Sunday, May 8, 2011

Counting on - #892 - #915

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

892.  The Warriors Prayer
893.  You love me anyway
894.  A Sacred Echo - The Beatitudes
895.  A Sacred Echo - Esther - mentor, leader, warrior, brave woman
896.  a theme of brokenness to beauty
897.  perseverance
898.  thoughtful gifts from loved ones
899.  my mom
900.  my grandma
901.  that I'm a mom - wow!  what an honor, privilege and responsibility!
902.  A sister friend sharing great words of wisdom and challenge from her Beth Moore study - "Every one's in the battle whether they like it or not.  The real question is how are you fighting.  'I have fought the good fight' - good is really translated beautiful.  Are you fighting the beautiful fight or the ugly fight?"
903.  Excitement about 2 co-workers wanting to grow in their relationship with Christ
904.  A Mother's Day Tea in kindergarten - sooo sweet - flowers, china tea cups, hot tea, cookies, sweet poems, kind thoughtful gifts!
905.  My older boy love thinks that I weigh 80 pounds and am 70 feet tall, but wouldn't trade me for anything!
906.  Snuggle time with the boys
907.  The wee one saying he's ready for a big-boy bed.
908.  the wee one's love for talking on the phone
909.  the power of intercessory prayer
910.  that my God can and will clean my heart when I ask Him to
911.  learning how to be a God glorifier - in everything I am and everything I have
912.  sunshine
913.  a kind husband who grilled out for me!
914.  celebrating the achievements of others
915.  the wee one wanting to sing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"

1 comment:

-t- said...

your gratitudes are nearing 1000, what joy He loves us so :)

I see joy in the trials - your battle is indeed beautiful. You beautiful, warrior princess!

and might i say how my heart warms at thoughts of Wee One's singing Joyful, joyful .... we sang it yesterday :}