Thursday, December 3, 2009


Saw this quote today defining "calling".  The gentleman who penned it is a believer and oversees Noble Heart Ministry.  Here's the quote:  "Your calling is to let people experience the weightiness of your life, to experience what is abundant in you, to experience your strength or beauty, in the place that God assigns you." --Gary Barkalow

I must tell you that I just started to cry.  All these questions welled up along with the tears.  Am I fulfilling my calling?  Am I doing the right thing?  What's my next step?  What does it all look like?  You know, the big questions that always come up and usually bring the enemy of doubt along for the ride. 

Gary's web site - - reminded me of ther verse:  2 Corinthians 3:18:  18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

This so reminds me of my calling, my passion, what I was made for.  I'm made to do women't ministry through speaking and writing.  It's about trusting Him and remembering that I didn't make this calling up.  It is real and it's how I feel alive (right after having fun with my guys!).  So, as I am waiting, I am also praying and looking for ways that God will show me "what IT looks like!"

Here's the question.  What is your calling?  What makes you come alive?  What makes you get excited? Let your heart experience the calling, come alive and thrive!

1 comment:

blr said...

As always, Kim, this is excellent. Blessings to you and yours through this Joyous Christmas Season and upcoming New Year.