1169. the sweetness of "Jesus Loves Me"
1170. snuggling with the wee one and praying for him to have sweet dreams
1171. chains falling as I remember that He is my Provider
1172. chains falling as I remember that He is the Lover of My Soul
1173. chains falling as I remember that He is my Comforter and the purpose behind that comfort
1174. discipleship
1175. the older boy love learning and starting at a new position - center
1176. listening to wee one love cheering on his big brother so passionately
1177. that waiting upon the Lord really means serving Him while He is being the Sovereign God He is!
1178. "God doesn't ask me to be perfect. He asks me to praise." (Thanks, Ann!)
1179. breezes blowing through the trees and cooling off the bright warm sun
1180. On the way to church, older boy love says, "God created a beautiful earth." We proceed to talk about how creative God is in how he made so many different trees, flowers, people, animals, etc. Then my sister says the same thing to me before worship. Can you say sacred echo?!
1181. Confirmations on callings
1182. friends who willingly extend grace
1183. learning from the past
1184. remembering that life isn't about my happiness, but my holiness
1185. a meaningful "I love you" said by my sweet husband love
1186. stretching and being stretched
1187. the comfort of Psalm 34