Sunday, March 27, 2011

Endless counting - #785 - #808

Philippians 4:8-9:  8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
What responsibility. What privilege.  What joy. What truth.  What a challenge.  What growth.  What a God!

785.  Remembering to have FUN!
786.  Laughing about the sacred echo of FUN  (thanks, t)
787.  the check of living from the inside out
788.  the car shopping adventure
789.  A celebrant is the one keeping her eyes on Jesus and His perfect sacrifice — precisely because she isn’t perfect
790.  sharing in the gratitude of others
791.  Rest and refreshment
792.  The possibility of walking with some  younger ladies a walk that may be transformational!
793.  A sacred echo question answered and how it brought me to my knees and I'm reminded He is enough!
794.  blue jays munching on some bird seed in our back yard
795.  words fitting together for a marriage mission statement and a mommy mission statement
796.  the boys being so sleepy that they are silly with laughter - oh the sounds of innocent belly laughs!
797.  finding a better deal
798.  old-new; death-life; Adam-Jesus; Eve-Mary
799.  celebrating with a friend's experience of witnessing God's amazing grace and healing in her heart, her husband and her marriage!
800.  enjoying hearing and seeing older boy love's imagination in high gear!
801.  Hearing the wee one seeing "We will, We will rock you" spontaneously
802.  new car smell
803.  re-learning to trust my husband love
804.  God softening my heart
805.  amazing worship - "I am yours, set apart for you"
806.  holding hands with husband love at church while praying and being led in worship
807.  hand written notes being exchanged between older boy love and best friend down the street
808.  phone calls and text messages between sister-friends

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Endless Counting - #766 -#784

Philippians 4:5-6 :  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

766.  The thought and comfort that the Lord is near.
767.  the gift of a sunrise over the river nestled behind the oak trees
768. the rush of joy that came with singing "Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name"
769.  the honor and responsibility of being a mentor without knowing that's what you are
770.  the sweetness of the robin's nest of eggs from a friend who is counting alongside
771.  the trust of a sister-friend
772.  the excitement of my sister's adventure and that I get to play a small part in the big adventure
773.  the diligence of my husband love
774.  the wee one's words - "idunno"  and "boogie all gone"
775.  thankful that the wee one's boogie isn't all gone!
776.  oldest boy love's enthusiasm for Spring Break
777.  oldest boy love's desire to bring a Bible to Sunday School
778.  the boys' excitement of seeing "DinoAlive" at the zoo.  What fun - animatronic dinos!
779.  exploring "The New Eve" 
780.  Great sister-friends who help me stand when I'm tired.  Thanks for holding me up!  (Tobitha, Kara, Traci, Tracy, Kelly and Christa)
781.  Long awaited answers to prayers - a baby for a couple who has waited; continued good check-ups on a 6-year-olds heart and many more
782.  Hearing about joy through thanksgiving and being able to know it!
783.  the joy in inviting others to count
784.  that we are the daughters of Sarah (1 Peter 3:1-6) - I love verse 6!!

Be bold! Be brave! Be you!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

counting to overflowing - #749 - #765

749.  That pain has a purpose
750.  a dear sister sharing this quote: "Expectations are pre-meditated resentments."
751.  the security of knowing you're loved
752.  the struggle; wrestling with God and knowing that you'll know Him so much more when the wrestling match is done.
753.  surprises
754.  waterproof mascara
755.  the joy in being asked
756.  the joy in serving, especially when you discover that you didn't even know that's what you were doing
757.  hard questions asked in truth and in love
758.  being ok with not knowing the answer
759.  the journey of seeking the answer
760.   flexibility
761.  Jesus Lover of My Soul - and there is no end!!
762.  learning that the most mentioned command in God's word is "Fear not."
763.  Freedom and Truth -
764.  Toilets and sinks that work as they should
765.  the good thing about being sick is that you get to rest

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Savoring the Moment

1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to savor.  Most of the time when I hear that word it makes me think of food:  something so delicious that you don't want the flavor to end.  So from our friends at, I learned that savor is both a noun and a verb.  I can already tell I'm leaning more towards the verb!  It means: 

: to have a specified smell or quality : smack
1: to give flavor to : season
2a : to have experience of : taste
  b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish
  c : to delight in : enjoy

I must say I love those words:  season, taste, relish, enjoy.  Isn't that what we're supposed to do with life - every day life? 

Remembering the first time I really started paying attention to this word, "savor".  It was 9/11/01.  I couldn't help thinking about the words that were said, the kisses and hugs given and received not knowing they would be their last earthly experiences with those they loved.  I think of my sweet grandma who kissed my wonderful grandpa good-bye in his hospital room so she could go to my aunt's to take a nap.  It was their last.  I think of dreams dreamt and little things said and done that won't be anymore here on earth.  This is the everyday life that is to be savored; the life of 1 Timothy 6:17 that God provides for our enjoyment. 

So how do you find joy in the middle of suffering, sorrow and craziness?  You slow down, savor and count the blessings.  This counting of blessings really is transformational.  Sometimes I regress, but for the most part I see it as a daily adventure to see how God is going to show up each day in my life. 

So here's to savoring the life we've been given.  May we enjoy, relish and taste life the way our Creator intended:  fully, abundantly and fearlessly.

Love you!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

blessed to keep counting - #730 - #748

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed. Isaiah 54:10

730.  God's protection when glass shatters in a car accident
731.  God's provision now that we will be considering another vehicle
732.  Knowing that He is my shield and strength
733.  The anticipation of a ladies retreat
734.  The smell of rubber, fuel and smoke as mustangs race to beat themselves and one another
735.  a sister who loves being an aunt, babysitter and amazing daughter of the king
736.  dogwoods blossoming
737.  how God put my Grandma's birthday present together just for her!
738.  how God gives exceedingly beyond what we ask or imagine
739.  learning how the counting is transforming others along the way
740.  race cars with jet engines and the wonder on my husband's and oldest boy love's faces
741.  divine pauses
742.  A Pastor who shares from the heart
743.  realizing that I needed to hear that God loves me and then taking some time to receive that amazing love
744. His grace overflowing
745.  Being overwhelmed and humbled by His grace
746.  rental cars
747.  insurance
748.  moms that have gone before you and share their wisdom