Sunday, June 26, 2011

BBB - Blessed Beyond Belief - #1013 - #1030

3He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake.  Psalm 23:3

1013.  freshly cleaned teeth
1014.  lunch dates with girlfriends and Jesus
1015.  watching His will unfold
1016.  family visits
1017.  the boys enjoying picking out grandpa's birthday card
1018.  the boys running to one another to give a big hug
1019.  Vacation Bible School and all the people who serve God to make it happen
1020.  the love of sisters that will join me in prayer to help another sister stand
1021.  a great talk with husband love
1022.  answers straight from the Word
1023.  test, testimony, trust
1024.  dancing
1025.  pictures in my head that lead me to be more intimate with Jesus
1026.  the sound of rain gently falling on the roof
1027.  the breeze that comes before the rain
1028.  hugs for friends
1029.  honesty and the bravery and courage that go with it
1030.  Psalm 23 - taught by Beth Moore - WOW! 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Counting #1004 - #1012

1004.  the sound of a sister saying, "Eucharisteo" and what it did to my heart.
1005.  the boys saying to one another, "You're the best brother"
1006.  watching the boys hugging their dad and hearing them say "You're the best dad ever"
1007.  walking through life with sisters who invited me in
1008.  Saturday afternoon naps
1009.  when Cinderella-style cleaning is done!
1010.  celebrating my husband's fatherhood!
1011.  much needed rain
1012.  the prophet Haggai's wise words

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wisdom, whimsy and wonder and counting - #980 - #1003

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.  Ephesians 2:10

980.  An amazing sister-friend's love, care, availability and willingness to ask the hard questions - even when it hurts both of us.  She is so beautifully radiant.  Her dedication to pray for things I mentioned months ago humbles me beyond words.  Thank you, Jesus for the special gift of her and how you use her to sharpen me!
981.  The excitement of the Global Day of Prayer and more importantly, the 90-days of transformation that will follow.
982.  The wisdom found in the wee one - he was playing a video game with his dad.  he didn't move his plane around, just shot his weapons when he felt like it.  When his plane was destroyed, his reaction was "try again" and the next plane appeared, since he gets 3 planes for this game.  Oh, how I want to look at my life and my mistakes that way.  Adorable picture of grace!  Thank you, Jesus for letting us "try again".
983.  The joy of discovering believers in my midst at work - clients, social media, etc.
984.  The way God uses a song to remind me of my wedding day - heard it twice this week!
985.  Hearing joy in my grandma's voice again.  She was speaking of watching a 3-month-old little girl - pure joy in coos, unconditional love, bright eyes and dimples!
986.The great reminder of this post (thank you, Ann!  I married one of those men of few words too!) -
987.  Sweet Aunt Traci having a fun slumber party with the boys on a Saturday night!
988.  Morning prep for worship - sooo quiet!
989.  Sermons about dreams and how God gives them so He can answer them!
990.  Jesus has constant intercession for us (Hebrews 7:24-25) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
991. God is always orchestrating our life.  Do we recognize His activity?  - question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
992.  Referenced Moses and the rod he held in his hand.  What do we hold in our hand that if released unconditionally God could use?  question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
993.  Probable thoughts from Jesus to the disciples, "There's nothing wrong with you fishing, but if you keep fishing in the presence of God, you need to repent." - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
994.  By spending more time in prayer (both speaking and listening), I become more trustworthy to God. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
995.  Let God let me know what is on His heart (Matthew 26:38) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
996.  Note that Jesus didn't wake the disciples up the second time he came back from praying in the Garden.  Are there times when I've fallen asleep and I missed something because I was sleeping and he didn't wake me up?  nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
997.  Jesus' soul is sorrowful, next to death during this prayer time.  Do you sense the eternal destiny of people around you?  - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby

998.  The power, example and responsibility of those in leadership roles (pastors, leaders, CEOs, husbands/dads, etc.) is such that your prayer life is a pace setter for others.  Do you take people with you when you pray?  Be aware of the intensity of your leader's prayer life. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby

999.  Christ can't live out His life in you without you having the same prayer life as Jesus!  nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby

1000.  Would my children like to pattern their life after mine because of what they see in me?  nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby

1001.  That the counting, wisdom and spiritual growth continues!
1002.  The sweet way the wee one love is starting to sing "Jesus Loves Me" before bed.
1003.  The kindness of big brother love trying to console the wee one love when his treasured bear decides to have a slumber party at church.  Pure sweetness!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

counting gratefully - #964 - #979

Colossians 3:15-16:  15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

964.  While praying good night prayers, the wee one adds in what he's thankful for from the day!
965.  The wee one at bedtime, "Bear, there are no more pages in our book.  Oh, bear, don't cry.  I love you!  It's ok.  It's just night-night."
966.  How the older boy love just wants to talk or play go-fish before bed.
967.  True friends
968.  How my older boy love loves play dates and socializing with friends.
969.  "Summer Lovin'" from Grease turned into the Kindergarten graduation song - "Kindergarten, it happened so fast!  Kindergarten, we had a blast!"
970.  Heads bobbing to Jamz-Worship while driving to church
971.  My sister's amazing servant heart
972.  High school graduations and the excitement they bring
973.  haircuts
974.  the laugh that I get when I try to style my hair the way my stylist did when I got it cut!
975.  that I have a job to go to every day
976.  parents willing to volunteer in the pre-school ministry
977.  watching the boys water the flowers and wondering who is getting wet more - the flowers or the boys!
978.  re-reading great books
979.  when I catch myself with a song in my head and realize that it's a song that leads me to Jesus!