1158. A challenging message from Pastor David today.
1159. Fun conversations with the boys - Me: I was playing phone tag with this lady and finally connected with her today. Older boy love: Mom, wait a minute. I thought you were working today, but you were playing tag? I need to learn to play phone tag.
1160. Eskimo kisses with the wee one!
1161. Thankful that with a week of a bomb threat, earthquake and hurricane in one week it is better than it could have been. Continuing to pray for those affected.
1162. The first real football game. That older boy love hates to lose.
1163. the gift of play
1164. that God has named my "stuff" and is walking me through it
1165. that Romans 4:20-21 is a picture of being brave and at rest in the Lord
1166. that the boys fight over which "Jesus song" to listen to in the car
1167. that my sister is a miracle - she wasn't supposed to live to be a teenager and now she's celebrating another birthday in her 30s.
1168. that God calls us to be thankful for both good things and bad things - all for His glory!
1 comment:
Praising Him in the reading of His beautiful gifts! and praying to Him in the moments for those He continues to give, even in this very night :) How Great is our God!
i love the elder wanting to learn phone tag, and my heart rejoices for you as i warmly remember days when i shared eskimo kisses with my own wee one.
and praising Him for the miracle of my Goober, your sister!
and praising Him for the hard eucharisteo - all for His glory!
Love you Girl!
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