Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thankfully counting - #933 - #950

Ephesians 6:11 -  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

933. God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
934.  Pictures of freedom
935. seeing the shuttle launch from downtown J-ville
936.  healthy children
937.  NICU doctors and nurses
938.  prayers lifted up for baby Hayden and his family
939.  how a business appointment turned into a divine appointment (guess it was divine all along!)
940.  being real with my sister-friends
941.  knowing that the closer we get to God, the pickier He gets (wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
942.  the meditations of my heart really means the murmurings of my heart (what is flowing from my heart) (more wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
943.  how my husband takes pride in our yard
944.  tickling my boys' tickle spots and hearing the giggles and belly laughs
945.  resting in His freedom
946.  my sister's new apartment
947.  the joy of seeing my boys be helpers during hte move
948.  how my boys love the adventure of swimming
949.  miracles and  how they leave you speechless and in awe of our Maker.
950.  fearless, brave, bold believers

1 comment:

-t- said...

oh the peace here. joy undergirds each gift and peace resonates throughout. i celebrate your thankful counting, i celebrate you :)

949. miracles and how they leave you speechless and in awe of our Maker.

just last night i read of how Augustine did not believe in miraculous healings for his present, until a brother and sister showed up and prayed and prayed for healing... the brother was healed and Augustine invited him into his office and they shares much time talking. the following Sunday Augustine preached on healing and the sister was healed then too. Augustine said that God had spoken quite loudly to his unbelief. I feel certain he had renewed awe for our Maker in those moments. praise Him for:

950. fearless, brave, bold believers

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks.

Love you my Sister,