Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5
As a family we have had angel encounters. Not the wimpy, cutesy, beautiful winged creatures. I'm talking big, warrior, sword carrying angel! While my oldest son was in preschool, he often shared about how many angels were in our house, how big and strong they were, how large their swords were and what their hair looked like. This isn't foreign to our wee one either.
It was just a year ago that our wee one was getting discharged from the hospital from his battle with Kawasaki's Disease. It was then that I had my first visible, memorable angel encounter. I saw a man in my son's hospital room with my husband and youngest son. This man looked official, so I didn't enter the room in an effort not to be a distraction. Later during conversation, my husband said there was no man in the hospital room.
During a recent lunch conversation, my husband asked our wee one if he had seen any angels. He looked around while intentionally putting his pointer finger up to his chin and said, "hmmm". Then all of the sudden the wee one says, "There he is. Want some?" He was offering his new angelic friend some pizza. Scott continued to pursue the conversation with our wee one by asking him if he remembered being sick last year. The wee one's reply was, "hot, hot, hot." (He ran an extremely high fever for several days.) Scott continued and asked, "Did you see angels when we were in the hospital?" The wee one's answer was shocking and when Scott shared this with me tears rolled down this mommy's cheeks. His answer was, "Lions. Lions fighting."
Lions are both protectors and predators - depends on their heart, motive and circumstance. I have no doubt that the vision my son saw was a lion from the Lord God protecting him against a predator lion who was trying to snatch him. Our Protector is victorious always!
The interesting thing is that the visions of lions haven't stopped. He occasionally shares, "lion scare me." So, it appears that our battles, whatever they may be, are not done yet. We are armed and ready, because our King, and amazing Father never slumbers and is always aware, alive and engaged in every detail of our lives.
Some friends of mine have introduced me to a refreshing way to look at the new year (thanks: Ann, Kara and Tobitha!). The days of New Year's Resolutions are gone. Naming the year is so much better! After some prayer over the last couple of days, I think I've landed on a name for 2011.
I want to be more aware of where you're working so I can join in, experience you more and give you more of the glory You so richly deserve.
I want to be more alive: living every moment to the fullest wherever I am and with my irreplaceable roles as most important. Going through more healing and feeling all of it as we walk toward victory for His glory.
I want to be engaged intentionally with obedience, gratitude and more trust in Him with whatever He sets before me - the battles and the victories.
Father, all these things can only be done when I trust you and live victoriously in, for and through You!
So here's to 2011: the year of living victoriously!
Happy New Year!
This blog will hopefully challenge women to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately give Him glory and display His splendor.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Multitude Monday - counting #468 - #504
468. snow flurries in FL!!
469. holding my sons and worshipping My Savior simultaneously
470. a productive last work from home day
471. letter to Santa
472. letter to God
473. that my oldest loves the lyrics "sin has lost its power"
474. the excitement of ripping the wrapping paper off packages
475. scarfs
476. weather forecasts
477. my father-in-law
478. missing my mother-in-law
479. my sister
480. my mom
481. my thoughtful husband
482. studying more about lions
483. the possibilities of a date night with my honey
484. contentment
485. not needing anything, not wanting anything
486. healthy check-ups
487. when boxes are the highlight of playtime
488. comfortable sleep
489. clean towels
490. clean sheets
491. Febreeze
492. Christmas cookies and treats
493. Remembering the simplicity of Christmas
494. What does God require of us? "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
496. cough drops
497. Kleenex and enough breath to blow my nose
498. seeing a friend released from a long-carried burden and now she is radiant
499. car mechanics
500. gas stations with car washes
501. music that speaks to my heart
502. confessed sin
503. grace and freedom when confession and repentance happen
504. the hopefulness of 2011
Happy 2011!
502. confessed sin
503. grace and freedom when confession and repentance happen
504. the hopefulness of 2011
Happy 2011!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Multitude Monday - #441 -
441. My husband taking his responsibility of a small group leader seriously
442. Upward CDs that help me and my kids learn God's word
443. The Action Bible - God's word presented like a comic book - my oldest loves it and can't wait to dig into God's word more!
444. listening to the breathing of a sleeping child
445. Boy adventures - Like father, like son - on their way across the street to look at some cows
446. My grandparents celebrating 65 years of marriage
447. Memories of my mother-in-law
448. when the sun peaks through the clouds of the day and my sons say, "Praise Jesus!"
449. safe travels
450. that I was able to work from home for 6 years - what a blessing
451. that God will grow me through all the experiences that will happen with the new boss
452. a little 15-month-old boy is recovering from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, but they caught it early enough that no additional treatment is needed.
453. The promise of Heaven
454. That we have the opportunity to speed the return of Christ - see the December 19 message on
455. a friend who is choosing to walk a hard road of healing to move toward the full and abundant life and receive victory!
456. that my kids love to dance and they just don't care what it looks like!
457. questions
458. sometimes having the answers to questions and sometimes just coming to grips with the fact that we don't always have the answer
459. vacation
460. a good Cuban sandwich
461. there is a spiritual battle raging all around us, but we are not big enough to see it or even be aware of it
462. that God knows what we can handle and what is just too much
463. that Mary pondered the treasure in her heart (Luke 2:19)
464. that Gabriel said, "Don't be afraid"
465. that Joesph was faithful
466. that Jesus' story is so big, yet so simple
467. that the Christmas story is also in Revelation 12 and Isaiah 61
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Counting the Multitudes of Blessings - #410 - #440
410. friendship
411. memories (and that my brain can store some!)
413. boy adventures - tree climbing and not worrying about how to get down, just seeing how high he can go!
414. remembering the joy of 6 years ago and the gift of my oldest
415. WOW! He's grown 3 inches in the last year!
416. The wee one's wonder at the Christmas tree
417. Watching them play with the Little People's Nativity
418. white twinkling lights on the Christmas tree
419. a warm fire on a chilly night
420. business trips that give you the opportunity to refocus and make new friends
421. vanilla ice cream and how the kids love it
422. how my husband has redecorated the boys' rooms
423. warm sweaters
424. comfy blue jeans
425. cozy sweat pants
426. that God provides for all our needs
427. that Christmas wouldn't mean much without Easter
428. that Easter wouldn't mean much without Christmas
429. that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things (Hebrews 11)
430. Lions
431. that angels are real and battle on our behalf in more ways than we know
432. that God wants to change me with each of our encounters
433. family
434. the priviledge of praying with someone
435. leaving and cleaving
436. seat belts
437. His amazing love
438. the boys giving eachother eskimo kisses and laughing
439. Jaguars being in 1st place in the division!
440. Dancing
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunrise Comfort
I'm out of town at a conference. I'm laying here in a cozy king size bed in my pajamas in my oceanfront hotel room looking out the sliding glass door. It's frigid outside - in the low 20s. The heat is on and the covers are raised. I'm looking out the sliding glass doors to see glimpses of the sunrise. Sunrises are special to me. About 6 years ago, God told me I was beautiful and He used a sunrise to do it. He told me that no matter what others see, He always sees the sunrise as beautiful, even on a foggy day. He said that this is how He sees me - always beautiful, no matter what others see.
Today, I have a challenge. The heat in my hotel room is on and I'm so comfortable that there is condensation on the sliding glass door and I can't get a clear view of the sunrise. There is also a pole in my direct line of vision. Ican see the colors and I can tell that the sun is rising, but it's all kind of foggy from the inside.
I guess that's what happens when we get too cdomfrotable - things get foggy from the inside and we miss seeing all the beauty and wonder He has for us. I know that my heart gets comforable in my routine of talking with Him, listinenting to Him, studying His word, living life in my comfort zone, not dealing with sin.
I took a towel and wiped the windows so I could get a clear view. It helped for a little bit, but now the windows are back to being foggy. Until I change the temperature in my room, the condensation will still be there mo matter how hard I try or how often I wipe it away it will return. I think that's the way it is with my heart. I have to invite God to change my temperature so I can see His beauty and wonder clearly no matter how uncomfortable it is.
I don't want to miss anything He has to offer, but am I willing to be uncomfortable to experience Him? I hope and pray so! I want to be able to see the difference and I know He does too!
Today, I have a challenge. The heat in my hotel room is on and I'm so comfortable that there is condensation on the sliding glass door and I can't get a clear view of the sunrise. There is also a pole in my direct line of vision. Ican see the colors and I can tell that the sun is rising, but it's all kind of foggy from the inside.
I guess that's what happens when we get too cdomfrotable - things get foggy from the inside and we miss seeing all the beauty and wonder He has for us. I know that my heart gets comforable in my routine of talking with Him, listinenting to Him, studying His word, living life in my comfort zone, not dealing with sin.
I took a towel and wiped the windows so I could get a clear view. It helped for a little bit, but now the windows are back to being foggy. Until I change the temperature in my room, the condensation will still be there mo matter how hard I try or how often I wipe it away it will return. I think that's the way it is with my heart. I have to invite God to change my temperature so I can see His beauty and wonder clearly no matter how uncomfortable it is.
I don't want to miss anything He has to offer, but am I willing to be uncomfortable to experience Him? I hope and pray so! I want to be able to see the difference and I know He does too!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Multitude Monday #390 -
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
390. Freedom to talk to and about Jesus openly
391. Celebrating birthdays
393. chill in the air
394. minty m&ms
395. glass of cold milk
396. warm, cozy blankets
397. weekends
398. the wee one going pee-pee in the potty for the first time!
399. the oldest asking "If someone doesn't know God, do they die forever?"
400. that God gives me the words to answer his questions
401. giggles from tickles
402. laughter from the wee one when his brother tells a joke - sometimes even before the punchline!
403. when my love pulls me closer
404. great Christmas music
405. longing to be more in His presence
406. trying to be more alive in the moment and soak it all in
407. the sounds, smells and pictures that trigger memories
408. God gives wisdom to those who ask Him for it
409. warm shower on a cold morning
390. Freedom to talk to and about Jesus openly
391. Celebrating birthdays
393. chill in the air
394. minty m&ms
395. glass of cold milk
396. warm, cozy blankets
397. weekends
398. the wee one going pee-pee in the potty for the first time!
399. the oldest asking "If someone doesn't know God, do they die forever?"
400. that God gives me the words to answer his questions
401. giggles from tickles
402. laughter from the wee one when his brother tells a joke - sometimes even before the punchline!
403. when my love pulls me closer
404. great Christmas music
405. longing to be more in His presence
406. trying to be more alive in the moment and soak it all in
407. the sounds, smells and pictures that trigger memories
408. God gives wisdom to those who ask Him for it
409. warm shower on a cold morning
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sorrow and Joy
1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a] 2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:1-3
Just finished Angie Smith's book "I Will Carry You" in which she shares her and her family's story through the diagnosis and loss of their daughter Audrey Caroline. I couldn't put it down. I cried, just letting the tears fall wherever they wanted. I was moved. Angie showed me things in God's Word that I never thought about before (the smell of Mary's hair after breaking the alabaster jar of perfume at Jesus' feet, that Mary and Martha didn't ask Jesus to heal their brother - they just trusted Him and more!). The subtitle to this book is "The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy". What most surprised me was that I got in touch with my heart while I was reading this book. Funny thing is that I didn't know I was out of touch with it!
Please don't hear what I'm not saying. In no way do I compare what I'm about to share with the magnitude of loss that the Smith family and so many others experience. So now I continue...
I think that we are meant to grieve many things throughout our lives. Yes, actually grieving the loss of life is one way. But I think we also are meant to grieve dashed dreams, unmet expectations, stages of our children's lives, new seasons in our relationships and so much more.
What happened to me over this last weekend (yes, the long Thanksgiving weekend!) was that I was able to unplug and simply be with my family. I wasn't "needed" any where else. Focused on Jesus and my guys! It was so wonderful. I'm hopeful it will stay that way a bit longer (ok - a lot longer!). But here's what I discovered: finally, I was living in each moment, enjoying it, soaking it in.
There will be many changes at work. One of them more than likely (yes, please join me in prayer that my assumption is false!) will be that my opportunity to work from home will be taken away. I get the opportunity this week to do a trial run - have to go in every day this week. So, today I've been ultra-sensitive and ready to cry at the drop of a hat. What's up?
I'm grieving. My loss is:
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of joy instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:1-3
Just finished Angie Smith's book "I Will Carry You" in which she shares her and her family's story through the diagnosis and loss of their daughter Audrey Caroline. I couldn't put it down. I cried, just letting the tears fall wherever they wanted. I was moved. Angie showed me things in God's Word that I never thought about before (the smell of Mary's hair after breaking the alabaster jar of perfume at Jesus' feet, that Mary and Martha didn't ask Jesus to heal their brother - they just trusted Him and more!). The subtitle to this book is "The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy". What most surprised me was that I got in touch with my heart while I was reading this book. Funny thing is that I didn't know I was out of touch with it!
Please don't hear what I'm not saying. In no way do I compare what I'm about to share with the magnitude of loss that the Smith family and so many others experience. So now I continue...
I think that we are meant to grieve many things throughout our lives. Yes, actually grieving the loss of life is one way. But I think we also are meant to grieve dashed dreams, unmet expectations, stages of our children's lives, new seasons in our relationships and so much more.
What happened to me over this last weekend (yes, the long Thanksgiving weekend!) was that I was able to unplug and simply be with my family. I wasn't "needed" any where else. Focused on Jesus and my guys! It was so wonderful. I'm hopeful it will stay that way a bit longer (ok - a lot longer!). But here's what I discovered: finally, I was living in each moment, enjoying it, soaking it in.
There will be many changes at work. One of them more than likely (yes, please join me in prayer that my assumption is false!) will be that my opportunity to work from home will be taken away. I get the opportunity this week to do a trial run - have to go in every day this week. So, today I've been ultra-sensitive and ready to cry at the drop of a hat. What's up?
I'm grieving. My loss is:
- My boys are getting older. My oldest has asked to redecorate his room. He announced that, "Cars is too babyish. Mom, I want flames, fast cars and monster trucks on my walls." (Do you know what a challenge it is to find that combination?!) My wee one is talking up a storm saying big words, following along more intently in a book and more. They aren't babies any more. They are boys. I know someday soon, they'll be men. So I am grieving the loss of the stages my boys are in, as they are moving on and growing (which also brings great joy - see the turning mourning into joy.
- My time with them more than likely will be shortened so I can work. The way I calculated it, it appears that if I go into the office each day, I will miss about 6 hours of time with my kids that I currently get. This makes me so sad. I want to scream. I want to be on my own selfish little pity party about how this wasn't my dream, I wanted to be the one to stay home with my kids. This isn't fair that the love of my life, my sweet and wonderful Scott, gets to be the one helping with homework, carting them to basketball practice, teaching them basic life skills every day. My heart is breaking. How do I love them the way I want to love them or the way they want to be loved with so little time? . This hurts. It hurt before, but I just "got over it". Now I need healing!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Multitude Monday #390 - #439
390. that when my family is praying for healing - right now that only means healing colds
391. the freedom to let tears fall and just be
392. learning that grief and joy co-exist nearly every moment is we let ourselves take it in
393. how my toddler's hands are still baby soft
394. how my eldest wants to redecorate his room because he's getting older
395. that my husband is thankful for his boys
396. that sometimes only mommy will do
397. that powerful prayers can be prayed, heard and answered by the ONE who gives them power
398. that the little things don't matter nearly as much as some people think they do
399. for 5 consecutive days off work just to enjoy family - and I tried to soak in every moment!
400. black Friday sales
410. how my wee one calls the stars "sparkle"
411. that through a woman's willingness to share her tragic story that I'm learning so much more about worshipping our Father. Thank you, Angie Smith!
412. that my Pastor is willing to be vulnerable and real to his flock
413. hugs and kisses given freely from my boys
414. looking into my husband's eyes and seeing into his soul
415. the reminder of resurrection power and that it's mine if I claim it
416. opportunities to "be the church"
417. friends who are humble enough to ask for help - here's one that needs our prayers:
418. neighborhood friends
419. the picture of the alabaster bottle being broken at Jesus' feet and Mary rubbing her hair in it. Both Jesus and Mary smelled of the scent - Jesus being prepared for his death and Mary carrying the aroma of His life and hope as she followed Him. Simply beautiful - I want to smell like that!!
420. the joy of writing my story
421. the smell of baby lotion on my wee one
422. the anticipation of getting back in the swing of things
423. That words are not enough to say, "Thank you, Jesus." I must say it, sing it and live it! Oh, may I not miss it!
434. the vulnerability of community
435. that truth sets us free
436. that God loves my sister enough to have her small group studying Revelation so she can go to another country and teach other believers about it. How cool is that!
437. that my God is in the details and sees the big picture
438. that God doesn't give me all the answers, but leaves some mystery so I can trust Him more.
439. while I try to count many of my blessings, there really are too many to count.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Multitude Monday - #356 - #389
I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.” ~Anna Quindlen
356. Weekend visits from mom and stepdad.
357. co-worker pot luck lunches
358. knowing that I'm irreplaceable to 3 guys
359. seeing God's Word weaved into the pictures and plans God is revealing
360. sitting outside watching the oldest play and gabbing with mom and sis
361. a sweet thanksgiving card from a friend
362. re-connecting with a college friend on facebook
363. my wee one being sooo excited about going to church
364. my wee one's first prayer before dinner
365. to the end of the wire football games
366. Yes - the Jags pulled another one out in the final seconds!
367. the eldest wanting to dress like his daddy to go to church
368. the eldest wanting his grandparents to read him a bed time story
369. kisses from my husband
370. encouraging words from my love
371. possibilities at work
372. doing life together with friends
373. the hope and security of Heaven
374. the Gratitude Community and how it challenges me
375. the unquenchable hunger and thirst for more Jesus
376. that some give so others will be provided for this Thanksgiving
377. that God opens doors to share Him with others
378. Jesus' longing to want more from my prayer life and the intimate possibilities that could bring
379. that my husband wants his lessons in Sunday School to be challenging and life changing to those who want to be touched by Jesus
380. Sonny's cornbread
381. sweet tea
382. chocolate chip cookies
383. planning and dreaming about Christmas gift purchases
384. woshipping my God as my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, strong tower, very present help in time of need
385. "How Great Thou Art"
386. everyone here staying healthy
387. that He is faithful
388. the beautiful picture of The Bride (the church) and Bridegroom (Jesus)
389. witnessing people loving fearlessly
356. Weekend visits from mom and stepdad.
357. co-worker pot luck lunches
358. knowing that I'm irreplaceable to 3 guys
359. seeing God's Word weaved into the pictures and plans God is revealing
360. sitting outside watching the oldest play and gabbing with mom and sis
361. a sweet thanksgiving card from a friend
362. re-connecting with a college friend on facebook
363. my wee one being sooo excited about going to church
364. my wee one's first prayer before dinner
365. to the end of the wire football games
366. Yes - the Jags pulled another one out in the final seconds!
367. the eldest wanting to dress like his daddy to go to church
368. the eldest wanting his grandparents to read him a bed time story
369. kisses from my husband
370. encouraging words from my love
371. possibilities at work
372. doing life together with friends
373. the hope and security of Heaven
374. the Gratitude Community and how it challenges me
375. the unquenchable hunger and thirst for more Jesus
376. that some give so others will be provided for this Thanksgiving
377. that God opens doors to share Him with others
378. Jesus' longing to want more from my prayer life and the intimate possibilities that could bring
379. that my husband wants his lessons in Sunday School to be challenging and life changing to those who want to be touched by Jesus
380. Sonny's cornbread
381. sweet tea
382. chocolate chip cookies
383. planning and dreaming about Christmas gift purchases
384. woshipping my God as my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, strong tower, very present help in time of need
385. "How Great Thou Art"
386. everyone here staying healthy
387. that He is faithful
388. the beautiful picture of The Bride (the church) and Bridegroom (Jesus)
389. witnessing people loving fearlessly
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Picture This - the dress
This is an excerpt from Randy Alcorn's "Heaven" Bible study. This post is from page 87-88 of the study. Enjoy!
Christ and His Bride
As the church, we're part of the ultimate Cinderella story - rescued from a home where we labor, often without appreciation or reward. One day we'll be taken into the arms of the Prince and whisked away to live in His palace. When "the wedding of the Lamb has come" (Rev. 19:7), the New Jerusalem, consisting not only of buildings but of God's people, will come down out of Heaven, "prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (21:2). "And his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear" (19:7-8). The eyes of the universe will be on the Bridegroom, but also on the bride for whom He died.
I have vivid memories of my daughters' pure beauty in their wedding dresses. The church, Christ's bride, should likewise be characterized by purity, as a fitting gift to our Bridegroom, the crown prince who has been utterly faithful to us.
If I were to ask you "What does the fine linen the bride is wearing stand for?' you might be inclined to say, "the righteousness of Christ that covers us." Significantly, however, the text says something different: "Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints." (v.8)
Question - Why do you suppose the fine linen is comprised of our acts?
The chosen princess, the church, can enter the presence of her Lord only because of the Bridegroom's work. Yet her wedding dress is woven through her many acts of faithfulness while away from her Bridegroom on the fallen earth.
The picture is compelling. Each prayer, each gift, each hour of fasting, each kindness to the need, all of these are the threads that have been woven together into this wedding dress. Her works have been empowered by the Spirit, and she has spent her life on earth sewing her wedding dress for the day when she will be joined to her Beloved.
Question - In what ways are you sewing your wedding garment?
We have a wonderful reason to stay alive, though we are apart from our Beloved, because we aren't yet finished sewing our wedding dress. The wedding approaches, yet there's more for us to do to present ourselves pure before our Lord. We're eager for His return, but we don't sit idly by. Part of us wants fewer days between now and the wedding because we're so eager to be with our Beloved in our new home. But another part wants more days to better prepare for the wedding, to sew our dresses through acts of faithful service to God.
Question - If the wedding of the Lamb were today, how would you feel about your preparedness?
a. Uh oh. I haven't even started on my gown!
b. I was supposed to be sewing a wedding garment?
c. My gown isn't exactly fit for a royal wedding.
d. I've given my best to making this gown. I can't wait for the Bridegroom to see it!
Write a prayer to your Bridegroom expressing whatever you are thinking about and feeling.
Oh, Father God,
I sit here in awe and so very humbled that you have made me a princess, your bride, your prize. I pray that together we will be sewing a magnificent gown that reflects the beauty that only you can give. I am thankful that when my gown does get dirty, you make it clean again. Thank you for giving me this picture to know more about what you look like, how you want me to look, and the beauty of it all. You are amazing. I am left speechless. I am yours. You are mine.
In the Prince's Power,
Christ and His Bride
As the church, we're part of the ultimate Cinderella story - rescued from a home where we labor, often without appreciation or reward. One day we'll be taken into the arms of the Prince and whisked away to live in His palace. When "the wedding of the Lamb has come" (Rev. 19:7), the New Jerusalem, consisting not only of buildings but of God's people, will come down out of Heaven, "prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband" (21:2). "And his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear" (19:7-8). The eyes of the universe will be on the Bridegroom, but also on the bride for whom He died.
I have vivid memories of my daughters' pure beauty in their wedding dresses. The church, Christ's bride, should likewise be characterized by purity, as a fitting gift to our Bridegroom, the crown prince who has been utterly faithful to us.
If I were to ask you "What does the fine linen the bride is wearing stand for?' you might be inclined to say, "the righteousness of Christ that covers us." Significantly, however, the text says something different: "Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints." (v.8)
Question - Why do you suppose the fine linen is comprised of our acts?
The chosen princess, the church, can enter the presence of her Lord only because of the Bridegroom's work. Yet her wedding dress is woven through her many acts of faithfulness while away from her Bridegroom on the fallen earth.
The picture is compelling. Each prayer, each gift, each hour of fasting, each kindness to the need, all of these are the threads that have been woven together into this wedding dress. Her works have been empowered by the Spirit, and she has spent her life on earth sewing her wedding dress for the day when she will be joined to her Beloved.
Question - In what ways are you sewing your wedding garment?
We have a wonderful reason to stay alive, though we are apart from our Beloved, because we aren't yet finished sewing our wedding dress. The wedding approaches, yet there's more for us to do to present ourselves pure before our Lord. We're eager for His return, but we don't sit idly by. Part of us wants fewer days between now and the wedding because we're so eager to be with our Beloved in our new home. But another part wants more days to better prepare for the wedding, to sew our dresses through acts of faithful service to God.
Question - If the wedding of the Lamb were today, how would you feel about your preparedness?
a. Uh oh. I haven't even started on my gown!
b. I was supposed to be sewing a wedding garment?
c. My gown isn't exactly fit for a royal wedding.
d. I've given my best to making this gown. I can't wait for the Bridegroom to see it!
Write a prayer to your Bridegroom expressing whatever you are thinking about and feeling.
Oh, Father God,
I sit here in awe and so very humbled that you have made me a princess, your bride, your prize. I pray that together we will be sewing a magnificent gown that reflects the beauty that only you can give. I am thankful that when my gown does get dirty, you make it clean again. Thank you for giving me this picture to know more about what you look like, how you want me to look, and the beauty of it all. You are amazing. I am left speechless. I am yours. You are mine.
In the Prince's Power,
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Multitude Monday #328 - #355
328. Making it through the first week with a new boss.
329. Working with a team of ladies that make events easy for me.
330. My boys singing and dancing to "Seeds of Courage" CD
331. Music that makes you want to worship (Thank you, Baptist College of FL Jazz Ensemble)
332. Watching a "signer" sign "Amazing Grace" even though the words aren't being sung.
333. hugs from my kids when they greet me at the door after a long day
334. a husband who works diligently on home improvement projects
335. a husband who is willing to do the laundry
336. when my oldest son said, "Do you know why I love daddy? Because he's a worker." So sweet!
337. 2 best friends playing to their heart's content, exploring and making their own adventures at the playground
338. the wee one sleeping through the night Saturday night!
339. holding the wee one's hand while we went through the car wash.
340. that courage only exists when there is fear
341. that courage helps you get to love, where there is no fear
342. ice cream cones
343. kleenex
344. pictures of my boys that make my heart sing and overflow with love
345. faithful friends that ask about what you asked them to pray for
346. toddler cowboy boots
347. good hair days
348. dark chocolate
349. good night kisses
350. imagining Heaven
351. reminders from my kids' devotionals
352. family games of hide and seek
353. that I get excited about writing this list!
354. family dinners full of laughter
355. great pre-school Sunday School teachers
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Multitude Monday #291 -
295. brothers hugging and kissing voluntarily
296. a big brother holding his little brother's hand on the way to the park to play
297. listening in on big brother's instructions to little brother about crossing the street
298. marching all around the room
299. when my boys tickle me and we all laugh
300. exciting down to the wire football games
301. my husband's wisdom in difficult situations
302. how my husband cares for our boys
303. peeking in on my boys as they sleep
304. the library
305. hearing, "Mom, do you know why I like to hang out with you? Because I love you!"
306. teachable moments
307. "learnable moments"
308. music that gives you an attitude in a good way
309. sharing pictures via technology
310. the wee one telling everyone "tink you for cooking" at dinner time
311. watching and hearing my oldest learning to read
312. sunrises and the stories they tell
313. warm clothes
314. soft blankets
315. a warm home - both in temperature and spirit
316. fun-spirited co-workers
317. I asked, "Why are we going to the Beach Walk?" My eldest answers, "Praising Jesus that there is no oil on Florida's beaches." The great thing - I didn't mention anything about thanking or praising Jesus when I was explaining it to him!
318. a sister that is the most giving person I know
319. a blog that makes me cry and raise my hands in praise -
320. phone conversations between 2 boy classmates - too many jokes!
321. hot chocolate
322. my little boys singing at the top of their lungs "This is the day" and the theme song to "Wall-e"
323. church pre-school teachers and workers
324. when the Holy Spirit leads you to pray and reach out to someone. Then he shows you why. WOW!
325. Warrior Princesses - you know who you are!
326. that there are 2 things that are certain: uncertainty and Jesus. So glad Jesus is big enough for the uncertainty that we face every day!
327. a good haircut and style
Be blessed, my friends!
L&P - kim
321. hot chocolate
322. my little boys singing at the top of their lungs "This is the day" and the theme song to "Wall-e"
323. church pre-school teachers and workers
324. when the Holy Spirit leads you to pray and reach out to someone. Then he shows you why. WOW!
325. Warrior Princesses - you know who you are!
326. that there are 2 things that are certain: uncertainty and Jesus. So glad Jesus is big enough for the uncertainty that we face every day!
327. a good haircut and style
Be blessed, my friends!
L&P - kim
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Matthew 6:6 (The Message) - "Here's what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.
I just loved the way this paraphrase simplifies everything!
The older I get, the more I'm realizing I'm terrible at multitasking.
It's evident at home - I can't do the dishes and be with both my kids unless they do the dishes with me. Then am I more focused on getting the job done or just having fun with my kids getting all wet as they help me with the dishes?
It's evident at work - if I could just focus on one or two projects and get those done without people calling me and needing this or willingly taking on another project. Sometimes I'm at the point where I stop being creative because a new idea means new project.
The more I think about multitasking the more I believe we weren't made for that! Our Heavenly Father so often requests that we take some time to focus (usually in prayer) or keep things in right priority and perspective.
The truth is that multitasking is a myth. We truly can only be doing one thing at a time. That's the way God made us. When we're distracted - guess what - we're focusing on something else other than what we originally wanted to focus on. We can't have thoughts simultaneously. We can't speak more than one word at a time. While we can vacuum and talk on the phone - which gets the focus? the floor or the friend on the other line?
It's really about being free or giving ourselves permission to live in the moment. This paraphrase says that when we focus on Christ rather than ourselves we begin to sense His grace. I'm convinced that multitasking is a lie. Multitasking is way over-rated.
Who am I to think that I can multitask successfully? Only the Creator of the Universe can be omnipresent and omniscient. Who do I think I am? Thank you, Jesus - I'm just me. Hopefully headed to be more multitask challenged.
Love & Prayers,
I just loved the way this paraphrase simplifies everything!
The older I get, the more I'm realizing I'm terrible at multitasking.
It's evident at home - I can't do the dishes and be with both my kids unless they do the dishes with me. Then am I more focused on getting the job done or just having fun with my kids getting all wet as they help me with the dishes?
It's evident at work - if I could just focus on one or two projects and get those done without people calling me and needing this or willingly taking on another project. Sometimes I'm at the point where I stop being creative because a new idea means new project.
The more I think about multitasking the more I believe we weren't made for that! Our Heavenly Father so often requests that we take some time to focus (usually in prayer) or keep things in right priority and perspective.
The truth is that multitasking is a myth. We truly can only be doing one thing at a time. That's the way God made us. When we're distracted - guess what - we're focusing on something else other than what we originally wanted to focus on. We can't have thoughts simultaneously. We can't speak more than one word at a time. While we can vacuum and talk on the phone - which gets the focus? the floor or the friend on the other line?
It's really about being free or giving ourselves permission to live in the moment. This paraphrase says that when we focus on Christ rather than ourselves we begin to sense His grace. I'm convinced that multitasking is a lie. Multitasking is way over-rated.
Who am I to think that I can multitask successfully? Only the Creator of the Universe can be omnipresent and omniscient. Who do I think I am? Thank you, Jesus - I'm just me. Hopefully headed to be more multitask challenged.
Love & Prayers,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Multitude Monday - #268
2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. - Hebrews 12:2-3
268. That knew the joy set before Him and I know it too!
269. my ever-so thoughtful husband
270. birthday cake with no candles!
271. gerber daisies - thanks t!
273. the way my wee one wants to smell and touch the beautiful flowers from a dear friend
274. the overwhelming love of friends
275. sleeping more than 5 consecutive hours
276. nap time
277. hearing my boy stand up for himself - against the big kids!
278. first report cards
279. realizing that I shouldn't feel guilty for not serving the way I think others want me to, especially since for the first time in my life my focus is on the best - God, Scott and boys!
280. good sister time!
281. that they make men's tennis shoes in plain white, so they might look like women's shoes!
282. that God gave me big feet - reminds me of the need for a big, firm foundation!
283. Veggie Tales
284. deep spiritual questions from my oldest
285. storybook character parades at school - The Amazing Adventures of Bathman
287. fun costumes
288. facial expressions - they help a picture speak a thousand words!
289. hugs and kisses that are accompanied by "MM-MMM"
290. that my husband is a good man and a good dad
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Multitude Monday - #232 - #267
233. hearing how God touched him
234. how He shows us that He is close to the brokenhearted
235. how He collects our tears in a bottle (or in my case barrells!)
236. a friend knowing that she is secure in the beauty He has bestowed upon her
237. unexpected bonuses
238. blogs that make my friends seem not so far away
239. blogs that challenge me to be more like Jesus
240. being part of divine appointments
241. the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day
242. evening walks
243. cool breezes
244. the wonder of bridges and going over them
245. family trips to the zoo
246. God's creativity - very evident at the zoo!
247. watching the Blue Angels practice for the air show - the wee one sleeping through it and the oldest in awe
248. glad that those pilots are on our side!
249. military men and women - both active and retired
250. military families and the sacrifices they make
251. the wee one attempting to say "hallelujah"
252. the wee one clearly saying "Yeah, baby!"
253. sweet conversations between the wee one and his treasured bear
254. the oldest being so loyal to his best friend
255. the freedom the oldest has - he doesn't care if his clothes match
256. the oldest throwing a great strong spiral
257. the oldest expressing himself more and more in words, expressions and drawing
258. "Fireproof"
259. "Facing the Giants"
260. the story behind the pictures
261. m&ms
262. being reminded that Jesus made it possible for me to call God, "Daddy"
263. remembering that our millionth experience of His forgiveness is no less special than the first
264. listening ears
265. the certainty of Heaven
266. Hope
267. having hope in the Giver, not in what He gives.
234. how He shows us that He is close to the brokenhearted
235. how He collects our tears in a bottle (or in my case barrells!)
236. a friend knowing that she is secure in the beauty He has bestowed upon her
237. unexpected bonuses
238. blogs that make my friends seem not so far away
239. blogs that challenge me to be more like Jesus
240. being part of divine appointments
241. the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day
242. evening walks
243. cool breezes
244. the wonder of bridges and going over them
245. family trips to the zoo
246. God's creativity - very evident at the zoo!
247. watching the Blue Angels practice for the air show - the wee one sleeping through it and the oldest in awe
248. glad that those pilots are on our side!
249. military men and women - both active and retired
250. military families and the sacrifices they make
251. the wee one attempting to say "hallelujah"
252. the wee one clearly saying "Yeah, baby!"
253. sweet conversations between the wee one and his treasured bear
254. the oldest being so loyal to his best friend
255. the freedom the oldest has - he doesn't care if his clothes match
256. the oldest throwing a great strong spiral
257. the oldest expressing himself more and more in words, expressions and drawing
258. "Fireproof"
259. "Facing the Giants"
260. the story behind the pictures
261. m&ms
262. being reminded that Jesus made it possible for me to call God, "Daddy"
263. remembering that our millionth experience of His forgiveness is no less special than the first
264. listening ears
265. the certainty of Heaven
266. Hope
267. having hope in the Giver, not in what He gives.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Multitude Monday - #206 - #232
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7
Celebrating 10 years of marriage and would do it all over again!
Date night with my honey!
sweet note from one of my boys
peanut butter and jelly waffle sandwiches for breakfast
grilled hamburgers
cookie dough ice cream
sweet tea done right
the excitement of Monday Night Football!
College football upsets
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes, the volunteers and the children who will receive them
dreaming with my sweet husband
Plan B by Pete Wilson
Sacred Marriage
"Help Me" from my wee one - translation "Help You"
Seeing the boys wrestle, holding their own
stepping on crunchy leaves
seeing the world through my boys' eyes and all the wonder they see
faithful friends
the anticipation of a short week and a Friday Family Day!
washing machine
chinese food
That Jesus gently shows me what could be an idol in my life
My boy writing and learning the pieces of God's armor and loving it!
Celebrating 10 years of marriage and would do it all over again!
Date night with my honey!
sweet note from one of my boys
peanut butter and jelly waffle sandwiches for breakfast
grilled hamburgers
cookie dough ice cream
sweet tea done right
the excitement of Monday Night Football!
College football upsets
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes, the volunteers and the children who will receive them
dreaming with my sweet husband
Plan B by Pete Wilson
Sacred Marriage
"Help Me" from my wee one - translation "Help You"
Seeing the boys wrestle, holding their own
stepping on crunchy leaves
seeing the world through my boys' eyes and all the wonder they see
faithful friends
the anticipation of a short week and a Friday Family Day!
washing machine
chinese food
That Jesus gently shows me what could be an idol in my life
My boy writing and learning the pieces of God's armor and loving it!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Multitude Monday
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9
186. eyes to see
187. ears to hear
188. fingers to touch
189. nose to smell
190. mouth to taste
191. a blue sky with no clouds
192. a blue sky with big white puffy clouds
193. a fun fellowship with friends at the park
194. an invigorating neighborhood walk
195. The wee one saying "awesome"
196. an afternoon off for a visit with my aunt
197. the satisfaction that comes with marking a project off the "to do" list that's been on the list too long!
198. finishing a great book
199. remembering the excitement of 10 years ago
200. the anticipation of what God is up to with unveiling a vision for ministry
201. the hope of a strategic plan for the ministry
202. for an authentic community
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Multitude Monday
164. fellow bloggers that lead me to the feet of Jesus!
165. Sitting in awe that God is uncreated.
166. evening walks with the family
167. an eternal sister that reminds me of who He made me to be
168. marking things off of work's to do list
169. "hold you" from my wee one
170. My oldest standing up for the truth
171. boys thanking Jesus out loud for rain stopping and football scores
172. best friends
173. grandparents
174. learning to practice the presence of God
175. realizing how important it is in my marriage to know that if something my husband says hurts me, I probably misunderstood him.
176. a too-short hair-cut that is growing out!
177. dancing
178. Dancing in the Minefields -
179. the start of fall
180. lazy Saturday mornings
181. when the Pastor steps on my toes!
182. when God is working on me in an area and then Sunday's message reinforces what He's up to!
183. Listening to a dad tell his son, "remember from 'Facing the Giants' when we win, we praise Him and when we lose we praise Him"
184. Children's Sunday School workers who are living out their calling
185. A husband who will boldly, yet compassionately stand up and explain the truth to someone who is confused

165. Sitting in awe that God is uncreated.
166. evening walks with the family
167. an eternal sister that reminds me of who He made me to be
168. marking things off of work's to do list
169. "hold you" from my wee one
170. My oldest standing up for the truth
171. boys thanking Jesus out loud for rain stopping and football scores
172. best friends
173. grandparents
174. learning to practice the presence of God
175. realizing how important it is in my marriage to know that if something my husband says hurts me, I probably misunderstood him.
176. a too-short hair-cut that is growing out!
177. dancing
178. Dancing in the Minefields -
179. the start of fall
180. lazy Saturday mornings
181. when the Pastor steps on my toes!
182. when God is working on me in an area and then Sunday's message reinforces what He's up to!
183. Listening to a dad tell his son, "remember from 'Facing the Giants' when we win, we praise Him and when we lose we praise Him"
184. Children's Sunday School workers who are living out their calling
185. A husband who will boldly, yet compassionately stand up and explain the truth to someone who is confused
Monday, September 27, 2010
More Multitude Monday
157. the hope of rain
158. rain falling
159. the smell of rain and how it lingers
160. worship songs like this -
161. artists willing to spill out like this -
162. to long to have a heart like His!
163. remembering how small I am and how big He is!
Thank you, Daddy!
158. rain falling
159. the smell of rain and how it lingers
160. worship songs like this -
161. artists willing to spill out like this -
162. to long to have a heart like His!
163. remembering how small I am and how big He is!
Thank you, Daddy!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Multitude Monday
146. healthy kids
147. Other bloggers willing to share their life online
148. Meeting the new boss and learning more about him.
149. Fun team building activity - kayaking
150. Osprey diving for fish
151. pulling taffy and enjoying the treat after the pull!
152. my sister's bravery to share part of her story and give God the glory!
153. lunch with the boys and my sis!
154. discovering that a normal girls lunch with a friend was really a divine appointment
155. challenging quotes that stick with you
156. haircuts and that hair grows back quickly!
147. Other bloggers willing to share their life online
148. Meeting the new boss and learning more about him.
149. Fun team building activity - kayaking
150. Osprey diving for fish
151. pulling taffy and enjoying the treat after the pull!
152. my sister's bravery to share part of her story and give God the glory!
153. lunch with the boys and my sis!
154. discovering that a normal girls lunch with a friend was really a divine appointment
155. challenging quotes that stick with you
156. haircuts and that hair grows back quickly!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Picture This - Rebuilding
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness" planted by God to display his glory.
They'll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They'll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new.
Isaiah 61:3b-4 (The Message)
I was putting my youngest son to bed tonight and that's where I heard the Holy Spirit's whisper.
See, my youngest son is a reminder of a promise from God. God promised me that when we learned he would be joining our family that our family, my marriage and our lives would be restored, actually rebuilt.
I was looking at my son as we prayed and thanking God for how He made him and is growing him. My wee one is learning so many new things. That's when the Holy Spirit clearly said, "That's the way it works." I confess my response was, "Huh?". He continued, "Your son started out completely dependent on you and now he's learning. He's being built."
In that moment, I realized that God has been staying true to His promise all along. I just didn't see it that way because things didn't look the way I wanted them too and the process was moving at a snail's pace at best. But, now that I know that the Creator of the universe is rebuilding me, rebuilding my marriage and family I love the picture He's painting. My prayer is that this rebuild brings glory to only Him.
Resting in Him,
They'll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage.
They'll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new.
Isaiah 61:3b-4 (The Message)
I was putting my youngest son to bed tonight and that's where I heard the Holy Spirit's whisper.
See, my youngest son is a reminder of a promise from God. God promised me that when we learned he would be joining our family that our family, my marriage and our lives would be restored, actually rebuilt.
I was looking at my son as we prayed and thanking God for how He made him and is growing him. My wee one is learning so many new things. That's when the Holy Spirit clearly said, "That's the way it works." I confess my response was, "Huh?". He continued, "Your son started out completely dependent on you and now he's learning. He's being built."
In that moment, I realized that God has been staying true to His promise all along. I just didn't see it that way because things didn't look the way I wanted them too and the process was moving at a snail's pace at best. But, now that I know that the Creator of the universe is rebuilding me, rebuilding my marriage and family I love the picture He's painting. My prayer is that this rebuild brings glory to only Him.
Resting in Him,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Multitude Monday
#132 - #145
132. the smell of baby lotion
133. when a great movie shows a great picture of the love of Jesus
134. waiting for God's voice and hearing Him!
135. family ice cream date
136. realizing that it's a good thing when God gives me more than I can handle; just so I need Him more!
137. seeing a friend shine His love in her life - she is radiant!
138. progress reports - seeing where you've come from and realizing where Jesus has taken you and where we still can go!
139. accepting that the "waiting" can be over
140. the communication of a toddler - grabbing my hand and leading me to what he wants
141. not being able to get enough of Jesus!
142. surprises
143. new plans to connect with others
144. a pastor's reminder that I need to be "quick to listen and slow to speak"
145. a kind, gentle, strong husband
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Healing Continues
Day 24 - 9/11 - Remembering tragedy and triumphs. Where is my focus?
Day 25 - Learning that God doesn't remind us of lessons to condemn us (or we condemn ourselves) but to remind us of what imtimacy with Him looks like. I looked through my blog last Friday night. A year or so ago I blogged about a song my son was singing (God of Wonders) and how he changed the words from "You are holy" to "You are hold me". Wouldn't you know Sunday morning as we're getting ready to go to worship, this song plays and my son sings the correct words every time except once - and he slipped in a "You are hold me". How sweet is that! Thank you, Jesus!!
Day 26 - Focus on the Family aired the story of the President of Columbia International who quit his job to care for his wife who was afflicted with Alzhiemers. WOW! Great pictures of selfless love - loving fearlessly. Great picture of God's love for us! I am overwhelmed and empty. Please fill me up, Lord!
Day 27 - Rest is needed.
Day 28 - I woke up with this question from the Lord, "What are you waiting for?" I really thought the answer would come easily, but it hasn't. Am I waiting for someone else to come through for me, for a situation to improve, for things to look the way I want them to look? I'm missing so much life in the hiding of the waiting. I believe healing has come. I will continue for the next couple of days committed to my healing, but WOW! Feelin' some freedom! Thank you, Jesus!
Day 25 - Learning that God doesn't remind us of lessons to condemn us (or we condemn ourselves) but to remind us of what imtimacy with Him looks like. I looked through my blog last Friday night. A year or so ago I blogged about a song my son was singing (God of Wonders) and how he changed the words from "You are holy" to "You are hold me". Wouldn't you know Sunday morning as we're getting ready to go to worship, this song plays and my son sings the correct words every time except once - and he slipped in a "You are hold me". How sweet is that! Thank you, Jesus!!
Day 26 - Focus on the Family aired the story of the President of Columbia International who quit his job to care for his wife who was afflicted with Alzhiemers. WOW! Great pictures of selfless love - loving fearlessly. Great picture of God's love for us! I am overwhelmed and empty. Please fill me up, Lord!
Day 27 - Rest is needed.
Day 28 - I woke up with this question from the Lord, "What are you waiting for?" I really thought the answer would come easily, but it hasn't. Am I waiting for someone else to come through for me, for a situation to improve, for things to look the way I want them to look? I'm missing so much life in the hiding of the waiting. I believe healing has come. I will continue for the next couple of days committed to my healing, but WOW! Feelin' some freedom! Thank you, Jesus!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Multitude Monday
#121 - #131
121. Holding a sleeping toddler
122. Watching that sleeping toddler sleep and being overwhlemed with my love for this child and God's love for me and this child.
123. Amazing sunrises
124. Rainbows that remind me that God keeps His promises
125. Funny stories my husband shares
126. A kindergarten teacher that is bold and tells the truth
127. A 5-year-old that just wants to have fun
128. Two brothers hugging one another
129. Flexible work schedule
130. When God challenges me to be the person He made me to be
121. Holding a sleeping toddler
122. Watching that sleeping toddler sleep and being overwhlemed with my love for this child and God's love for me and this child.
123. Amazing sunrises
124. Rainbows that remind me that God keeps His promises
125. Funny stories my husband shares
126. A kindergarten teacher that is bold and tells the truth
127. A 5-year-old that just wants to have fun
128. Two brothers hugging one another
129. Flexible work schedule
130. When God challenges me to be the person He made me to be
Friday, September 10, 2010
A Season of Healing Continued
Day 17 - Learning more and more to be in the moment. Being thankful. Also knowing what it's like to be helpless and holding on to Jesus!
Day 18 - God reminded me that it is in the waiting that He heals. "While I'm Waiting" continues to be my theme song. I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone. Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey. Others can only benefit from my journey. (I love it when the verse in my journal goes right along with what God's teaching me: Ezekiel 34:26 - "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."
Day 19 - Asking hard questions is a good thing. Finding freedom from self-imposed expectations.
Day 20 - Remember the difference between grace (getting what you don't deserve) and mercy (not getting what you deserve), but also how they go hand in hand. Remember to love fearlessly!
Day 21 - Jesus is in the mundane tasks of life. He is in everything and everything is for His glory. I've discovered that I'm full of fear.
Day 22 - Perspective - maybe I'm looking at this as a battle to win instead of a journey to enjoy.
Day 23 - God is my refuge. I need to take some time out with Him alone. Beth Moore said, "You know when you're empty when you can't get enough." Once your heart is broken, you're never the same. God esteems the brokenhearted. He is more than willing to bind up the brokenhearted - it's what He came to do. We're not bothering Him when we let him into our brokenness. He came to do exactly that. That was His mission - to deliver us, to be our refuge, to free us, to bind up our brokenness. The word "bind" is like a medical term for tourniquet. It hurts, but it does what it's supposed to do for the healing.
Be blessed!
Day 18 - God reminded me that it is in the waiting that He heals. "While I'm Waiting" continues to be my theme song. I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone. Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey. Others can only benefit from my journey. (I love it when the verse in my journal goes right along with what God's teaching me: Ezekiel 34:26 - "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."
Day 19 - Asking hard questions is a good thing. Finding freedom from self-imposed expectations.
Day 20 - Remember the difference between grace (getting what you don't deserve) and mercy (not getting what you deserve), but also how they go hand in hand. Remember to love fearlessly!
Day 21 - Jesus is in the mundane tasks of life. He is in everything and everything is for His glory. I've discovered that I'm full of fear.
Day 22 - Perspective - maybe I'm looking at this as a battle to win instead of a journey to enjoy.
Day 23 - God is my refuge. I need to take some time out with Him alone. Beth Moore said, "You know when you're empty when you can't get enough." Once your heart is broken, you're never the same. God esteems the brokenhearted. He is more than willing to bind up the brokenhearted - it's what He came to do. We're not bothering Him when we let him into our brokenness. He came to do exactly that. That was His mission - to deliver us, to be our refuge, to free us, to bind up our brokenness. The word "bind" is like a medical term for tourniquet. It hurts, but it does what it's supposed to do for the healing.
Be blessed!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Had some great quality time with an eternal sister this morning and was reminded of so many lessons that I've learned but am not abiding in. No condemnation, just desire to abide and stay as close to Jesus as long as possible!
I'm reminded about loving fearlessly. I have to sit back and laugh as it was exactly a year ago that God and I were wrestling with this. The match continues and thank goodness God is winning! and
So if I love fearlessly I get to enjoy love, which is the best picture of abundant life and freedom if I ever saw one! So here's to living and being in the moment ready to enjoy Jesus!
I'm reminded about loving fearlessly. I have to sit back and laugh as it was exactly a year ago that God and I were wrestling with this. The match continues and thank goodness God is winning! and
So if I love fearlessly I get to enjoy love, which is the best picture of abundant life and freedom if I ever saw one! So here's to living and being in the moment ready to enjoy Jesus!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Multitude Monday
#106 - #120
106. Dancing with my littlest guy
107. God reminding me, while I'm dancing with my little guy, that when I try to take over or lead the dance the dancing stops... just like dancing with Jesus.
108. When God invites you to be a part of what He's doing by laying someone on your heart and all you can do is pray. You don't know circumstances, needs, etc. Then you learn the story and what God is up to. Wow - humbling and awesome!
109. Being able to laugh at the attacks of the enemy.
110. Swimming with the boys at our neighbor's house
111. Dinner by the pool with the boys at our neighbor's house
112. Great fellowship with a new friend and the anticipation of what God will do with this friendship.
113. Hearing the question of a child, "When is Jesus coming back?"
114. the anticipation of God's work at Battle Ready Men's Retreat
115. giggles and flirty smiles
116. safety patrols at the parent pick-up line at school
117. my job (and that Friday and Monday are days off!)
118. ice cream dates
119. Sermons that God uses to speak to you, meet you where you're at and give you hope.
120. Knowing that healing happens in the waiting. The great thing is that when healing happens in the waiting glory can only go to Jesus!

106. Dancing with my littlest guy
107. God reminding me, while I'm dancing with my little guy, that when I try to take over or lead the dance the dancing stops... just like dancing with Jesus.
108. When God invites you to be a part of what He's doing by laying someone on your heart and all you can do is pray. You don't know circumstances, needs, etc. Then you learn the story and what God is up to. Wow - humbling and awesome!
109. Being able to laugh at the attacks of the enemy.
110. Swimming with the boys at our neighbor's house
111. Dinner by the pool with the boys at our neighbor's house
112. Great fellowship with a new friend and the anticipation of what God will do with this friendship.
113. Hearing the question of a child, "When is Jesus coming back?"
114. the anticipation of God's work at Battle Ready Men's Retreat
115. giggles and flirty smiles
116. safety patrols at the parent pick-up line at school
117. my job (and that Friday and Monday are days off!)
118. ice cream dates
119. Sermons that God uses to speak to you, meet you where you're at and give you hope.
120. Knowing that healing happens in the waiting. The great thing is that when healing happens in the waiting glory can only go to Jesus!
Friday, September 3, 2010
A Season of Healing
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on our own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all." Prov. 3:5-7 Message Version
In Ecclesiastes 3:3, it says there is a time for healing. I'm on Day 16 of this Healing Journey for a wound that has burdened my heart for at least 3.5 years. I'm ready for the scar to be there instead of a scab. While I'm thankful for the journey, it's hard, uncomfortable, humbling, yet peaceful and refreshing.
This season of at least 30 days, I'm focusing on God and what He wants to show me. I learned this from a Beth Moore study - every message, every devotion, every song, everything shared, heard, etc. may point to healing of the particular wound you want delivery from.
Before I share what God has shown me over the last 2+weeks, I'm awakened to a new way of life. Although I may be focused on this one wound right now, I need healing every day because I need Jesus every day. So while now during this specific season, I'm expectant of what God is going to show me, how will he show up today, etc. Why don't I ask those questions every day? Why don't I expect him to show up every day? And how do I live that way while putting puzzles together with my boys or doing the dishes or commuting to the office? I love the paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-7. I've discovered that I think I'm being "super spiritual" by trying to figure out what God is up to in my life instead of enjoying Him being there, listening, dancing with Him and trusting Him. That last part is the hardest - the trusting Him. The great thing is that we have all of eternity to trust Him more!
What I've learned in my healing journey:
Day 1 - Had great worship with Travis Cottrell's "Jesus Saves", great fellowship with a friend and continue to be challenged by the book "Sacred Marriage". This week's chapter was on forgiveness.
Day 2 - "Family Life Today" radio program featured a couple who survived and thrived in spite of infidelity - learned a lot about marriage and communication in the conversation; my work situation - God is taking care of it.
Day 3 - What does healing look like? For me now with this wound: having the ability and courage to ask for what I want/need continuously regardless of the reaction/response each time. Also, read Ian the Berenstein Bears book about telling the truth. It said, "Trust can't be put back together." Guess it has to be re-built.
Day 4 - Jesus loves me and nothing can separate us. He is mine and I am His. He mourns with me. He turns mourning into praise. He set me free!
Day 5 - God loves to hear the sound of my voice in persistent prayer. Submit to God's sovereignty.
Day 6 - Psalm 107
Day 7 - Psalm 46 - Be still = surrender. Expectations - Jesus knew his 12 disciples wouldn't come through for him, but he loved them purposefully and passionately anyway. Look beyond my expectations. John 15:5 - It's all about Jesus!
Day 8 - WOW! Great message on Focus on the Family about unforgiveness and how it manifests itself in our lives/behavior. Distance = fear of being hurt again; rationalized as "protecting yourself" but in reality it leads to isolation and no intimacy (which was one of the things I'd been praying for - little did I know I was int he way!). God also revealed my fear - Trust Him through it! (the amazing thing - in my hand-written journal, the bottom of this page states the verse Psalm 37:4)! I did ask for forgiveness for using distance to protect myself, shared my 30-day journey of healing and got a simple earthly response. I heard Jesus say before I received the simple earthly response, "Give me your expectations." It was easier to take, still hurts, but looking to Him for strength!
Day 9 - It was a crazy day!
Day 10 - He is the vine and I am the branch. Be servant-hearted in marriage.
Day 11 - From "Sacred Marriage" - My servant-heartedness and selflessness (and cheerful attitude) have more to do with my relationship with Christ than my relationship with my husband. Also, remembered God has given me a new heart and that is how He sees me. The Christian walk isn't for wimps!
Day 12 - Remember that God's love for me is unconditional. The love I have for my husband should be unconditional - my expectations, needs and wants should not determine how much I love him.
Day 13 - Chuck Swindoll's message answered the "How do I do this?" Answer is Romans 12. Remember that pride and fear get in the way. Remember your roots.
Day 14 - Dancing! I was dancing with Ryan. he was standing on the changing table after bath time. I then picked him up and tried to dance with him while holding him. He wanted nothing to do with it (he wanted to go see daddy, play with this, read this book, etc.). Then it hit me - a picture of dancing with Jesus: If we let Him lead, it works and everyone enjoys it. But the minute I start to lead, the more distracted I get the more I don't want to dance. Hmmm! Also saw today how awesome it is to have God invite you into where He is already working and you have no idea!
Day 15 - The message for today appears to be humility; putting others before yourself. Also a lot about hope. "Life is falling down and getting back up all the way to Heaven." - from David Jeremiah message.
Day 16 - Have to say it's the focus thing and living it out every day, every moment.
Be blessed!!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
In Ecclesiastes 3:3, it says there is a time for healing. I'm on Day 16 of this Healing Journey for a wound that has burdened my heart for at least 3.5 years. I'm ready for the scar to be there instead of a scab. While I'm thankful for the journey, it's hard, uncomfortable, humbling, yet peaceful and refreshing.
This season of at least 30 days, I'm focusing on God and what He wants to show me. I learned this from a Beth Moore study - every message, every devotion, every song, everything shared, heard, etc. may point to healing of the particular wound you want delivery from.
Before I share what God has shown me over the last 2+weeks, I'm awakened to a new way of life. Although I may be focused on this one wound right now, I need healing every day because I need Jesus every day. So while now during this specific season, I'm expectant of what God is going to show me, how will he show up today, etc. Why don't I ask those questions every day? Why don't I expect him to show up every day? And how do I live that way while putting puzzles together with my boys or doing the dishes or commuting to the office? I love the paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-7. I've discovered that I think I'm being "super spiritual" by trying to figure out what God is up to in my life instead of enjoying Him being there, listening, dancing with Him and trusting Him. That last part is the hardest - the trusting Him. The great thing is that we have all of eternity to trust Him more!
What I've learned in my healing journey:
Day 1 - Had great worship with Travis Cottrell's "Jesus Saves", great fellowship with a friend and continue to be challenged by the book "Sacred Marriage". This week's chapter was on forgiveness.
Day 2 - "Family Life Today" radio program featured a couple who survived and thrived in spite of infidelity - learned a lot about marriage and communication in the conversation; my work situation - God is taking care of it.
Day 3 - What does healing look like? For me now with this wound: having the ability and courage to ask for what I want/need continuously regardless of the reaction/response each time. Also, read Ian the Berenstein Bears book about telling the truth. It said, "Trust can't be put back together." Guess it has to be re-built.
Day 4 - Jesus loves me and nothing can separate us. He is mine and I am His. He mourns with me. He turns mourning into praise. He set me free!
Day 5 - God loves to hear the sound of my voice in persistent prayer. Submit to God's sovereignty.
Day 6 - Psalm 107
Day 7 - Psalm 46 - Be still = surrender. Expectations - Jesus knew his 12 disciples wouldn't come through for him, but he loved them purposefully and passionately anyway. Look beyond my expectations. John 15:5 - It's all about Jesus!
Day 8 - WOW! Great message on Focus on the Family about unforgiveness and how it manifests itself in our lives/behavior. Distance = fear of being hurt again; rationalized as "protecting yourself" but in reality it leads to isolation and no intimacy (which was one of the things I'd been praying for - little did I know I was int he way!). God also revealed my fear - Trust Him through it! (the amazing thing - in my hand-written journal, the bottom of this page states the verse Psalm 37:4)! I did ask for forgiveness for using distance to protect myself, shared my 30-day journey of healing and got a simple earthly response. I heard Jesus say before I received the simple earthly response, "Give me your expectations." It was easier to take, still hurts, but looking to Him for strength!
Day 9 - It was a crazy day!
Day 10 - He is the vine and I am the branch. Be servant-hearted in marriage.
Day 11 - From "Sacred Marriage" - My servant-heartedness and selflessness (and cheerful attitude) have more to do with my relationship with Christ than my relationship with my husband. Also, remembered God has given me a new heart and that is how He sees me. The Christian walk isn't for wimps!
Day 12 - Remember that God's love for me is unconditional. The love I have for my husband should be unconditional - my expectations, needs and wants should not determine how much I love him.
Day 13 - Chuck Swindoll's message answered the "How do I do this?" Answer is Romans 12. Remember that pride and fear get in the way. Remember your roots.
Day 14 - Dancing! I was dancing with Ryan. he was standing on the changing table after bath time. I then picked him up and tried to dance with him while holding him. He wanted nothing to do with it (he wanted to go see daddy, play with this, read this book, etc.). Then it hit me - a picture of dancing with Jesus: If we let Him lead, it works and everyone enjoys it. But the minute I start to lead, the more distracted I get the more I don't want to dance. Hmmm! Also saw today how awesome it is to have God invite you into where He is already working and you have no idea!
Day 15 - The message for today appears to be humility; putting others before yourself. Also a lot about hope. "Life is falling down and getting back up all the way to Heaven." - from David Jeremiah message.
Day 16 - Have to say it's the focus thing and living it out every day, every moment.
Be blessed!!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Multitude Monday
#91 - #105
91. a brave little boy at the dentist
92. a great pediatric dentist that knows how to calm scared kids
93. baking and decorating a cake for my sweet sister's birthday and all the little helpers that went with it!
94. my wee one saying new words all the time!
95. Dad and son playing football in the yard!
96. Play dates with old friends
97. Trying to keep up with my son's social calendar!
98. That God gave me a new heart!
99. Jesus forgives my unforgiveness. Thank you, Jesus!
100. Jesus gently showing me what He wants me to clean out in my heart.
101. the anticipation of long weekends
102. kisses at bedtime
103. when God gives me the boldness I need to do what I need to do!
104. Getting a bigger glimpse of God's sovereignty
105. little cat naps that help you get through the day
91. a brave little boy at the dentist
92. a great pediatric dentist that knows how to calm scared kids
93. baking and decorating a cake for my sweet sister's birthday and all the little helpers that went with it!
94. my wee one saying new words all the time!
95. Dad and son playing football in the yard!
96. Play dates with old friends
97. Trying to keep up with my son's social calendar!
98. That God gave me a new heart!
99. Jesus forgives my unforgiveness. Thank you, Jesus!
100. Jesus gently showing me what He wants me to clean out in my heart.
101. the anticipation of long weekends
102. kisses at bedtime
103. when God gives me the boldness I need to do what I need to do!
104. Getting a bigger glimpse of God's sovereignty
105. little cat naps that help you get through the day
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Multitude Monday #76 - #90
76. ugly experiences that lead you to healing and victory
77. worship that leaves you speechless
78. dancing with Jesus during my worship
79. bike rides and walks even in the 90+ heat
80. a season of healing
81. Knowing that I am His and He is mine!
82. when every verse, every message, every song administer healing salve to a wound that's been around for too long.
83. bathtime fun with the boys - can you say splish splash?!
84. watching the boys play football with dad in the living room - we've got some big tacklers in the making!
85. the priviledge of friends asking me to pray for them. Wow!
86. the anticipation of catching up with friends
87. when God completely removes the need for the battle you thought you were going to have to fight.
88. that football season has started
89. My husband confirmed he is going on our church's men's retreat! Can't wait to see what God's up to there!
90. Making it through the first week of kindergarten and lived to tell about it!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Counting Some Blessings - #51 - 75
51. The Gratitude Community - I love that I catch myself saying, "Thank you, Jesus! I get to add that to my list!"
52. Soft, summer rain showers
53. Home improvement projects done!
54. My hubby who did the home improvement projects!
55. A new washing machine to replace the one that died last Sunday.
56. Laughter that won't stop!
57. Giggles just from looking at one another
58. Father and son painting the mail box together
59. Time to focus on family
60. First Day of School preparation and excitement
61. The reminder that Jesus takes us as we are and that we should do the same for others.
62. A mom who really cares
63. My sister's generous heart
64. Tylenol
65. Sleep - whenever I can get it!
66. The little travel packs of tissues - I cry at anything!
67. Little voice saying "peas", "tink" and "bess you"
68. Boldness and obedience to share Jesus
69. Worship that when I close my eyes I see me and Jesus dancing closely, warmly, initimately
70. Restoration from the ruins
71. Tears - sometimes I just need a good cry, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it's pure joy, sometimes it's amazement at how Jesus is working
72. When my wee ones want to hear "Jesus Music"
73. Music that helps me and my wee ones hide God's Word in our hearts!
74. New friends who let you in a little more to see who they really are. It's the start of another beautiful friendship!
75. Building something as we go - no expectations - just trusting Him!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Multitude Monday - #33 -
"It is God's responsiblity to cause you to hear and recognize His voice. He wants to reveal His will to you and scripture clearly shows that He will do it." -- Priscilla Shirer
33. Vacation/Staycation - it really doesn't matter!
34. Home improvement projects - thankful I have a home to improve!
35. A husband who takes pride in the home improvement projects! He is working so hard.
36. Catching up on time with my boys!
37. Encouraging friends who don't know they're encouraging you.
38. Friends who share the truth in love no matter how hard it is to say or hear!
39. Little voices saying, "Bless You" and "Pretty" and then knowing that those sweet words were meant for you!
40. Jesus dancing with me!
41. Jesus loving me like no other!
42. The guards He puts at my mouth. Unfortunately, sometimes I make mine work a little harder than necessary!
43. Finishing a great book!
44. Starting another great book!
45. Sunshine peaking through the trees
46. That His ways aren't our ways - thank you, Jesus, that you're in control
47. Laughter at the next thing that the enemy tries to do to keep me down.
48. How my husband helps me keep my perspective in check.
49. Snuggle time!
50. Mischievous smiles - they can be so cute when they're up to something!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Multitude Monday #20 - #32
- being greeted at the door with irreplaceable hugs and kisses after a long day at the office
- "MaMa" being spoken (and heard) thousands of times throughout the day
- encouraging words shared by a woman I just met
- answers to prayers confirmed
- a good dose of humble pie (yes, I'm eating it!)
- new adventures beginning
- great books to read, you know the ones that make you think
- my sweet husband always making sure the car is full of gas for my upcoming travels for the week
- seeing little treasures in the rain with my guys: baby frogs, a spider spinning a web and water puddles everywhere!
- the way an afternoon thunderstorm can cool things off
- weekends with family
- visits from family
- remembering that baby steps get you to the same destination. It just takes longer to get there.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Multitude Monday - all week long!
#11 - #19
tickle time
irreplaceable smiles of sweet little boys
pure joy of little guys dancing and playing
my husband's encouraging words
peeking at a prayer list and knowing you're praying for the same things!
a loving look of agreement with no words, just a sweet smile
friends with listening ears
prayers of dear sisters
challenges met head on and remembering that Jesus wins, no matter what my circumstances look like!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Thankful for...
A dear friend introduced me to this! Thank you t!

#1 - #10
squeals and laughter from brothers in the backseat
a husband wanting to go out and explore and inviting his family to join him in the adventure
bad attitude getting a huge dose of grace and transforming it to peace (thank you, Jesus!)
caring and sharing with dear friends in person
children enjoying freedom from cares of what others think
how my sweet Savior meets me where I'm at - in sermons, Bible studies, etc.
connecting with friends
calls from mom just to check in
anticipation of what God will do next...
#1 - #10
squeals and laughter from brothers in the backseat
a husband wanting to go out and explore and inviting his family to join him in the adventure
bad attitude getting a huge dose of grace and transforming it to peace (thank you, Jesus!)
caring and sharing with dear friends in person
children enjoying freedom from cares of what others think
how my sweet Savior meets me where I'm at - in sermons, Bible studies, etc.
connecting with friends
calls from mom just to check in
anticipation of what God will do next...
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Date with Jesus
Wow - it's been too long! Having a great husband, 2 growing boys and a great full-time job is taking more out of me than I thought! Anyway, had some great quiet time with Jesus this week and a lot of it today. I'm sharing some of the fruits! Please enjoy!
I've been asking Jesus some hard quesitons lately: One of them is: How do I keep my heart alive and still go through what I'm going through which sometimes includes my heart getting stomped on over and over again? The second is struggling with grace and accountability co-existing. Thirdly, what do these things look like?
Once I calmed down long enough to journal about this question, He gave me an amazing answer: Psalm 91! He told me the following: I am enough to protect your heart. End of story. Then he did kindly continue to answer my questions and said: Grace has to have accountability in order for it to be grace. The grace receiver must know what they deserved and what they actually received. In other words, you can't have grace without accountability. Then He continued! Kimberly likes to have the same picture for every situation; it's comfortable and gives her a sense of control. Sweet daughter, it's time to grow. These things that you're asking about don't look the same each time. It all depends on what both people involved need at any given moment. The only way you'll know what the picture looks like is to abide in me so I can tell and show you. Start asking these questions instead, "What does it look like for God to get glory in this situation?" and "What does it look like for the other person's needs to be met?" Challenging but great questions!
Now, as I've spent time with Him today I was left in awe! So ladies please get some time for you to do this for yourselves and for your hearts. It's worth it!
I'm a firm believer that Jesus is the Lover of my soul (yours too!). I've been letting Him romance me and love me. But, today I was challenged with being a "lover" back to God. OK, don't hear what I'm not saying! Do you like a man to caress your face gently? Have you let God caress your face? (It could be a breeze blowing in your face, seeing a rainbow, or however He meets you where you are at!) Have you ever thought about how you could caress the face of God? Have to confess, this was a new one for me!
I'm reading this great book, "Sacred Marriage" and the author has challenged his readers with the last question. We serve a holy God. I was a bit intimidated to go here, but it was a fun adventure - one that I will definitely be repeating.
When's your next date with Jesus? Will you go to dinner? Will you dance? Will you just sit and rest? Will you share your most intimate thoughts? Will you laugh? Will you sing? Will you cry? Will you be real? Will you...
Here are some scriptures to help you remember who He is and who you are.
Psalm 45:11
Zephaniah 3:17
Psalm 34:4-5
Psalm 62: 5-8 (wow, my honor depends on God! That's great news!)
Psalm 145
Isaiah 43:1-4
Ephesians 2:10
Hebrews 10:35-36
1 John 4:18
Will you ask Jesus out for a date? I know His answer will be a resounding YES! Savor the time; enjoy His company; bask in His glory! You're radiant!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
I've been asking Jesus some hard quesitons lately: One of them is: How do I keep my heart alive and still go through what I'm going through which sometimes includes my heart getting stomped on over and over again? The second is struggling with grace and accountability co-existing. Thirdly, what do these things look like?
Once I calmed down long enough to journal about this question, He gave me an amazing answer: Psalm 91! He told me the following: I am enough to protect your heart. End of story. Then he did kindly continue to answer my questions and said: Grace has to have accountability in order for it to be grace. The grace receiver must know what they deserved and what they actually received. In other words, you can't have grace without accountability. Then He continued! Kimberly likes to have the same picture for every situation; it's comfortable and gives her a sense of control. Sweet daughter, it's time to grow. These things that you're asking about don't look the same each time. It all depends on what both people involved need at any given moment. The only way you'll know what the picture looks like is to abide in me so I can tell and show you. Start asking these questions instead, "What does it look like for God to get glory in this situation?" and "What does it look like for the other person's needs to be met?" Challenging but great questions!
Now, as I've spent time with Him today I was left in awe! So ladies please get some time for you to do this for yourselves and for your hearts. It's worth it!
I'm a firm believer that Jesus is the Lover of my soul (yours too!). I've been letting Him romance me and love me. But, today I was challenged with being a "lover" back to God. OK, don't hear what I'm not saying! Do you like a man to caress your face gently? Have you let God caress your face? (It could be a breeze blowing in your face, seeing a rainbow, or however He meets you where you are at!) Have you ever thought about how you could caress the face of God? Have to confess, this was a new one for me!
I'm reading this great book, "Sacred Marriage" and the author has challenged his readers with the last question. We serve a holy God. I was a bit intimidated to go here, but it was a fun adventure - one that I will definitely be repeating.
When's your next date with Jesus? Will you go to dinner? Will you dance? Will you just sit and rest? Will you share your most intimate thoughts? Will you laugh? Will you sing? Will you cry? Will you be real? Will you...
Here are some scriptures to help you remember who He is and who you are.
Psalm 45:11
Zephaniah 3:17
Psalm 34:4-5
Psalm 62: 5-8 (wow, my honor depends on God! That's great news!)
Psalm 145
Isaiah 43:1-4
Ephesians 2:10
Hebrews 10:35-36
1 John 4:18
Will you ask Jesus out for a date? I know His answer will be a resounding YES! Savor the time; enjoy His company; bask in His glory! You're radiant!
Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
Luke 1:29-45
39At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
First of all, Happy 2010!! What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been! Our little Ryan was in the hospital for a few days being treated for Kawasaki's Disease. I have to tell you that I saw an angel Ryan's room right before he was discharged. If you want to know more, let me know and I'm happy to share!
God has laid this message on my heart for about 3 weeks, but this is the first opportunity I've had the opportunity to get it posted. Our Pastor delivered some great pre-Christmas messages. One of them included these verses and when we read the scripture, tears came to my eyes. This is what moved me:
39At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
First of all, Happy 2010!! What a whirlwind the last few weeks have been! Our little Ryan was in the hospital for a few days being treated for Kawasaki's Disease. I have to tell you that I saw an angel Ryan's room right before he was discharged. If you want to know more, let me know and I'm happy to share!
God has laid this message on my heart for about 3 weeks, but this is the first opportunity I've had the opportunity to get it posted. Our Pastor delivered some great pre-Christmas messages. One of them included these verses and when we read the scripture, tears came to my eyes. This is what moved me:
- Elizabeth's words - she basically said who am I to have the mother of the Savior of the universe to want to come see me. Humility. Knowing who she is. Knowing who the Savior is.
- How God used these women - Elizabeth and Mary were chosen. We are chosen too. Chosen to be His daughters. Chosen to carry out the part of His story that he has written for and with us in mind.
- Hope - verse 45! While I know that the verse is refering directly to Mary giving birth to Jesus and all that means with him being Messiah. I just can't help but claim this verse too! Oh, the hope that fills my soul to know that His promises are true. What he has said, will be! What I have to remember is baby steps!
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