Sunday, March 27, 2011

Endless counting - #785 - #808

Philippians 4:8-9:  8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
What responsibility. What privilege.  What joy. What truth.  What a challenge.  What growth.  What a God!

785.  Remembering to have FUN!
786.  Laughing about the sacred echo of FUN  (thanks, t)
787.  the check of living from the inside out
788.  the car shopping adventure
789.  A celebrant is the one keeping her eyes on Jesus and His perfect sacrifice — precisely because she isn’t perfect
790.  sharing in the gratitude of others
791.  Rest and refreshment
792.  The possibility of walking with some  younger ladies a walk that may be transformational!
793.  A sacred echo question answered and how it brought me to my knees and I'm reminded He is enough!
794.  blue jays munching on some bird seed in our back yard
795.  words fitting together for a marriage mission statement and a mommy mission statement
796.  the boys being so sleepy that they are silly with laughter - oh the sounds of innocent belly laughs!
797.  finding a better deal
798.  old-new; death-life; Adam-Jesus; Eve-Mary
799.  celebrating with a friend's experience of witnessing God's amazing grace and healing in her heart, her husband and her marriage!
800.  enjoying hearing and seeing older boy love's imagination in high gear!
801.  Hearing the wee one seeing "We will, We will rock you" spontaneously
802.  new car smell
803.  re-learning to trust my husband love
804.  God softening my heart
805.  amazing worship - "I am yours, set apart for you"
806.  holding hands with husband love at church while praying and being led in worship
807.  hand written notes being exchanged between older boy love and best friend down the street
808.  phone calls and text messages between sister-friends


-t- said...

i am joy-filled to share in this beautiful celebration of the moments He's gifted! i am especially thankful as i know that no gift is small, and yet so much of the other 'stuff' is :) what joy to be a 'celebrant' alongside you!

and how He has us in many simalar seasons! we too have been car shopping and His hand is ever present, praise Him! and this weekend i have found that as i laugh more, so do those around me :}

#796- i too get silly when sleepiness sets in... only in your 30's sometimes silly is fun & sometimes it's time to go to sleep :}

oh, the Sacred echo :]

i am always learning that all is joy & Grace. Love you, Sister!


Kara said...

What a list!!!!! There is a richness here that I am basking in and as I read your list, I keep thinking, "This is no small thing!... and neither is this, or this...!"

I love watching (virtually, through your words and pictures here) you living so fully the life He gives you. You are one of those people (and boy am I blessed for it), that you can literally see sanctification happening in right before your eyes. So beautiful.
I rejoice with you, my sister in the easy and in the hard eucharisteo.

Much love,