Sunday, July 3, 2011

#1031 - #1051

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.  Galatians 5:1

1031.  My wee one reminding me that love is a verb.  "Mommy, please sit down so I can love you!"
1032.  The joy of older boy love at the sight of a bump in his bicep muscle!
1033.  The sweetness of husband love and the wee one sending me off to work each morning - they go look at the roses in the front yard!
1034.  the responsibility that goes with keeping a secret
1035.  when He speaks to me through His Word!
1036.  Holy Spirit control
1037.  God's sovereignty
1038.  the sound of joy - the boys' uncontrollable laughter
1039.  older boy love teaching the wee one how to tackle
1040.  remembering that freedom is never free
1041.  freedom's cost so freely paid (thank you, Jesus.  thank you, American soldiers.)
1042.  God bless America.  America, bless God.
1043.  the wisdom we can gain from history
1044.  a sister-friend that sent a timely message to share
1045.  the joy in passing that same message along to others.
1046.  learning the difference between being a peacekeeper and a peacemaker
1047.  date night with husband love
1048.  an aunt and uncle willing to open their home to our entire family
1049.  sleepovers with Aunt Traci and Grandma
1050.  helping others remember the truth
1051.  courage that only comes from Christ!

1 comment:

-t- said...

i love your thanksgiving. i love that your gifts truly are gifts again and again as the counting is read by me and by others.

i find myself full of thanksgiving!

and i hear this echo:
"All gratitude is ultimately gratitude for Christ, all remembering a remembrance of Him. For in Him all things were created, are sustained, have their being.

Thus Christ is all there is to give thanks for; Christ is all there is to remember.

To know how we can count on God, we count graces, but ultimately there is really only One."

~One Thousand Gifts

Praising Him! oh how His blessings continue to abound, my Sister :) Love you,