390. Freedom to talk to and about Jesus openly
391. Celebrating birthdays
392. http://wheresthelinetoseejesus.com/
393. chill in the air
394. minty m&ms
395. glass of cold milk
396. warm, cozy blankets
397. weekends
398. the wee one going pee-pee in the potty for the first time!
399. the oldest asking "If someone doesn't know God, do they die forever?"
400. that God gives me the words to answer his questions
401. giggles from tickles
402. laughter from the wee one when his brother tells a joke - sometimes even before the punchline!
403. when my love pulls me closer
404. great Christmas music
405. longing to be more in His presence
406. trying to be more alive in the moment and soak it all in
407. the sounds, smells and pictures that trigger memories
408. God gives wisdom to those who ask Him for it
409. warm shower on a cold morning
i love your lists. the counting. seeing through your eyes... this may be my favorite list of your thanksgiving (well, perhaps just until next week :)
oh, and the song :}
Praises & love,
The wee one goes potty on the potty seat! Yeah!!!!
That's something to celebrate for sure! :)
I love your list and I love your heart. So pure. So you.
Love you!
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