Sunday, April 3, 2011

Still counting - #809 - #825

809.  the older boy love's occupational choices this week:  brain surgeon, heart surgeon, "the guy who shoots the animals with tranquilizer guns so they can see the vet"
810.  kisses and snuggles with the wee one love
811.  feeling connected to my husband love
812.  sis being home from her grand adventure
813.  the stories she shared
814.  a little boy who needs prayer for healing (his mom and grandpa too)

815.  The grandpa's Bible and how treasured it is (what an example for me!)

816.  That in this remote village in Asia, these simple people live out the meaning of giveing God their best.  Take a look at their houses compared to the church building. 

817.  That the village believers teach their children Handel's "Messiah" so that the learn how to worship
818.  The wee one love playing with Buzz Lightyear on a mini-skateboard. 
819.  the boys being in awe of an inchworm (and that husband love saw it!)
820.  that frogs always excite the boys
821.  that both of my boys fall and get right back up and do it again (this time, the older boy love fell out of a tree and the wee one love off of the playground).
822.  Focus on the Family article that I read that I could completely relate too.  God met me where I was at!
823.  Playing a new game of encouragement:  "What I like about you is..." 
824.  Amazing worship on Sunday morning
825.  A humbling and challenging message -

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