Sunday, August 30, 2009

Loving Fearlessly

1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Sorry to say I've let life (and some bad choices on time management!) get in the way of blogging regularly. Can't believe it's been almost 2 months since my last blog - time flies! OK - on to the good stuff!

This verse has intrigued me for about 6 weeks now. I didn't understand the punishment part of it. When I dug into the Greek, the flood gates opened!

The Greek word for punishment (torment in the KJV) is "not enjoying love". Does that not blow your mind? "Perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with not enjoying love." I know I'm guilty of blaming other people for not loving me the way I think they should. But God has put this one back on me. How often do I get caught up in my own expectations, my own desires, my own circumstances and stuff that I completely miss how much God loves me and delights in me - even over the little things that I don't think will matter. He sees everything and is the only one who knows how the little things we think, say and do will impact others.

Don't hear what I'm not saying - I'm not saying "don't have expectations or desires and reactions and responses to life's circumstances and stuff". Experiencing those things lets us know that we're really living. Just don't let that stuff get in the way of you enjoying God's amazing, extravagant love for you.

So here's my question - Are you enjoying God's love for you? I mean really enjoying (to take pleasure or satisfaction in) God's love. If not, then take some time to rest there until you are enjoying His love. If you are, great job, but how are you going to abide there. This is definitely a choice that you alone can make.

Picture this: What does loving God fearlessly look like? (this is where you pull out your journal and write about the pictures and stuff that God gives you!)
For me, it's a picture of trust. God holding out his BIG hand and me resting in the middle of it. Trusting that He will be who he said he would be and do what he said he would do. Now, each situation in my life - the "resting" part is probably the hardest. Sometimes I have to wrestle with God in order to get to the resting place. Sometimes I go compliantly. Other times I don't rest and I miss out on taking in and enjoying His love because I'm so busy focusing on other stuff.

Next question - How do you love others? Do you love others fearlessly?
How about your spouse? How about your kids? How about the person at work that gets on your last nerve? What about the people that don't look or think like you?

Now, I'm not saying be stupid and give your heart to everyone! Ask God what this looks like (another journal opportunity!). If you're in an abusive relationship, then yes, you need to get out and not love your abuser fearlessly - leave that up to God - He's bigger! Loving others fearlessly to me means not expecting anything back - just giving and letting others enjoy the fact that they are loved by God becuase ultimately it's Christ's love through me that makes me even capable of loving others, much less loving others fearlessly with no thought of getting anything in return. This one to me is even harder than the first question. The good thing is that love is a fruit of the spirit - can only be done with and through Jesus!

Be brave! Be bold! Be you!

Love & Prayers,
Romans 15:13


Kara said...

Great post Kim!

Thanks for the insight. I know you to be a woman who loves fearlessly!

I would say more, but I think I will just ponder your words as I make my way to bed.

What perfect thoughts to fall asleep to!

Love you,

Kim said...

Hope you slept tight!
I'm continuing to ponder this Word and challenge. It has been in my head for more than a month and even as I was typing away I was challenged. Guess that means we're growing!!
Be blessed!
Love & miss you!

-t- said...

My DD is painting & asking me questions about Grace and Glory faster than I can respond & my DS is wrecking cars together... needless to say I'll read this blog again later when I can focus a little more :) However, in this moment with pieces of cars flying overhead & paint splattered on the floor a Beth Moore quote comes to mind:
"Most people will settle for being miserable rather than risk being happy."
May we risk what we think is everything to love Him and others fearlessly knowing that truly He alone is everything :)
Thank you for sharing your heart & encouraging me to dig a little deeper :)
Love & Prayers,