1229. The excitement of the elder boy love's desire to have a real Bible - not just a storybook one.
1230. Catching up with a friend
1231. Getting my cell number back!
1232. Enjoying 5 straight days of not being at work!
1233. A date day with my husband love to scope out some Christmas presents.
1234. My sweet caring sister - she's amazing!
1235. A plain, simple, good, strong, message this am! Way to go, Pastor David!
1236. The excitement of my Grandma's trip to FL!
1237. learning more about Improv (short for improvise) - Use "Yes, And" statements, try not to use your first 3 ideas - go deeper, the ideas get better!
1238. Football Fever Fun!
1239. The elder boy's draft call for his Upward team! Great coach!
1240. the cool breeze
1241. the joy of seeing the elder boy love master tree climbing
1242. The wee one saying, "Mom, I soo love you!"
1243. effort sometimes means more than the outcome
1244. Remembering that He is the vine and I am the branch. It is really about HIM!