858. goosebumps and worship
859. A great song with a great story
860. Just plain worship!
861. the boys begging for more tickle-time
862. visits from Mom and Tom
863. celebrating birthdays of family and friends
864. the ultimate rescue
865. Resurrection Eggs
866. the joy of a pre-school Sunday School teacher friend so enjoying seeing her class members truly worship Jesus. She expresses it in tears. One of her students cups her face in her small hands and says, "It's OK, Jesus is alive!"
867. My wee one standing up after a diaper change singing "stand up, stand up for Jesus, soldiers of the cross"
868. the pure fun and adventure of the boys chasing birds on the patio at a restaurant
869. victory, hope and healing that only Jesus can give!
870. my husband love is a great Sunday School teacher and all the work he puts into preparing
871. prayers prayed by elder boy love on his own
872. seeing old friends who were visiting
873. re-connecting with a sister-friend twice this week