Saturday, March 12, 2011

Savoring the Moment

1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to savor.  Most of the time when I hear that word it makes me think of food:  something so delicious that you don't want the flavor to end.  So from our friends at, I learned that savor is both a noun and a verb.  I can already tell I'm leaning more towards the verb!  It means: 

: to have a specified smell or quality : smack
1: to give flavor to : season
2a : to have experience of : taste
  b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish
  c : to delight in : enjoy

I must say I love those words:  season, taste, relish, enjoy.  Isn't that what we're supposed to do with life - every day life? 

Remembering the first time I really started paying attention to this word, "savor".  It was 9/11/01.  I couldn't help thinking about the words that were said, the kisses and hugs given and received not knowing they would be their last earthly experiences with those they loved.  I think of my sweet grandma who kissed my wonderful grandpa good-bye in his hospital room so she could go to my aunt's to take a nap.  It was their last.  I think of dreams dreamt and little things said and done that won't be anymore here on earth.  This is the everyday life that is to be savored; the life of 1 Timothy 6:17 that God provides for our enjoyment. 

So how do you find joy in the middle of suffering, sorrow and craziness?  You slow down, savor and count the blessings.  This counting of blessings really is transformational.  Sometimes I regress, but for the most part I see it as a daily adventure to see how God is going to show up each day in my life. 

So here's to savoring the life we've been given.  May we enjoy, relish and taste life the way our Creator intended:  fully, abundantly and fearlessly.

Love you!

1 comment:

Bethy Lynne said...

That is truly beautiful, Kim. Thank you for sharing. I officially commenced my list of 1000 gifts. Before was just practice...hehe. SO much to be grateful for and rejoice in the Lord for all His treasures! :)