Sunday, October 23, 2011

Counting Continuously: #1198 -

1198.  Not a cloud in the sky days
1199.  Chill in the air
1200.  Surprises!
1201.  The wonder of the boys spending a day at the park!
1202.  Seeing jellyfish swimming
1203.  hearing my boys laugh together
1204.  seeing my boys play together
1205.  the gift of a friend opening her home for others
1206.  her work and how it tells her story
1207.  his desire to just spend time together as a family
1208.  how God works it all out how He needs and wants to
1209.  learning the hard way

1 comment:

-t- said...


((wish i could've been present, wish we were sitting together now - me listnening to the details.... ever grateful we're joined in spirit by His Spirit))

love you, my Sister!