they rouse themselves like a lion
1396. football fever setting in (yes, it's early!)
1397. safari style explores with my guys
1398. the joy only a bounce house can bring
1399. laughter at Popsicle stick jokes
1400. how my husband love stood up for himself and for God's glory
1401. sneaking hugs and kisses with my husband love
1402. getting excited about the lioness - His church - rising up to be who He has called her to be!
1403. sunshine with a great breeze blowing
1404. that sister love got to jam-out to the Newsboys live
1405. sweet bedtime snuggles
1406. challenges that require more than what we've got
1407. quality fun family time
1408. the boys pretending to be hunting (they were the quietest they've ever been in the car!)
1409. a rose picked by the wee one's sweet little hands and presented with pride and love
1410. walking the road of life with sisters