1103. Date night with my honey!
1104. Praying with my honey!
1105. Great marriage conference - Love Worth Fighting For
1106. NFL Lock Out is over - football starts now!
1107. Enjoying our own football schedule! Survived the first week of practice!
1108. The excitement of practicing with pads on this week!
1109. The joy that comes from a job well done.
1110. My sister - the ultimate aunt and babysitter!
1111. The joy of a tooth finally lost by the older boy-love
1112. the wee one love showing mercy to his older brother
1113. soft tissues on a runny nose
1114. antibiotics that work
1115. nap time (for my guys and sometimes for me!)
1116. The birth of a new ministry http://www.fbc-orangepark.org/greenware.htm
1117. How God has it all worked out before we even ask Him to work it out!
1118. cough drops
1119. Looking in the mirror, wanting change, asking God to deliver change and knowing He keeps His promises.
1120. The excitement of what He is planning for Heart Matters Women's Ministry
Thankful. Humbled. Am in awe of My God.
1119. Looking in the mirror, wanting change, asking God to deliver change and knowing He keeps His promises.
1117. How God has it all worked out before we even ask Him to work it out!
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:12-13
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves... But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1
I share in the joy of your gifts :)
Praise Him! His blessings continually abound, and we have the opportunity to take note :]
Thank you for taking note & sharing them here, with us, with me :}
God bless you & keep you, my Sister. Prayers & love.
How I miss you!!!
I've been absent from the blogosphere as of late, and what a joy to come here and see you still counting!!!
Your joy oozes out from between the lines here. I see that this list is from late July. I hope to see a recent one soon! :)
I love you (one of my most favorite bestest sisters!)
missing you here today.
i know you are counting, counting, counting as you've enjoyed extra time with your hubby & boys! i look forward to the next installment of your multitude of gratitude :)
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