Sunday, May 29, 2011

Counting amazing gifts - #951 - #964

951.  KLOVE radio 
952.  date night with my husband love
953.  Aunt Traci babysitting the boys
954.  Improvements and more hope for a baby in the NICU
955.  family reunions
956.  3-day weekends
957.  Dairy Queen ice cream
958. That God can turn darkness to light
959.  That God shows up on the scene with just the message needed!  I was in tears, knowing that I was in battle.  Turned on the radio at teh end of my prayer and He has David Jeremiah's message about putting on the armor of God (specifically the shield of faith).  I had "church' in the parking lot of the meeting place! 
960.  God's answered prayer - Just asked him to deliver Women's Ministry to me the way He wanted on Monday.  On Wednesday, got an e-mail from my Pastor to be the church's Women's Ministry Director.  WOW!
961.  remembering the difference between punishment and discipline
962.  The wee one explaining to big brother that "I not the baby.... I not the kid... I the brother!"
963.  The oldest son love's sweet remarks, "Mom, I wouldn't trade you for anything!"
964.  The thought of Heaven and what our senses will be like!  Imagine... seeing things more beautiful than we can describe, hearing sounds more clearly and beautifully than ever before, tasting the foods at the feast more spectacularly, touching things that are softer than we ever remembered, the scent of holiness all around!  WOW!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thankfully counting - #933 - #950

Ephesians 6:11 -  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

933. God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
934.  Pictures of freedom
935. seeing the shuttle launch from downtown J-ville
936.  healthy children
937.  NICU doctors and nurses
938.  prayers lifted up for baby Hayden and his family
939.  how a business appointment turned into a divine appointment (guess it was divine all along!)
940.  being real with my sister-friends
941.  knowing that the closer we get to God, the pickier He gets (wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
942.  the meditations of my heart really means the murmurings of my heart (what is flowing from my heart) (more wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
943.  how my husband takes pride in our yard
944.  tickling my boys' tickle spots and hearing the giggles and belly laughs
945.  resting in His freedom
946.  my sister's new apartment
947.  the joy of seeing my boys be helpers during hte move
948.  how my boys love the adventure of swimming
949.  miracles and  how they leave you speechless and in awe of our Maker.
950.  fearless, brave, bold believers

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Multitude Monday - #916 - #932

Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

916.  celebration of life - baby showers for baby Cole and baby Katerina.  I work with their mommies!
917.  God uses ordinary people
918.  Fighting for joy, instead of always fighting against something.
919.  Oh, how He loves me!
920.  Remembering the call that I've already said yes to and now waiting...
921.  My sons singing "Rock on Larry Boy" at the top of their lungs from the back seat of the car
922.  Good, meaningful talks with my husband love that give me more clarity and assurance
923.  Encouragement from others at just the right time
924.  A sister-friend who stopped everything just to pray with me
925.  Being moved to speechlessness in worship
926.  God's word is true now and applicable now
927.  Parallels in god's word
928.  The fruit that God grows during a crisis
929.  Hunger and thirst that can only be quenched by Him
930.  Rain, sweet, much-needed rain!
931.  The smell of the breeze right before (and right after) it starts to rain
932.  Looking at God's word with new eyes and a new heart!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Counting on - #892 - #915

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

892.  The Warriors Prayer
893.  You love me anyway
894.  A Sacred Echo - The Beatitudes
895.  A Sacred Echo - Esther - mentor, leader, warrior, brave woman
896.  a theme of brokenness to beauty
897.  perseverance
898.  thoughtful gifts from loved ones
899.  my mom
900.  my grandma
901.  that I'm a mom - wow!  what an honor, privilege and responsibility!
902.  A sister friend sharing great words of wisdom and challenge from her Beth Moore study - "Every one's in the battle whether they like it or not.  The real question is how are you fighting.  'I have fought the good fight' - good is really translated beautiful.  Are you fighting the beautiful fight or the ugly fight?"
903.  Excitement about 2 co-workers wanting to grow in their relationship with Christ
904.  A Mother's Day Tea in kindergarten - sooo sweet - flowers, china tea cups, hot tea, cookies, sweet poems, kind thoughtful gifts!
905.  My older boy love thinks that I weigh 80 pounds and am 70 feet tall, but wouldn't trade me for anything!
906.  Snuggle time with the boys
907.  The wee one saying he's ready for a big-boy bed.
908.  the wee one's love for talking on the phone
909.  the power of intercessory prayer
910.  that my God can and will clean my heart when I ask Him to
911.  learning how to be a God glorifier - in everything I am and everything I have
912.  sunshine
913.  a kind husband who grilled out for me!
914.  celebrating the achievements of others
915.  the wee one wanting to sing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Worshipping - #874 - #891

"Each of us is His unique creation, moved ina way different from everybody else.  We express our worship depending on the bent or talent God has given us."  -- Travis Cottrell's "Surprised by Worship"

874.  lunch with a sister-friend that was simply a blessing!
875.  reconnecting with another sister-friend via phone! 
876.  what confession and repentance can do for your soul and for your heart.
877.  awaking at 4am to the wee one love smiling, standing in his crib and saying, "Mama, I had a good nap!"  Thank you, Jesus, that he went back to sleep!
878.  sweet clients bringing treats to the office
879.  a powerful message from a fired up Pastor!
880.  knowing that its best to live from the inside out; getting glimpses of the places in my life that need to be changed inside out
881.  goodnight hugs and kisses
882.  proud potty-parades that include high fives for everyone
883.  catching snippits of the royal wedding
884.  making the boys watch the royal wedding - it spawned some quesitons:  "If God is King, then who is his queen?"
885.  a Sunday evening cookout at a state park
886.  the joy of swinging and aiming for the trees
887.  the understanding look of a mom driving by as I carry my screaming toddler home from our evening walk
888.  the wee one love's encouraging words, "I so proud a you"
889.  communities coming together after devastation
890.  God's mercies - new every morning
891.  anticipation of a Bible study with 2 co-workers