Sunday, April 17, 2011

Multitude Monday! #843 - #857

2 Corinthians 12: 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

843.  Listening to my Father say sweetly, gently, yet firmly, "Now you know how I feel about obedience."
844.  Lunches with a sister-friend
845. Riding through the country on my way to a conference for a presentation.  It was a great escape!
846.  The great escape - church ladies retreat!
847.  The challenges set forth and the wrestling matches with God that will soon come
848.  Fresh touch from God:  the sun was peaking through some clouds  shortly after sunrise.  I'm singing some praises to God and the sun appears to be brighter.  I hear God whisper, "see what happens when you praise me?"  When I stopped singing, the sun was covered under a blanket of clouds. 
849.  Lanacane and aloe lotion to the rescue for my sunburn!
850.  Great sister time
851.  New friends made
852.  being reminded that our questions (His question - do I have what it takes and Her question - am I worth fighting for/am I beautiful?)  have to be answered continuously throughout life
853.  Remember to practice it, not perfect it!
854.  Recognizing The Lord's Supper
855.  Amazing worship experiences with the body of Christ!
856.  Anticipation of celebrating Easter!
857.  The joy of a sister-friend mom and little boy as he declares that Jesus is his Lord and Savior and follows in believers baptism. 

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