For the first time I embarked on a new adventure with a couple of my sweet kingdom sisters. In 2011 we took Ann Voskamp's challenge of theming the year instead of making New Year's resolutions. It has been a rewarding experience to walk through life with these sisters as they lived a life of practice and another a life of being faithfully relevant. It was so wonderful to see the Creator of the universe grow these friends and live out these themes in their lives.
He did that for me too. My 2011 was coined the year of living victoriously. I was eager to learn what that looked like. I didn't think about it until after I committed to this theme, but in order for there to be victory there must be a battle. 2011 brought many battles, much growth and wow, much more victory than I ever could have imagined. The month of December brought the most victory specifically in my marriage and in my workplace.
Now, looking toward 2012 the theme He leads me to is Passionate Pursuit. He simply wants my life, my whole life and everything in me, to point to Him and His glory. He is still unveiling this to me. I do know that He wants more of me which really means less of me and more of Him. His Word is to roll off of my tongue and be constantly in my thoughts (which sadly is not the case right now). He has also shown me that if I am not passionately pursuing what He has called me to, then I am living in disobedience. My callings as wife, mom and women's ministry leader are my focus for 2012, while keeping my other roles in check. Looking forward to the adventures He alone has prepared.
Happy 2012!! What will your year be themed? How will you bring Him glory in 2012? Enjoy every moment and every adventure He supplies!
Happy New Year! I love you, my Sister (:
I am ever so excited to re-connect this week.... there's a victory story these ears long to hear!
I am also ever excited for your Year of Passionate Pursuit. And yes, as always, I am reminded that indeed we have the same Holy Spirit (:
It's funny, now that you've mentioned it last year it never occurred to me either - to have victory there's battle. Needless to say, same as you, this year I see with a little more perspective [:
I join you in praise of and prayers to our Daddy God, The Most High King.
Here's to 2012 - your year of Passionate Pursuit, my year of One, both totally, completely His.
i'm thinking on the Passionate Pursuit, praying for your 2012. and i'm smiling big. and bigger still.
it just hit me.
how did i miss His amazing grace?
and so my prayers are anew for your 2012 - - as He passionately pursues you!
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