Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heart beats

Today I'm thankful for heart beats...

Heart beats of my children
Heart beats of my husband love
Heart beats of my mom and sister
Heart beats of my family
Heart beats that show His love to others
Heart beats that just beat so we know we're alive
Heart beats that truly live - adventurously, boldly, bravely
Heart beats that are humbled because of the sovereignty of the Only One True God.
Heart beats that have accepted the eternal promise that Christ so freely gives
Heart beats that hurt because pain has purpose which means that life is never easy, but it's worth it
Heart beats that allow God to transform my broken beating heart to one that forgives like His.
Heart beats that beat together with His
Heart beats that break for the lost, shed tears with the hurting and love no matter what.
Heart beats that remember the truth
Heart beats that remind you of what's important
Heart beats that keep you focused on His plans, not our own.

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