952. date night with my husband love
953. Aunt Traci babysitting the boys
954. Improvements and more hope for a baby in the NICU
955. family reunions
956. 3-day weekends
957. Dairy Queen ice cream
958. That God can turn darkness to light
959. That God shows up on the scene with just the message needed! I was in tears, knowing that I was in battle. Turned on the radio at teh end of my prayer and He has David Jeremiah's message about putting on the armor of God (specifically the shield of faith). I had "church' in the parking lot of the meeting place!
960. God's answered prayer - Just asked him to deliver Women's Ministry to me the way He wanted on Monday. On Wednesday, got an e-mail from my Pastor to be the church's Women's Ministry Director. WOW!
961. remembering the difference between punishment and discipline
962. The wee one explaining to big brother that "I not the baby.... I not the kid... I the brother!"
963. The oldest son love's sweet remarks, "Mom, I wouldn't trade you for anything!"
964. The thought of Heaven and what our senses will be like! Imagine... seeing things more beautiful than we can describe, hearing sounds more clearly and beautifully than ever before, tasting the foods at the feast more spectacularly, touching things that are softer than we ever remembered, the scent of holiness all around! WOW!