Sunday, January 29, 2012

Counting and Lovin' it! #1324 - #1333

John 14:1 - Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.
1324.  Much needed rain
1325.  a greeting from my wee one that sounds like I haven't seen him in years, when it was just a couple of hours.
1326.  playing Go Fish and Connect 4 with my elder boy love
1327.  unexpected blessings
1328.  teamwork
1329.  naptime - for others and me!
1330.  seeing elder boy love having fun on the basketball court
1331.  Bully: "You're a bully and you're not a good football player."  Elder Boy Love's response:  "You're not good at loving!"
1332.  prayer prep for Four Zero
1333.  the joy and awesomeness of witnessing a deaf woman come to Jesus and watching the signing as it happened

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