Sunday, February 27, 2011

Counting still - #708 - #729

Philippians 4:6-7 - Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.  (The Message)

708.  the colors that God has created for our eyes to feast upon
709.  how each flower displays His creativity, attention to details and unique ability to individualize each of His creations.  Stunning!

710.  how His sacred echo follows you all day long splashing it on others sometimes too
711.  Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints and samoas especially)
712.  a tall glass of cold milk
713.  a surprise phone call from a dear sister
714.  pictures around the farm that remind me of God's stories
715.  that I must be carefully reminded that my heart can be hard as a rock and grow nothing.  But oh how wonderful it is when my obedience keeps my heart soft, moldable and teachable.

716.  We can't be like the one stalk of corn here.  We need one another to grow and prosper.
717.  While the house looks sound and livable here, up close and inside it isn't safe.

718.  Storing up treasures in Heaven!
719.  Watching my big boy son compete well on the court - making baskets, rebounds, steals and much more!  Most importantly, he had lots of fun!
720.  Upward Awards night!
720.  Savored phone calls to Grandma
721.  Letting the tears fall unexpectedly as, "I can only imaging" plays on the radio
722.  Learning that the same song was on the radio when my husband went to his mom and dad's home the night his mom went to be with Jesus.
723.  disposable diapers
724.  clothes hangers
725.  ceiling fans
726.  a husband who takes pride in our yard and does the work to keep it up
727.  a wee one who is asking lots of good questions and repeating every last word that is heard
728.  John Deere tractors and combines

728.  the goodness of earning vacation days and looking forward to the opportunity to take them!
729.  what we can learn from children - He wants us to come to Him like that!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Still Counting - #684 -

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.  3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.  Psalm 1: 1-3

684. That my sweet Grandpa lived as a Psalm 1 man!
685.  The way my Grandpa adored my Grandma and she adored him.  Pure sweetness!
686.  "Hold each other close and put God in the middle." -- marriage advice my Grandpa gave my cousin
687.  A field with a blanket made of hundreds of white geese heading to their northern home
688.  Ice covered ponds preparing to melt

689.  Sunrises that remind you that God makes things new every morning because your life has entered a new phase.

690.  The thrill of seeing big tractors and combines on the family farm.
691.  Remembering that there is so much more to farming than just planting the seed.  Today's farmer must be involved in the chemistry, science, economics, technology, production, marketing and so much more of the farming business.
692.  A sister road trip to IL full of fun and great conversation
693.  That my Grandma displayed the strength of the Jesus who now holds her hand, as my Grandpa once did.
694.  The purity and sweetness of a small community church family
695.  The celebration of a life that went on for hours and I know continues in Heaven
696.  Flowers and plants from friends and businesses to celebrate His life
697.  His favorite hymns - "It is well with my soul", "Victory in Jesus", "In the Garden" and more
698.  His favorite verses - Romans 8:26-29
699.  Discovering poems he'd written that no one knew about
700.  The wisdom etched on the pages of his Bible that went with his earthly body.

701.  The wheat that was symbolic of his profession and his life for Jesus - etched on his casket and planted with the dirt
702.  A husband who was willing to serve me by staying home with the boys
703.  Beyond the Sunset
704.  Precious prayer time as a family
705.  Seeing younger cousins grow up to be great Godly men like their dad and Grandpa!
706.  the privilege of savoring the moment
707.  that I was able to take some more fun pictures that I'll share during next week's counting!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Multitude Monday - #664 - #683

664. - Surrender - 2/7/11
665. -  Everyone Needs Healing - 2/8/11
666.  that God is bigger than this
667.  sharing the One Thousand Gifts with others!
668.  trusting Him again after being derailed by doubt.  It's good to be back on track!
669.  sharing Jesus with a Jewish friend.  She's almost ready!
670.  the elder being a good example
671.  the wee one saying, "I see you!!" with an amazingly varied inflection as he peaks through his art project of a lady bug with 2 eyes attached to a Popsicle stick.
672.  a date night with my hubby
673.  that I know my grandpa is with Jesus
674.  that Grandpa is now holding my sweet Aunt Nancy Jean who went from life in the womb to life in Heaven.
675.  Memories:  how grandma and grandpa were always touching:  holding hands, hand on the other's knee, arms locked, etc.
676.  Memories:  the way he looked at her with love overflowing
677.  Memories:  riding in the car with grandpa and grandma; seeing flashing blue lights in the back window.  Grandpa says, "Oh dear!  What do I do?"  Grandma says, "Well, I think you need to pull over."
678.  Memories:  that he always went somewhere with a cap on his head that he affectionately referred to as "his lid"
679.  Memories:  how he loved Jesus!
680.  God's amazing irony of how sorrow and joy can co-exist
681.  The promise that he turns mourning to dancing
682.  remembering the importance of savoring the moment
683. anticipation of a sister road trip!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Multitude Monday - #635 - #553

635.  You are the one!
636.  writing napkin notes for the elder's lunch box
637.  when he decides to write back!

638.  Hearing the boys say "I love you" to one another
639.  Hearing the boys say "I love you" to us
640.  Knowing order matters to God
641.  Considering that even the Creator of the Universe is concerned about the minute detail of the songs I will listen to on the radio while patiently waiting in the elementary school pick-up line.  Heard "Dancing in the Minefields" and "No Matter What".  I just looked up smiled and giggled.
642. - it's pretty fun!
643.  Playing "ring around the rosies" with the boys which, of course, ends with the boys falling on me!
644.  being brave enough to color my hair with color in a box
645.  listening to my dear husband as he disciplines the elder - so thoughtful, kind, yet firm and thought provoking (at least we hope so!)
646.  that the elder is thankful for swinging on the swings.  Why?  Because it's fun and scary at the same time!
647.  Celebrating life - the wee one turned 2!
648.  Realizing and confessing that I need to have more self-discipline/self-control when it comes to my schedule
649. That my dear husband and I are studying Hosea (he's teaching it in Sunday School).  Funny thing is I made that part of my book outline back in November.  God has it all planned out!
650.  antibiotics for the wee one
651.  the adventure of getting the antibiotics into the wee one's mouth
652.  a day off to celebrate family
653. much needed rain
654.  a rose bush that won't die (not that I want it to - it's just amazing that it keeps sprouting new growth).
655. getting to splash Jesus' love on 3 clients in one day - Now that's having fun at work!
656.  that my dear husband would drive 25+ miles in the rain in an un-air-conditioned car with a toddler to help me get my keys because I locked them in the car.  He must really love me!
657.  a good solid afternoon nap on a rainy, chilly afternoon
658.  the unmistakable roar of US military jets practicing in the dreary, cloudy skies above
659.  singing to Jesus, not just singing about him
660.  getting lost int he counting
661.  learning that when Jesus fed the 5,000 He first took the little that was there and gave thanks then made more than enough.  (Thanks, Ann! She mentions this in her new book One Thousand Gifts.)
662.  "The eneies to a great life are not tragedy, heartbreak and hard times.  The enemy of having a great life is to simply lead a good life."  Lysa TerKeurst in What Happens When Women Walk in Faith
663. the solution that scrubs the protein off my foggy contact lenses so I can see clearly again