Sunday, July 17, 2011

Counting - #1071 - #1086

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1

1071.  The wonder of rainbows
1072.  The promises of rainbows
1073.  Seeing a beautiful rainbow and hearing a message on the radio that meets me right where I am at!
1074.  The wee one's snuggles
1075.  The older boy love's desire to have Super Hero power so he can bring people back to life. (he misses his Granny)
1076.  The honesty of a child
1077.  The conviction (and repentance) that follows the honesty of a child
1078.  Remembering that God is the source of Love. He is love!
1079.  Anticipation for a marriage conference
1080.  Sister time in the car
1081.  the thoughtfulness of my dad who hand made a kite for the boys to fly
1082.  quality time with parents
1083.  Sleepy-time giggles with my boys
1084.  Laughing at somehow I ended up sleeping on the floor and boys are on the air mattress
1085.  heart-felt worship
1086.  the privilege of praying with my nurse practitioner.  Her mom will be deciding whether to undergo chemo for stage 4 breast cancer.


-t- said...

Praising Him for your gifts.

Joining you & your nurse practitioner in prayer on behalf of her mother.

Thankful for His promises, His love, that he is Love.

Laughing with you, as I too have slept on the floor while the kiddos enjoyed 'better' sleeping arrangements :}

By His hand, all is joy & grace.
Love you, Sister.

-t- said...

i meant to get the link for the song to you Friday. here it is, now:
