1147. He is Defender and Deliverer
1148. Camping out at 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 and meditating on patient endurance
1149. "the most awesomest day of school ever" of first grade
1150. meeting the teacher we've prayed for all summer
1151. Husband love leading in prayer for the first day of school and then the older boy love requesting a huddle and "Go Broncos" cheer
1152. the cheers of the wee one from the sidelines for his big brother and the team
1153. how my sister sacrifices her Saturday mornings to support her nephew out on the field
1154. when God reaches down and touches my heart in the middle of worship
1155. the challenge to fight the beautiful fight
1156. reminders of God's promises, His truth, His love, His strength and His power.
1 comment:
beautiful praise... oh how the building is ever before my eyes, one praise at a time. always believing. always hoping ((and our hope is not in vain)). always trusting. always praising. for we know that He alone is God, He alone is in control - all else an illusion. how wonderful, how beautiful to KNOW His truth.
i too sing His praises with you & yours... and now there's a smiley face beside "first grade teacher" :)
looking forward to talking with you this week, my Sister. until that time know i am praying & praising on your behalf :) God bless you & keep you & make His face shine upon you & give you peace.
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