3 - What does healing look like? For me now with this wound: having the ability and courage to ask for what I want/need continuously regardless of the reaction/response each time. Also, read Ian the Berenstein Bears book about telling the truth. It said, "Trust can't be put back together." Guess it has to be re-built.
Day 4 - Jesus loves me and nothing can separate us. He is mine and I am His. He mourns with me. He turns mourning into praise. He set me free!
Day 5 - God loves to hear the sound of my voice in persistent prayer. Submit to God's sovereignty.
Day 6 - Psalm 107
Day 7 - Psalm 46 - Be still = surrender. Expectations - Jesus knew his 12 disciples wouldn't come through for him, but he loved them purposefully and passionately anyway. Look beyond my expectations. John 15:5 - It's all about Jesus!
Day 8 - WOW! Great message on Focus on the Family about unforgiveness and how it manifests itself in our lives/behavior. Distance = fear of being hurt again; rationalized as "protecting yourself" but in reality it leads to isolation and no intimacy (which was one of the things I'd been praying for - little did I know I was int he way!). God also revealed my fear - Trust Him through it! (the amazing thing - in my hand-written journal, the bottom of this page states the verse Psalm 37:4)! I did ask for forgiveness for using distance to protect myself, shared my 30-day journey of healing and got a simple earthly response. I heard Jesus say before I received the simple earthly response, "Give me your expectations." It was easier to take, still hurts, but looking to Him for strength!
Day 9 - It was a crazy day!
Day 10 - He is the vine and I am the branch. Be servant-hearted in marriage.
Day 11 - From "Sacred Marriage" - My servant-heartedness and selflessness (and cheerful attitude) have more to do with my relationship with Christ than my relationship with my husband. Also, remembered God has given me a new heart and that is how He sees me. The Christian walk isn't for wimps!
Day 12 - Remember that God's love for me is unconditional. The love I have for my husband should be unconditional - my expectations, needs and wants should not determine how much I love him.
Day 13 - Chuck Swindoll's message answered the "How do I do this?" Answer is Romans 12. Remember that pride and fear get in the way. Remember your roots.
Day 14 - Dancing! I was dancing with Ryan. he was standing on the changing table after bath time. I then picked him up and tried to dance with him while holding him. He wanted nothing to do with it (he wanted to go see daddy, play with this, read this book, etc.). Then it hit me - a picture of dancing with Jesus: If we let Him lead, it works and everyone enjoys it. But the minute I start to lead, the more distracted I get the more I don't want to dance. Hmmm! Also saw today how awesome it is to have God invite you into where He is already working and you have no idea!
Day 15 - The message for today appears to be humility; putting others before yourself. Also a lot about hope. "Life is falling down and getting back up all the way to Heaven." - from David Jeremiah message.
Day 16 - Have to say it's the focus thing and living it out every day, every moment.
Be blessed!!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
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