Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 - Awaken

I've been on a journey with God over the last couple of years.  Instead of making New Year's Resolution's that I rarely keep, God gives me a theme for the year.  It's been so interesting to see what He has taught me and it is a bit easier for me to see what He may be up to in my life.

2011 was the year of Living Victoriously.  It truly was.  I discovered areas of freedom that I didn't even know I needed.

2012 was the year of Passionate Pursuit.  While the first half of the year was invigorating and definitely lived up to what I thought the theme should look like.  The latter part of the year left me with more questions than answers.  What does passionate pursuit of Him look like?  So He gets glory?  When no one else is watching?

The thing that I love about what He's doing with these themes is He's building.  He's basically rebuilding me into the woman He's already made me to be.  He's just revealing that woman to me in doses that I can take when I need them.

So looking forward to 2013, through prayer and much confirmation over the last couple of weeks, the theme is Awaken.  While my first thought, was "God, I thought I was awake..." I had to live victoriously and fight the condemnation that came with that ugly thought from my enemy.  Then I had to passionately pursue His word and discover what He had in store.  This is where He is leading me...

Romans 13:11-14 (The Message) - But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work he began when we first believed. We can’t afford to waste a minute, must not squander these precious daylight hours in frivolity and indulgence, in sleeping around and dissipation, in bickering and grabbing everything in sight. Get out of bed and get dressed! Don’t loiter and linger, waiting until the very last minute. Dress yourselves in Christ, and be up and about!

Ephesians 5:13-15 (The Message) - Don’t waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are. It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ.
Wake up from your sleep,
Climb out of your coffins;Christ will show you the light!
So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!

"The only way to rip out the tape of self-rejection is listening to the song of His serenade.  Because as C.S. Lewis adamantly argued, the most fundamental thing is not how we think of God, but rather what God thinks of us.  How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important.  Giving thanks awakens to a God giving Himself."  --- Ann Voskamp (Dec. 22, God in the Moment - One Thousand Gifts Daily Calendar)

Song - Awaken by Natalie Grant -  

"Awake" in the King James version of the above verses have great meaning in the Greek.  Egeiro (eg-i-ro) simply means any of the following (and all fit for this year's theme!):
rouse (literally from sleep, from sitting or lying, from disease, from death, or figuratively from  obscurity, inactivity, ruins and nonexistence), rise, raise, arise, raise up, rise up, rise again, raise again, awake, lift up, rear up, arise, stand, take up.  

I'm in the midst of reading "Lioness Arising" by Lisa Bevere.  (it is a great and challenging read!)  One of the chapters is titled, "Dangerously Awake".  Here are some key points I took away from that chapter...

  • "There's nothing more dangerous than being in the presence of lions when they are fully awake."
  • Unfortunately we often live as tranquilized Christians, sedated by the day-to-day
  • "Be up and awake to what God is doing!"
  • "I have no idea what all this (the wake-up process in Christian women) may look like once we are fully awake, but I'm pretty sure we will look dangerous in teh dark and glorious in the light."
  • "I have come to believe that the expression of a fierce, wild lioness of a Christian woman is yet to be defined."
  • "A how-to, step-by-step Christianity leaves us void of much of the mystery of God. So this is not a how-to message.  I want you awakened - to rise up a lioness and walk in your unique expression of what that means.  Only you and God can define what that lioness will look like when she is fully awake in you."
  • "God did not save you to tame you."
Looking forward to what He has in store for 2013 and discovering the new ways I will learn to give Him glory.  
Happy 2013 to you!  Praying you experience His presence like never before!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heart beats

Today I'm thankful for heart beats...

Heart beats of my children
Heart beats of my husband love
Heart beats of my mom and sister
Heart beats of my family
Heart beats that show His love to others
Heart beats that just beat so we know we're alive
Heart beats that truly live - adventurously, boldly, bravely
Heart beats that are humbled because of the sovereignty of the Only One True God.
Heart beats that have accepted the eternal promise that Christ so freely gives
Heart beats that hurt because pain has purpose which means that life is never easy, but it's worth it
Heart beats that allow God to transform my broken beating heart to one that forgives like His.
Heart beats that beat together with His
Heart beats that break for the lost, shed tears with the hurting and love no matter what.
Heart beats that remember the truth
Heart beats that remind you of what's important
Heart beats that keep you focused on His plans, not our own.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Simple Thanks

you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5

Thankful for...

  • family coming to visit
  • Aunt T working so hard on nephew's birthday cake
  • the excitement and anticipation of everything birthday
  • Reminiscing about the elder's birth
  • Listening to the wee one sing about our Savior's birth
  • a business trip
  • learning on the job to do the job better
  • seeing others' thankful hearts
  • time to dig into His word
  • time to listen to some great Bible study
  • the feeling of refreshment after getting clean and reconnected to the Father
  • missionary hearts and servants
  • the honor of fighting along side other believers
Praying for a great week of remembering that Peace is a Person and that person is Jesus!  

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Simple things...

Thanking God for the simple things in life...

  • Honesty
  • Christmas lights
  • A wonderful husband who hangs the lights on our house
  • The look of wonder on the wee one's face when the house lights up
  • Christmas tree decorated and lit
  • Celebrating the manger scene and what it means
  • giggles and tickles
  • bear hugs
  • sweet kisses
  • walks down memory lane
Looking forward to a great week!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Celebrating so many things!

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Nehemiah 8:10


  • Great time with family counting our blessings
  • the sense of achievement at a thorough house cleaning
  • kindred sisters in God's family
  • a reassuring hug after a morning of battle
  • remembering that praise warriors are on the front line
  • fresh baked cookies
  • the way the house smells when good food is cookin'
  • football... football... football and some more football!  Good games, too!
  • 1st win at home for the Jags!
  • giggles from tickle time
  • fun at the park 
  • days with blue skies, no clouds and a breeze and chill in the air
  • fleece pj's
  • socks
  • park explores
  • meeting new friends (the graciousness of Mr. Jack and his dog Tanner for answering all kinds of questions from my boys)
  • sweet little boy snuggles
  • bedtime talks with my elder boy love
  • realizing that my elder boy love's birthday will be on the last perfect date of this century.  Pretty cool!
  • fish sitting for a neighbor
  • Anticipation of where God is leading for 2013!  Digging in to see more!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Overwhelmed.  I seem to use this word too often these days.  More often than not, I'm describing my schedule, my busyness and any of the other excuses I use to not be real, not be obedient, not let God mold me and teach me.

So now I return to the beauty of the multitude of gratitude humbly.  I remember how important it is to leave these pebbles of memories and thanks to keep my perspective.  My perspective isn't on the pebbles, but on the rock that gave them and made them:  My magnificent, amazing, indescribable, infinite Savior.  The list is simply to give God glory for more than the moment of the gift I've enjoyed, but to share it with others, for me to remember and ultimately to give Him glory continuously.

Christianity isn’t about growing good, it’s about growing grace-filled.  --Ann Voskamp

Continuing to count...

  • texts from sisters that speak truth to me
  • the sweetness of my boys.
  • my elder boy love's election involvement:  "If I were President, I would cut taxes from $100 to 1 cent."
  • my wee one love's snuggles
  • my wee one love's potty victories and facing his fears
  • my elder boy love's competitive spirit
  • my husband's thoughtfulness 
  • my husband's determination for us to enjoy a night away
  • how God met me during that night away
  • "He is with you" by Mandissa
  • an acceptable 1st mammagram
  • seeing the Jags fight in yet another OT
  • watching a sweet couple worshipping together, while they know that his days on this earth are few
  • cooler weather
  • blog posts that impacted me: - 11/13/12 post and 11/16/12 post;
  • Worshipping at the Aaron Shust and Big Daddy Weave concert
  • 2 Chron 20:17 "You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves...go out to FACE them." Not fighting it doesn't = not facing it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Matthew 5:3

Counting still...
  • Revisiting the beatitudes (Angela Thomas calls them the "when you are's")
  • Thanking Him that VJ has a signed contract and awaiting final approval!
  • Hugs and snuggles from my guys
  • The football player recovered a fumble! 
  • The wee one's pep talks to the football player:  "stay focused!" or "are you going to be the hammer or the nail?"
  • The wee one hitting some milestones - recognizing his name and wanting to go potty once and a while!
  • Husband love's thoughtfulness
  • A sweet sister who always gives
  • Opportunities to love
  • Opportunities to grow
  • Opportunities to hope and be a part of what He is doing!" target="_blank">
" >

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Learning and Training

Learning from my kids...

  • when you get knocked down, get right back up and go where the action is!
  • crying can turn into laughter
  • playing games is fun
  • sometimes all you need is a good snuggle
  • it's amazing what a quick prayer for a boo-boo will do!
  • playing with neighborhood friends is important business!

Training to know Him more...
  • committed to sharing my failures, so I accept the lack of perfection!
  • sharing victories with and from fellow Christ followers
  • savoring His gift of the Sabbath 
  • Remembering He is in control
  • His word meeting me right where I'm at
  • Songs that appear to have been written just for me and God!
  • messages that stir my heart

  • my husband
  • my boys
  • my sister, who often comes to my rescue!
  • vacation days

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Delighting in...

Romans 15:3-4:  For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.”[a] 4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

Him and Him alone...
  • His Word always challenging me
  • Devotions that speak to my thoughts that I've not spoken out loud, but He knows them
  • Hope that can only be found in Him
  • Strength that can only be found in Him
  • Joy that can only be given by Him and I get to choose to receive it
  • Love that surpasses my comprehension
  • His sovereignty amidst the chaos and senselessness of this world
  • The priviledge of praising Him.  One of my new faves:
  • Worship on the way home - When a teaching that I listened to, a devotion that I read and "I am redeemed" led me humbly to His throne
  • Miracles - baby Hayden is making progress more than any of the doctors thought he would.
How He has blessed me...
  • Washing my wedding ring and seeing how it sparkles when the light hits it.  Makes me think of marriage - when we let Him clean us (individually and as a couple) and let Him shine through, oh how it sparkles.
  • with ears to hear the giggles of boys being silly just because along with the patience to just smile when those giggles have no end in sight!
  • with eyes to see the joy on their faces when...
    • the wee one runs through the sprinkler
    • the elder gets his pads and helmet and wants to sleep in them and wear them all day long
    • the wee one has his first necessary "peeing outside" experience (boys!!)
    • the elder catches a great pass while playing a game of catch with his dad
  • a husband who really wants to do the right and best thing
  • with amazing friends who hold me accountable, don't judge me and challenge me to be more for Him. 
  • a Pastor willing to speak truth and be more like the first church rather than the church building
  • a sister that serves Him wholeheartedly.  Can't wait to see what His plans are for you!
  • with a job and many learning opportunities
So many things to count, I am blessed.  Thank you, Jesus!" target="_blank">" >

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Malachi 3:16-18 - Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.  17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.

Thankfully counting...
  • health of me and my family
  • God's provision and protection
  • sister's safe travels and Alaska mission trip adventure
  • how my sister lives out loud for Jesus
  • we all survived and thrived during VBS
  • God uses our life walk to minister to others
  • God uses others' experience to draw me nearer to Him and challenge me to be more viligant 
  • That some 5th and 6th grade girls now know what they have to do to know Jesus
Trusting Him and Pursuing His Plans for...
  • The Wood family and their battle against leukemia.  I so love how He has already answered specific requests and how he's transforming lives in the process.
  • Upcoming challenges He has given me.  Praying for obedience and patient endurance.
  • Walking through life with some very strong and brave women.  They so inspire me! (you know who you are!)
  • What He has in store for me at work.
Totally enjoying...
  • Ryan's conversation with me before bed one night, "Mom, do you know about the bad guys who put Jesus on the cross.  But Jesus is alive and He can live in our hearts so we can live in Heaven someday.  Do you think Spiderman has Jesus in his heart?  He has a spider over his heart, but maybe Jesus still can live there.  I really want Spiderman to have Jesus in his heart."
  • Ian asking some really good quesitons:  "Mom, why don't we just give the missionaries money so they have what they need instead of it being a contest between the girls and the boys?"
  • when Ian and Ryan get a case of the giggles
  • putting puzzles together
  • playing games together
  • playground fun
  • watching movies together for the trillionth time 
Jesus, thank you!  Please help me to learn and re-learn how to be content. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

  • Laughing more.  This is quite simple when my boys have a serious case of the giggles and keep saying "Whataburger" on our way to Chick-fil-A! 
  • Enjoying priceless moments - Ian says, "Man, it's hot out here!"  Ryan responds, "You got that right, brother!"  (you may have had to be there!)
  • Prayer
  • saying "no"
  • saying "yes" to what matters
  • enjoying what really matters
  • digging into God's word more

Passionately Pursuing...
  • Him
  • His plan
  • His Word
  • His voice
  • less legalism
  • less of me and what I want
  • sitting still and knowing that He is God
  • His forgiveness, grace and redemption
  • His answers to my questions
  • Less about accomplishment and more about how I accomplish it

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pondering and Counting


Pondering prayer
  •  Clear-mindedness and self-control make all the difference (1 Timothy 4:7)
  • Am I praying the request or the answer?
  • Asking the hard question - what is my motive for praying this?

Pondering self-control
  •   It's really be spirit-control
  •   It is a result (2 Peter 1:5) - Faith to goodness; goodness to knowledge; knowledge to self-control; self-control to perseverance; perseverance to godliness; godliness to brotherly kindness; brotherly kindness to love. 
  •  Ultimate result:  "you will never fall and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ."  WOW!

Savoring the moments...
  • just because phone call from my beloved hubby
  • hearing encouraging words from the wee one to his older bro
  • sweet bedtimes full of back pats/rubs, kisses and "got your nose"
  • stories from their perspective
  • the sound of rain and watching the ground soak it up instantly
  • family checking in

Simply thankful for...
  • a great pediatrician
  • antibiotics and the flavoring that goes in it!
  • people willing to pull together as a team
  • toe-stepping messages
  • seeing familiar stories in a new light; getting "the rest" of the story
  • Grace
  • Fernando Ortega and how his music calms me because of where it takes me... to the throne of Jesus


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thankfully counting

1427.  Goodness!  Hearing my wee one tell me he was too big for me to call him "sweetpea".
1428.  That I was challenged to be a world changer.
1429.  Hmmm - being a disciple is like being God's shadow.  Brings new perspective.
1430.  learning so much about prayer.
1431.  snuggles and hugs with my eldest
1432.  movie date night in with my honey!
1433.  the assurance that God gets me through no matter what!
1434.  the reminder of the importance of a thankful heart and how He uses it to transform me.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Counting One by One

Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

1411.  2 broken vessels delivering His messages to 37 women from 6 different churches... priceless!
1412.  The wonder of how the Spirit leads and moves.  All that is required is obedience.
1413.  That God gave me the picture of the lioness to share at the Ladies Retreat.  Tuesday of the next week, I get to see one up close!  She (the lioness) expressed this quiet, calm almost restful confidence about her.  Too cool!
1414.  Music that He uses to cut through all the stuff!
1415.  A Pastor that shares great messages!
1416.  Working out date night details
1417.  Sweet requests from the elder and the wee one.
1418.  The power of the question, "What is the truth?" and the impact it has on the elder, the wee one and dad and mom!
1419.  Chick-fil-A Leadercast (and the co-worker who paid for me to attend!)
1420.  That God grew me as a leader, gave me confirmations and grew my ministry vision!
1421.  My very brave, beautiful sister
1422.  Excitement of a live arena football game - Go Jacksonville Sharks!
1423.  the sound of thunder, in hopes that rain will be near sooner rather than later.
1424.  Prayer - the privilege, the passion, the point, the pilgrimage
1425.  Quote from the Leadercast - "The choices you make, make you."
1426.  thinking about what I have truly entrusted to Him and what He's entrusted me with - 2 Timothy 1:7-14

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Entering the 1400s

Numbers 23:24 - The people rise like a lioness; 
   they rouse themselves like a lion

1396.  football fever setting in (yes, it's early!)
1397.  safari style explores with my guys
1398.  the joy only a bounce house can bring
1399.  laughter at Popsicle stick jokes
1400.  how my husband love stood up for himself and for God's glory
1401.  sneaking hugs and kisses with my husband love
1402.  getting excited about the lioness - His church - rising up to be who He has called her to be!
1403.  sunshine with a great breeze blowing
1404.  that sister love got to jam-out to the Newsboys live
1405.  sweet bedtime snuggles
1406.  challenges that require more than what we've got
1407.  quality fun family time
1408.  the boys pretending to be hunting (they were the quietest they've ever been in the car!)
1409.  a rose picked by the wee one's sweet little hands and presented with pride and love
1410.  walking the road of life with sisters

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The empty tomb is the only reason that my emptiness can be filled by Jesus alone.

1385.  Seeing my wee one get excited about Easter and enthusiastically sharing, "Jesus is alive!"
1386.  football in the front yard
1387.  sweet sister time
1388.  perfect weather days
1389.  baking with my boys!
1390.  that redbox carries some good family flicks
1391.  the joy my husband love has with eating Cadberry eggs
1392.  the sovereignty of God
1393.  the sweetness that comes from my boys when they want it to
1394.  great lunch meeting with a customer who is also a sister
1395.  when details start coming together

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Exodus 6:6-8 -  6 “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment. 7 I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. 8 And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD.’”

1364.  breaking of the habit of running to other things rather than My Father first.
1365.  family fun time
1366.  laughter - the belly kind that just seems to go on and one
1367.  watching my boys sleep
1368.  cooking adventures with the boys
1369.  a good haircut
1370.  pounds going away
1371.  snuggles
1372.  the privileges of praying with friends through life's craziness
1373.  a good solid rain
1374.  being able to know that the battle is on and already knowing the enemy's strategy
1375.  Noticing that sometimes the Princess is already rescued, but the battle rages on
1376.  family adventure trips
1377.  the hope of the cross
1378.  the hope of the Resurrection
1379.  writing and where He led me!
1380.  everything I do can be worship, if I choose it!
1381.  reading through my feeble attempt at a prayer journal for my boys.
1382.  God's timing and divine appointments for "Picture This"
1383.  weather perfection
1384.  great messages through FOUR ZERO

Sunday, March 11, 2012

1351.  my boys learning about courage
1352.  the hope of rain
1353.  the wee one, "Momma, tell me about your work adventure."
1354.  the wee one, "Momma, I thought I lost you! I'm so glad you're home!"
1355.  the eldest choosing to be brave during his eyedrops for pink eye
1356.  the joy of ministry
1357.  worship
1358.  watching fun movies together
1359.  contentment revisited
1360.  freedom to be real
1361.  complete healing of thorns
1362.  an anniversary that passed without notice
1363.  walks to the park

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Glad to be counting again in the 1300s

Luke 23:34 -  Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[c] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

1334.  Hero - Detective David White (Clay County Sheriff's Officer killed in the line of duty.  Leaves behind a wife and 2 small children)
1335.  date with my husband love (thank you, sister for watching the boys!)
1336.  conscious effort to make healthier choices
1337.  the boys playing well together
1338.  the older boy love teaching the wee one how to do new things - especially football
1339.  the wee one saying, "the tackling dummy is hiding"
1340.  firemen that are willing to show my boys around the station, tour and sit in the trucks and even spray the fire hose.
1341.  surviving hard conversations
1342.  revived passion for what He's called me to
1343.  the stuff He has shown me for the ladies retreat!
1344.  Four Zero
1345.  a stirring conversation with mom
1346.  visit with my grandma, aunt and uncle
1347.  conversation when my mouth is moving, but the Holy Spirit is talking!
1348.  dreaming with my husband love
1349.  His provision
1350.  examples of trusting not trying

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Counting and Lovin' it! #1324 - #1333

John 14:1 - Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.
1324.  Much needed rain
1325.  a greeting from my wee one that sounds like I haven't seen him in years, when it was just a couple of hours.
1326.  playing Go Fish and Connect 4 with my elder boy love
1327.  unexpected blessings
1328.  teamwork
1329.  naptime - for others and me!
1330.  seeing elder boy love having fun on the basketball court
1331.  Bully: "You're a bully and you're not a good football player."  Elder Boy Love's response:  "You're not good at loving!"
1332.  prayer prep for Four Zero
1333.  the joy and awesomeness of witnessing a deaf woman come to Jesus and watching the signing as it happened

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Counting the 1300s

Earnestly by Tommy Walker 

This is eternal life that we can know
The God who carved out worlds unknown
That through His son He bids us come
Come and know His love
This is eternal life that we can seek
The God who meets our deepest need
Our hearts are restless ‘til we find
Our rest in this great King

Earnestly, desperately
We will follow hard to know You, Lord
This is eternal life that we can know
The God who shed His blood for us
With grateful hearts we stand in awe
And long to make Him known

There is a fire burning in our hearts
To truly know You as You are
So we will be the ones, the ones who never stop
Pursuing You and Your great love

We want to know, we want to know
We want to know You Lord and
We want to seek, we want to seek
We want to seek You Lord and
We want to find, we want to find
We want to find You Lord in
All of Your beauty and glory Lord

1301.  lunch with a sister and how she brightened my day!
1302.  the power of warfare prayer - thank you, Jesus!
1303.  worship that brings tears because I've met with Him
1304.  this pilgrimage - learning how much he loves me and better yet, how to receive His love.
1305.  the elder boy love praying on the armor of God before sleep
1306.  the wee one telling jokes
1307.  hugs from my husband love
1308.  customers who "sell" you without asking
1309.  an ego boost - just because
1310.  the joy of serving others and walking through life with  others
1311.  the excitement of starting Resolution For Women with 2 young ladies at the office
1312.  the excitement building for a ladies retreat
1313.  the challenges that "What Women Fear" is bringing
1314.  trusting Him more with more
1315.  watching great football games
1316.  leftovers - makes dinner really easy!
1317.  quiet ride to lunch because aunt Traci has the boys and is meeting us at the restaurant
1318.  playtime
1319.  playdates
1320.  friends who are here now
1321.  creation
1322.  big jets flying overhead making their presence known
1323.  scripture that calls for me to go deeper.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

simply counting

Colossians 2:2

Amplified Bible (AMP)
2[For my concern is] that their hearts may be [a]braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged) as they are knit together in love, that they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively [b]more intimately acquainted with and may know more definitely and accurately and thoroughly that mystic secret of God, [which is] Christ (the Anointed One).

1280. The humbleness that comes with a right heart when taking The Lord's Supper.
1281.  A video that portrays sacrifice - - January 15 entry.
1282.  Focus on the Family and their willingness to share the gospel during a football game -
1283.  Celebrating and praising with dear friends!  Praising that salvation came near and rescued her husband!  Baptism and transformation all at once!
1284.  Celebrating with a friend that has patiently waited for the wonder of being a mom.
1285.  Walking a hard road with another friend who has experienced setback after setback this week as it relates to the mission field and their quest for becoming parents, yet she wants to be relentlessly satisfied in Him.
1286.  What I think are crazy random thoughts that God starts to use to put things in motion to make them not so crazy, but maybe an adventure!
1287.  My older boy love wanting to snuggle.
1288.  My wee one boy love telling jokes.  The fun part is that he's the only one that gets them and he's the first to laugh!  His laugh is contagious!
1289.  Psalm 139 - His pursuit of us.  Discussion in today's Sunday School class that goes right along with my 2012 theme.  We are like a good movie that God wants to watch over and over again because He made it.  He know all there is to know about us and chooses to pursue us.
1290.  Discerning friends
1291.  dentists
1292.  cooking hot dogs at our fireplace and then roasting marshmallows for smores!  The boys loved it!
1293.  great football games
1294.  cold weather
1295.  running laps around the house and down the street because the wee one love just wanted to race.
1296.  welcome home hugs and kisses from my hubby!
1297.  surviving the first sleepover!
1298.  a day off of work
1299.  afternoon naps, whenever possible and for however long
1300.  warm socks