356. Weekend visits from mom and stepdad.
357. co-worker pot luck lunches
358. knowing that I'm irreplaceable to 3 guys
359. seeing God's Word weaved into the pictures and plans God is revealing
360. sitting outside watching the oldest play and gabbing with mom and sis
361. a sweet thanksgiving card from a friend
362. re-connecting with a college friend on facebook
363. my wee one being sooo excited about going to church
364. my wee one's first prayer before dinner
365. to the end of the wire football games
366. Yes - the Jags pulled another one out in the final seconds!
367. the eldest wanting to dress like his daddy to go to church
368. the eldest wanting his grandparents to read him a bed time story
369. kisses from my husband
370. encouraging words from my love
371. possibilities at work
372. doing life together with friends
373. the hope and security of Heaven
374. the Gratitude Community and how it challenges me
375. the unquenchable hunger and thirst for more Jesus
376. that some give so others will be provided for this Thanksgiving
377. that God opens doors to share Him with others
378. Jesus' longing to want more from my prayer life and the intimate possibilities that could bring
379. that my husband wants his lessons in Sunday School to be challenging and life changing to those who want to be touched by Jesus
380. Sonny's cornbread
381. sweet tea
382. chocolate chip cookies
383. planning and dreaming about Christmas gift purchases
384. woshipping my God as my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, strong tower, very present help in time of need
385. "How Great Thou Art"
386. everyone here staying healthy
387. that He is faithful
388. the beautiful picture of The Bride (the church) and Bridegroom (Jesus)
389. witnessing people loving fearlessly
Love your thanksgiving!
esp. this:
Jesus' longing to want more from my prayer life and the intimate possibilities that could bring
worshipping my God as my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, strong tower, very present help in time of need
so glad you enjoyed time with your family (extended too :)
and his heart:
that my husband wants his lessons in Sunday School to be challenging and life changing to those who want to be touched by Jesus
knowing that they want to imitate him:
the eldest wanting to dress like his daddy to go to church
and that it is his heart for others that they also imitate to be life changers alongside their daddy in the kingdom!
& we had Sonny's yesterday after church - you like cornbread & i like garlic toast :}
i share all your joys with you this Multitude Monday :)
oh - - our quotes echo :]
Love how we serve the same Holy Spirit! Loved so many things on your list too! Thanks for doing life with me!
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