[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [[b]which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]. Philippians 3:10 (Amplified)
For the first time I embarked on a new adventure with a couple of my sweet kingdom sisters. In 2011 we took Ann Voskamp's challenge of theming the year instead of making New Year's resolutions. It has been a rewarding experience to walk through life with these sisters as they lived a life of practice and another a life of being faithfully relevant. It was so wonderful to see the Creator of the universe grow these friends and live out these themes in their lives.
He did that for me too. My 2011 was coined the year of living victoriously. I was eager to learn what that looked like. I didn't think about it until after I committed to this theme, but in order for there to be victory there must be a battle. 2011 brought many battles, much growth and wow, much more victory than I ever could have imagined. The month of December brought the most victory specifically in my marriage and in my workplace.
Now, looking toward 2012 the theme He leads me to is Passionate Pursuit. He simply wants my life, my whole life and everything in me, to point to Him and His glory. He is still unveiling this to me. I do know that He wants more of me which really means less of me and more of Him. His Word is to roll off of my tongue and be constantly in my thoughts (which sadly is not the case right now). He has also shown me that if I am not passionately pursuing what He has called me to, then I am living in disobedience. My callings as wife, mom and women's ministry leader are my focus for 2012, while keeping my other roles in check. Looking forward to the adventures He alone has prepared.
Happy 2012!! What will your year be themed? How will you bring Him glory in 2012? Enjoy every moment and every adventure He supplies!
This blog will hopefully challenge women to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and ultimately give Him glory and display His splendor.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wrapping up another year of counting - #1263 - #1279
Romans 12:9 - Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
1263. When the wee one is supposed to be asleep in bed and he hears me cough. He then yells, "You ok, mom?" I smilingly reply, "yes, sweetpea, I'm ok! It's night-night!"
1264. Big victories long prayed for
1265. Small everyday victories that must be intentionally noted or they will be missed.
1266. loving my man in a new way
1267. excitement of the season
1268. projects completed
1269. projects about to begin
1270. being heard, being understood
1271. knowing that she knows that her wee one knows her presence, when the doctors said they don't know how much he will know
1272. her wee one's sweet dimpled chin and pure sweetness
1273. her hard questions about why and faith that can handle those types of quesitons
1274. a dear sister's husband joining His family after praying for this for years!
1275. a dear sister's victory over sin and its shame
1276. a dear sister's journey of simplicity and faithfully relevant
1277. remembering her year of practice
1278. rejoicing in 2011 - the year of living victoriously
1279. anticipation of 2012 - the passionate pursuit!
1263. When the wee one is supposed to be asleep in bed and he hears me cough. He then yells, "You ok, mom?" I smilingly reply, "yes, sweetpea, I'm ok! It's night-night!"
1264. Big victories long prayed for
1265. Small everyday victories that must be intentionally noted or they will be missed.
1266. loving my man in a new way
1267. excitement of the season
1268. projects completed
1269. projects about to begin
1270. being heard, being understood
1271. knowing that she knows that her wee one knows her presence, when the doctors said they don't know how much he will know
1272. her wee one's sweet dimpled chin and pure sweetness
1273. her hard questions about why and faith that can handle those types of quesitons
1274. a dear sister's husband joining His family after praying for this for years!
1275. a dear sister's victory over sin and its shame
1276. a dear sister's journey of simplicity and faithfully relevant
1277. remembering her year of practice
1278. rejoicing in 2011 - the year of living victoriously
1279. anticipation of 2012 - the passionate pursuit!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
gratefully counting - #1245 - #1262
29-30"That's why my cup is running over. This is the assigned moment for him to move into the center, while I slip off to the sidelines. John 3:30 The Message
1245. another humbling message on Sunday - reminding us of pride, repentance and the power of His redemption.
1246. getting away
1247. being creative with no consequences
1248. seeing my sweet t with her girl love and boy love - what a treat!
1249. sneaking in a few deep moments of conversations with her
1250. the patient endurance of my grandma
1251. the joy that Christmas lights bring to little eyes and hearts
1252. the wee one falling asleep in my arms tonight since he didn't take a nap
1253. a sister's boldness to confront
1254. my husband love's willingness to keep the homefront home
1255. my sister's servant heart overflowing
1256. cool breezes
1257. fire pit conversations
1258. KLOVE online
1259. freedom in letting go of the past and the reminders and signs He gave to lead my steps
1260. the hope of staying there!
1261. hopeful anticipation of the unknown - what it looks like to really trust Him!
1262. a piano man that tried hard
1245. another humbling message on Sunday - reminding us of pride, repentance and the power of His redemption.
1246. getting away
1247. being creative with no consequences
1248. seeing my sweet t with her girl love and boy love - what a treat!
1249. sneaking in a few deep moments of conversations with her
1250. the patient endurance of my grandma
1251. the joy that Christmas lights bring to little eyes and hearts
1252. the wee one falling asleep in my arms tonight since he didn't take a nap
1253. a sister's boldness to confront
1254. my husband love's willingness to keep the homefront home
1255. my sister's servant heart overflowing
1256. cool breezes
1257. fire pit conversations
1258. KLOVE online
1259. freedom in letting go of the past and the reminders and signs He gave to lead my steps
1260. the hope of staying there!
1261. hopeful anticipation of the unknown - what it looks like to really trust Him!
1262. a piano man that tried hard
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Counting Thankfully - #1228 - #1244
1228. The wee one's creativity shining through! Shortly after dinner, he gets up and moves his chair over to the wall near the light switch. He stands on the chair and turn off the light as he says in a very dramatic 2 year old voice, "it was a dark, and stormy night..." and then turns the light on and bows.
1229. The excitement of the elder boy love's desire to have a real Bible - not just a storybook one.
1230. Catching up with a friend
1231. Getting my cell number back!
1232. Enjoying 5 straight days of not being at work!
1233. A date day with my husband love to scope out some Christmas presents.
1234. My sweet caring sister - she's amazing!
1235. A plain, simple, good, strong, message this am! Way to go, Pastor David!
1236. The excitement of my Grandma's trip to FL!
1237. learning more about Improv (short for improvise) - Use "Yes, And" statements, try not to use your first 3 ideas - go deeper, the ideas get better!
1238. Football Fever Fun!
1239. The elder boy's draft call for his Upward team! Great coach!
1240. the cool breeze
1241. the joy of seeing the elder boy love master tree climbing
1242. The wee one saying, "Mom, I soo love you!"
1243. effort sometimes means more than the outcome
1244. Remembering that He is the vine and I am the branch. It is really about HIM!
1229. The excitement of the elder boy love's desire to have a real Bible - not just a storybook one.
1230. Catching up with a friend
1231. Getting my cell number back!
1232. Enjoying 5 straight days of not being at work!
1233. A date day with my husband love to scope out some Christmas presents.
1234. My sweet caring sister - she's amazing!
1235. A plain, simple, good, strong, message this am! Way to go, Pastor David!
1236. The excitement of my Grandma's trip to FL!
1237. learning more about Improv (short for improvise) - Use "Yes, And" statements, try not to use your first 3 ideas - go deeper, the ideas get better!
1238. Football Fever Fun!
1239. The elder boy's draft call for his Upward team! Great coach!
1240. the cool breeze
1241. the joy of seeing the elder boy love master tree climbing
1242. The wee one saying, "Mom, I soo love you!"
1243. effort sometimes means more than the outcome
1244. Remembering that He is the vine and I am the branch. It is really about HIM!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Needing to Count - #1218 - #
Jesus is my Provider!
1218. dancing because they can and not caring what other's think!
1219. Thursday night phone calls to my Grandma
1220. cleansing repentance
1221. reminder of the transformation that happens with a heart turned grateful
1222. an unplanned meeting with a friend
1223. a planned meeting with a friend
1224. the importance of remembering the truth
1225. that Jesus performed miracles so we could believe
1226. the eagerness of her searching heart and her willingness to listen
1227. the cleansing of a good cry
1218. dancing because they can and not caring what other's think!
1219. Thursday night phone calls to my Grandma
1220. cleansing repentance
1221. reminder of the transformation that happens with a heart turned grateful
1222. an unplanned meeting with a friend
1223. a planned meeting with a friend
1224. the importance of remembering the truth
1225. that Jesus performed miracles so we could believe
1226. the eagerness of her searching heart and her willingness to listen
1227. the cleansing of a good cry
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Thankfully counting! - #1210 - #1217
John 2 - Jesus' first miracle
1210. The many teachings that are packed into this package!
1211. The thought of giving God my best all the time (fill it to the brim) and the grace that I've experienced for the many times I settle for the status quo.
1212. The excitement about our Resolution Revolution breakfast!
1213. The importance of community
1214. God's rescue plan - not just once, but continuously
1215. family fun time
1216. the excitement of nail-biter bowl game and the plus side of being on the winning end
1217. opportunities and remembering that God is on my side!
1210. The many teachings that are packed into this package!
1211. The thought of giving God my best all the time (fill it to the brim) and the grace that I've experienced for the many times I settle for the status quo.
1212. The excitement about our Resolution Revolution breakfast!
1213. The importance of community
1214. God's rescue plan - not just once, but continuously
1215. family fun time
1216. the excitement of nail-biter bowl game and the plus side of being on the winning end
1217. opportunities and remembering that God is on my side!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Counting Continuously: #1198 -
1198. Not a cloud in the sky days
1199. Chill in the air
1200. Surprises!
1201. The wonder of the boys spending a day at the park!
1202. Seeing jellyfish swimming
1203. hearing my boys laugh together
1204. seeing my boys play together
1205. the gift of a friend opening her home for others
1206. her work and how it tells her story
1207. his desire to just spend time together as a family
1208. how God works it all out how He needs and wants to
1209. learning the hard way
1199. Chill in the air
1200. Surprises!
1201. The wonder of the boys spending a day at the park!
1202. Seeing jellyfish swimming
1203. hearing my boys laugh together
1204. seeing my boys play together
1205. the gift of a friend opening her home for others
1206. her work and how it tells her story
1207. his desire to just spend time together as a family
1208. how God works it all out how He needs and wants to
1209. learning the hard way
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Counting still - #1188 - #1197
Acts 3: 1-10 - One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. 2 Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. 3 When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. 4 Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” 5 So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.
6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. 8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. 9 When all the people saw him walking and praising God, 10 they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
1188. That the beggar had to look at Peter and give his full attention to him to really hear what he was saying. He got more than he expected and it all started with looking at who could offer deliverance.
1189. that scripture is alive - never thought about Jesus' first miracle of turning water to wine as being a picture of what Jesus does with my/our failure.
1190. the gift of contentment
1191. the glow, excitement and indescribable sense of accomplishment that accompanies his first touchdown
1192. that he got to play both sides of the ball and liked it!
1193. the funny things that the wee one does/says - Scott: "I'm afraid so." Ryan climbs up on the couch then sits next to Scott and while patting Scott's arm says, "Daddy, it's OK." (because Scott said the word "afraid")
1194. the hilarious moments - It was laundry day morning and I'd already brought my pajamas into the dirty clothes hamper ready to be washed. Ryan says, "Oh no, mama!" I reply, "what's wrong, Ryan?" Ryan says, "Oh no, mama! You forgot to go to sleep. your pajamas are right here."
1195. Seeing a rainbow from my window seat on the airplane trip home
1196. God's reminder to me on my plane trip to Milwaukee, WI that I am so small. I look out the plane window and see the tops of the trees. God sees every bird, squirrel and bug that's below the tree tops. Not only does he see them, but he knows what they are thinking and doing. Not to mention all the people driving in their cars and living in the homes too. Amazing how He knows and sees everything!
1197. Seeing Chicago's skyline and Lake Michigan from the airplane.
6 Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” 7 Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. 8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. 9 When all the people saw him walking and praising God, 10 they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
1188. That the beggar had to look at Peter and give his full attention to him to really hear what he was saying. He got more than he expected and it all started with looking at who could offer deliverance.
1189. that scripture is alive - never thought about Jesus' first miracle of turning water to wine as being a picture of what Jesus does with my/our failure.
1190. the gift of contentment
1191. the glow, excitement and indescribable sense of accomplishment that accompanies his first touchdown
1192. that he got to play both sides of the ball and liked it!
1193. the funny things that the wee one does/says - Scott: "I'm afraid so." Ryan climbs up on the couch then sits next to Scott and while patting Scott's arm says, "Daddy, it's OK." (because Scott said the word "afraid")
1194. the hilarious moments - It was laundry day morning and I'd already brought my pajamas into the dirty clothes hamper ready to be washed. Ryan says, "Oh no, mama!" I reply, "what's wrong, Ryan?" Ryan says, "Oh no, mama! You forgot to go to sleep. your pajamas are right here."
1195. Seeing a rainbow from my window seat on the airplane trip home
1196. God's reminder to me on my plane trip to Milwaukee, WI that I am so small. I look out the plane window and see the tops of the trees. God sees every bird, squirrel and bug that's below the tree tops. Not only does he see them, but he knows what they are thinking and doing. Not to mention all the people driving in their cars and living in the homes too. Amazing how He knows and sees everything!
1197. Seeing Chicago's skyline and Lake Michigan from the airplane.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Enjoying Freedom - #1169 - #1187
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
1169. the sweetness of "Jesus Loves Me"
1170. snuggling with the wee one and praying for him to have sweet dreams
1171. chains falling as I remember that He is my Provider
1172. chains falling as I remember that He is the Lover of My Soul
1173. chains falling as I remember that He is my Comforter and the purpose behind that comfort
1174. discipleship
1175. the older boy love learning and starting at a new position - center
1176. listening to wee one love cheering on his big brother so passionately
1177. that waiting upon the Lord really means serving Him while He is being the Sovereign God He is!
1178. "God doesn't ask me to be perfect. He asks me to praise." (Thanks, Ann!)
1179. breezes blowing through the trees and cooling off the bright warm sun
1180. On the way to church, older boy love says, "God created a beautiful earth." We proceed to talk about how creative God is in how he made so many different trees, flowers, people, animals, etc. Then my sister says the same thing to me before worship. Can you say sacred echo?!
1181. Confirmations on callings
1182. friends who willingly extend grace
1183. learning from the past
1184. remembering that life isn't about my happiness, but my holiness
1185. a meaningful "I love you" said by my sweet husband love
1186. stretching and being stretched
1187. the comfort of Psalm 34
1169. the sweetness of "Jesus Loves Me"
1170. snuggling with the wee one and praying for him to have sweet dreams
1171. chains falling as I remember that He is my Provider
1172. chains falling as I remember that He is the Lover of My Soul
1173. chains falling as I remember that He is my Comforter and the purpose behind that comfort
1174. discipleship
1175. the older boy love learning and starting at a new position - center
1176. listening to wee one love cheering on his big brother so passionately
1177. that waiting upon the Lord really means serving Him while He is being the Sovereign God He is!
1178. "God doesn't ask me to be perfect. He asks me to praise." (Thanks, Ann!)
1179. breezes blowing through the trees and cooling off the bright warm sun
1180. On the way to church, older boy love says, "God created a beautiful earth." We proceed to talk about how creative God is in how he made so many different trees, flowers, people, animals, etc. Then my sister says the same thing to me before worship. Can you say sacred echo?!
1181. Confirmations on callings
1182. friends who willingly extend grace
1183. learning from the past
1184. remembering that life isn't about my happiness, but my holiness
1185. a meaningful "I love you" said by my sweet husband love
1186. stretching and being stretched
1187. the comfort of Psalm 34
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Multitude Monday - #1157 - #1168
1157. How God delivered a new friend to me that has walked the same road and shared how to pray, how to live victoriously, how to stand strong, how to be free.
1158. A challenging message from Pastor David today.
1159. Fun conversations with the boys - Me: I was playing phone tag with this lady and finally connected with her today. Older boy love: Mom, wait a minute. I thought you were working today, but you were playing tag? I need to learn to play phone tag.
1160. Eskimo kisses with the wee one!
1161. Thankful that with a week of a bomb threat, earthquake and hurricane in one week it is better than it could have been. Continuing to pray for those affected.
1162. The first real football game. That older boy love hates to lose.
1163. the gift of play
1164. that God has named my "stuff" and is walking me through it
1165. that Romans 4:20-21 is a picture of being brave and at rest in the Lord
1166. that the boys fight over which "Jesus song" to listen to in the car
1167. that my sister is a miracle - she wasn't supposed to live to be a teenager and now she's celebrating another birthday in her 30s.
1168. that God calls us to be thankful for both good things and bad things - all for His glory!
1158. A challenging message from Pastor David today.
1159. Fun conversations with the boys - Me: I was playing phone tag with this lady and finally connected with her today. Older boy love: Mom, wait a minute. I thought you were working today, but you were playing tag? I need to learn to play phone tag.
1160. Eskimo kisses with the wee one!
1161. Thankful that with a week of a bomb threat, earthquake and hurricane in one week it is better than it could have been. Continuing to pray for those affected.
1162. The first real football game. That older boy love hates to lose.
1163. the gift of play
1164. that God has named my "stuff" and is walking me through it
1165. that Romans 4:20-21 is a picture of being brave and at rest in the Lord
1166. that the boys fight over which "Jesus song" to listen to in the car
1167. that my sister is a miracle - she wasn't supposed to live to be a teenager and now she's celebrating another birthday in her 30s.
1168. that God calls us to be thankful for both good things and bad things - all for His glory!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Multitude Monday - #1147 - #1156
Job 11:13-15 - 13 “Yet if you devote your heart to him and stretch out your hands to him, 14 if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent, 15 then, free of fault, you will lift up your face; you will stand firm and without fear.
1147. He is Defender and Deliverer
1148. Camping out at 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 and meditating on patient endurance
1149. "the most awesomest day of school ever" of first grade
1150. meeting the teacher we've prayed for all summer
1151. Husband love leading in prayer for the first day of school and then the older boy love requesting a huddle and "Go Broncos" cheer
1152. the cheers of the wee one from the sidelines for his big brother and the team
1153. how my sister sacrifices her Saturday mornings to support her nephew out on the field
1154. when God reaches down and touches my heart in the middle of worship
1155. the challenge to fight the beautiful fight
1156. reminders of God's promises, His truth, His love, His strength and His power.
1147. He is Defender and Deliverer
1148. Camping out at 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 and meditating on patient endurance
1149. "the most awesomest day of school ever" of first grade
1150. meeting the teacher we've prayed for all summer
1151. Husband love leading in prayer for the first day of school and then the older boy love requesting a huddle and "Go Broncos" cheer
1152. the cheers of the wee one from the sidelines for his big brother and the team
1153. how my sister sacrifices her Saturday mornings to support her nephew out on the field
1154. when God reaches down and touches my heart in the middle of worship
1155. the challenge to fight the beautiful fight
1156. reminders of God's promises, His truth, His love, His strength and His power.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Gratefully counting - #1129 - #1146
1129. The joy and excitement of being there when she got the call about the baby that they may be able to adopt and the conversation with newly made contacts that He used to softly whisper, "I've touched many lives through adoption." Then learning that she listened for His voice and no peace was there. The birth mother changed her mind. It was a practice run!
1130. The reminder that God didn't make marriage to make me happy, but to make me holy.
1131. That God is big enough to answer my deepest questions.
1132. That God gives us eyes to see the ugliness of our sin, if we just look.
1133. The sweetness and compassion of my wee one asking me if I'm ok after I cough.
1134. That sleep comes after the temper tantrums
1135. That children are born for such a time as this and because of His plans we can have hope
1136. God's reassuring messages sent throughout the day
1137. Unsuspecting people allowing God to use them
1138. when God clarifies and confirms the vision He's already given
1139. servant-hearted living, giving and seeing
1140. 2 days off last week
1141. 2 days off this week
1142. priceless time spent with my guys
1143. the swagger that comes with wearing the football uniform
1144. the pride that came from successfully blocking a kid that was bigger than older boy love
1145. the wee one sweet prayers during a power outage while we were on the way home from football practice, "God, please help the workers at Old McDonald's"
1146. that the boys want to jam to Jesus music
1130. The reminder that God didn't make marriage to make me happy, but to make me holy.
1131. That God is big enough to answer my deepest questions.
1132. That God gives us eyes to see the ugliness of our sin, if we just look.
1133. The sweetness and compassion of my wee one asking me if I'm ok after I cough.
1134. That sleep comes after the temper tantrums
1135. That children are born for such a time as this and because of His plans we can have hope
1136. God's reassuring messages sent throughout the day
1137. Unsuspecting people allowing God to use them
1138. when God clarifies and confirms the vision He's already given
1139. servant-hearted living, giving and seeing
1140. 2 days off last week
1141. 2 days off this week
1142. priceless time spent with my guys
1143. the swagger that comes with wearing the football uniform
1144. the pride that came from successfully blocking a kid that was bigger than older boy love
1145. the wee one sweet prayers during a power outage while we were on the way home from football practice, "God, please help the workers at Old McDonald's"
1146. that the boys want to jam to Jesus music
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Victoriously Counting #1121 - #1128
1121. Quote from Ed Stetzer - Change doesn't happen until the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of changing.
1122. My wee one praying for me on his own
1123. The excitement of the older boy love over the football practices
1124. Watching and sharing the film - "A Journey Home"
1125. sunscreen
1126. cold water to drink
1127. tabernacles of every day life
1128. supportive sister
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Counting in Victory - #1102 - 1120
1102. Self-control is love's victory.
1103. Date night with my honey!
1104. Praying with my honey!
1105. Great marriage conference - Love Worth Fighting For
1106. NFL Lock Out is over - football starts now!
1107. Enjoying our own football schedule! Survived the first week of practice!
1108. The excitement of practicing with pads on this week!
1109. The joy that comes from a job well done.
1110. My sister - the ultimate aunt and babysitter!
1111. The joy of a tooth finally lost by the older boy-love
1112. the wee one love showing mercy to his older brother
1113. soft tissues on a runny nose
1114. antibiotics that work
1115. nap time (for my guys and sometimes for me!)
1116. The birth of a new ministry http://www.fbc-orangepark.org/greenware.htm
1117. How God has it all worked out before we even ask Him to work it out!
1118. cough drops
1119. Looking in the mirror, wanting change, asking God to deliver change and knowing He keeps His promises.
1120. The excitement of what He is planning for Heart Matters Women's Ministry
Thankful. Humbled. Am in awe of My God.
1103. Date night with my honey!
1104. Praying with my honey!
1105. Great marriage conference - Love Worth Fighting For
1106. NFL Lock Out is over - football starts now!
1107. Enjoying our own football schedule! Survived the first week of practice!
1108. The excitement of practicing with pads on this week!
1109. The joy that comes from a job well done.
1110. My sister - the ultimate aunt and babysitter!
1111. The joy of a tooth finally lost by the older boy-love
1112. the wee one love showing mercy to his older brother
1113. soft tissues on a runny nose
1114. antibiotics that work
1115. nap time (for my guys and sometimes for me!)
1116. The birth of a new ministry http://www.fbc-orangepark.org/greenware.htm
1117. How God has it all worked out before we even ask Him to work it out!
1118. cough drops
1119. Looking in the mirror, wanting change, asking God to deliver change and knowing He keeps His promises.
1120. The excitement of what He is planning for Heart Matters Women's Ministry
Thankful. Humbled. Am in awe of My God.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Peacefully counting - #1087 - #1101
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15
1087. my husband love and me laughing together
1088. seeing 11 kites (the bird) at one time in our tall pine tree
1089. the excitement of husband love and the boys watching them through the binoculars as I drove away for the workday
1090. hunches
1091. the anticipation for football practice
1092. the wonder of the biggest wasp we've ever seen
1093. opportunities that just present themselves
1094. reconnecting with people from years past
1095. God-confidence
1096. prayer warrior friends
1097. "nuggles" with the wee one
1098. God's perfect timing
1099. the hope in a whisper from God
1100. the hope and freedom that can come from healing
1101. boldness, strength and peace that only He can give because it's for His glory
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Counting - #1071 - #1086
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
1071. The wonder of rainbows
1072. The promises of rainbows
1073. Seeing a beautiful rainbow and hearing a message on the radio that meets me right where I am at!
1074. The wee one's snuggles
1075. The older boy love's desire to have Super Hero power so he can bring people back to life. (he misses his Granny)
1076. The honesty of a child
1077. The conviction (and repentance) that follows the honesty of a child
1078. Remembering that God is the source of Love. He is love!
1079. Anticipation for a marriage conference
1080. Sister time in the car
1081. the thoughtfulness of my dad who hand made a kite for the boys to fly
1082. quality time with parents
1083. Sleepy-time giggles with my boys
1084. Laughing at somehow I ended up sleeping on the floor and boys are on the air mattress
1085. heart-felt worship
1086. the privilege of praying with my nurse practitioner. Her mom will be deciding whether to undergo chemo for stage 4 breast cancer.
1071. The wonder of rainbows
1072. The promises of rainbows
1073. Seeing a beautiful rainbow and hearing a message on the radio that meets me right where I am at!
1074. The wee one's snuggles
1075. The older boy love's desire to have Super Hero power so he can bring people back to life. (he misses his Granny)
1076. The honesty of a child
1077. The conviction (and repentance) that follows the honesty of a child
1078. Remembering that God is the source of Love. He is love!
1079. Anticipation for a marriage conference
1080. Sister time in the car
1081. the thoughtfulness of my dad who hand made a kite for the boys to fly
1082. quality time with parents
1083. Sleepy-time giggles with my boys
1084. Laughing at somehow I ended up sleeping on the floor and boys are on the air mattress
1085. heart-felt worship
1086. the privilege of praying with my nurse practitioner. Her mom will be deciding whether to undergo chemo for stage 4 breast cancer.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Confidently Counting - #1052 - #1070
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 NIV
1052. http://wearethatfamily.com/2011/06/100-ways-for-your-family-to-make-a-difference/
1053. Tall green, healthy grass
1054. the smell of fresh cut grass
1055. the joy of older boy love when his best bud calls for a play date
1056. the excitement of older boy love when he tries on his practice football pants, jersey and cleats.
1057. the wee one laughing at goofy jokes
1058. the wee one talking so much
1059. no layoffs at work this past week
1060. roses in budding and blooming
1061. the smell of freshly fallen rain
1062. hot rod cars and the way their sound electrifies my guys!
1063. the hope and security of Heaven
1064. focusing on "living with the end in mind"
1065. the opportunity taken to be a helper
1066. phone calls with my sweet Grandma
1067. the gift of being real with people
1068. the gift of surrender and receiving His grace
1069. the security of knowing you're loved
1070. A Women's Ministry Team that God has put together!! Can't wait to see what He's going to do!
1052. http://wearethatfamily.com/2011/06/100-ways-for-your-family-to-make-a-difference/
1053. Tall green, healthy grass
1054. the smell of fresh cut grass
1055. the joy of older boy love when his best bud calls for a play date
1056. the excitement of older boy love when he tries on his practice football pants, jersey and cleats.
1057. the wee one laughing at goofy jokes
1058. the wee one talking so much
1059. no layoffs at work this past week
1060. roses in budding and blooming
1061. the smell of freshly fallen rain
1062. hot rod cars and the way their sound electrifies my guys!
1063. the hope and security of Heaven
1064. focusing on "living with the end in mind"
1065. the opportunity taken to be a helper
1066. phone calls with my sweet Grandma
1067. the gift of being real with people
1068. the gift of surrender and receiving His grace
1069. the security of knowing you're loved
1070. A Women's Ministry Team that God has put together!! Can't wait to see what He's going to do!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
#1031 - #1051
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
1031. My wee one reminding me that love is a verb. "Mommy, please sit down so I can love you!"
1032. The joy of older boy love at the sight of a bump in his bicep muscle!
1033. The sweetness of husband love and the wee one sending me off to work each morning - they go look at the roses in the front yard!
1034. the responsibility that goes with keeping a secret
1035. when He speaks to me through His Word!
1036. Holy Spirit control
1037. God's sovereignty
1038. the sound of joy - the boys' uncontrollable laughter
1039. older boy love teaching the wee one how to tackle
1040. remembering that freedom is never free
1041. freedom's cost so freely paid (thank you, Jesus. thank you, American soldiers.)
1042. God bless America. America, bless God.
1043. the wisdom we can gain from history
1044. a sister-friend that sent a timely message to share
1045. the joy in passing that same message along to others.
1046. learning the difference between being a peacekeeper and a peacemaker
1047. date night with husband love
1048. an aunt and uncle willing to open their home to our entire family
1049. sleepovers with Aunt Traci and Grandma
1050. helping others remember the truth
1051. courage that only comes from Christ!
1031. My wee one reminding me that love is a verb. "Mommy, please sit down so I can love you!"
1032. The joy of older boy love at the sight of a bump in his bicep muscle!
1033. The sweetness of husband love and the wee one sending me off to work each morning - they go look at the roses in the front yard!
1034. the responsibility that goes with keeping a secret
1035. when He speaks to me through His Word!
1036. Holy Spirit control
1037. God's sovereignty
1038. the sound of joy - the boys' uncontrollable laughter
1039. older boy love teaching the wee one how to tackle
1040. remembering that freedom is never free
1041. freedom's cost so freely paid (thank you, Jesus. thank you, American soldiers.)
1042. God bless America. America, bless God.
1043. the wisdom we can gain from history
1044. a sister-friend that sent a timely message to share
1045. the joy in passing that same message along to others.
1046. learning the difference between being a peacekeeper and a peacemaker
1047. date night with husband love
1048. an aunt and uncle willing to open their home to our entire family
1049. sleepovers with Aunt Traci and Grandma
1050. helping others remember the truth
1051. courage that only comes from Christ!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
BBB - Blessed Beyond Belief - #1013 - #1030
3He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3
1013. freshly cleaned teeth
1014. lunch dates with girlfriends and Jesus
1015. watching His will unfold
1016. family visits
1017. the boys enjoying picking out grandpa's birthday card
1018. the boys running to one another to give a big hug
1019. Vacation Bible School and all the people who serve God to make it happen
1020. the love of sisters that will join me in prayer to help another sister stand
1021. a great talk with husband love
1022. answers straight from the Word
1023. test, testimony, trust
1024. dancing
1025. pictures in my head that lead me to be more intimate with Jesus
1026. the sound of rain gently falling on the roof
1027. the breeze that comes before the rain
1028. hugs for friends
1029. honesty and the bravery and courage that go with it
1030. Psalm 23 - taught by Beth Moore - WOW!
1013. freshly cleaned teeth
1014. lunch dates with girlfriends and Jesus
1015. watching His will unfold
1016. family visits
1017. the boys enjoying picking out grandpa's birthday card
1018. the boys running to one another to give a big hug
1019. Vacation Bible School and all the people who serve God to make it happen
1020. the love of sisters that will join me in prayer to help another sister stand
1021. a great talk with husband love
1022. answers straight from the Word
1023. test, testimony, trust
1024. dancing
1025. pictures in my head that lead me to be more intimate with Jesus
1026. the sound of rain gently falling on the roof
1027. the breeze that comes before the rain
1028. hugs for friends
1029. honesty and the bravery and courage that go with it
1030. Psalm 23 - taught by Beth Moore - WOW!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Counting #1004 - #1012
1004. the sound of a sister saying, "Eucharisteo" and what it did to my heart.
1005. the boys saying to one another, "You're the best brother"
1006. watching the boys hugging their dad and hearing them say "You're the best dad ever"
1007. walking through life with sisters who invited me in
1008. Saturday afternoon naps
1009. when Cinderella-style cleaning is done!
1010. celebrating my husband's fatherhood!
1011. much needed rain
1012. the prophet Haggai's wise words
1005. the boys saying to one another, "You're the best brother"
1006. watching the boys hugging their dad and hearing them say "You're the best dad ever"
1007. walking through life with sisters who invited me in
1008. Saturday afternoon naps
1009. when Cinderella-style cleaning is done!
1010. celebrating my husband's fatherhood!
1011. much needed rain
1012. the prophet Haggai's wise words
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wisdom, whimsy and wonder and counting - #980 - #1003
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
980. An amazing sister-friend's love, care, availability and willingness to ask the hard questions - even when it hurts both of us. She is so beautifully radiant. Her dedication to pray for things I mentioned months ago humbles me beyond words. Thank you, Jesus for the special gift of her and how you use her to sharpen me!
981. The excitement of the Global Day of Prayer and more importantly, the 90-days of transformation that will follow.
982. The wisdom found in the wee one - he was playing a video game with his dad. he didn't move his plane around, just shot his weapons when he felt like it. When his plane was destroyed, his reaction was "try again" and the next plane appeared, since he gets 3 planes for this game. Oh, how I want to look at my life and my mistakes that way. Adorable picture of grace! Thank you, Jesus for letting us "try again".
983. The joy of discovering believers in my midst at work - clients, social media, etc.
984. The way God uses a song to remind me of my wedding day - heard it twice this week!
985. Hearing joy in my grandma's voice again. She was speaking of watching a 3-month-old little girl - pure joy in coos, unconditional love, bright eyes and dimples!
986.The great reminder of this post (thank you, Ann! I married one of those men of few words too!) - http://www.aholyexperience.com/
987. Sweet Aunt Traci having a fun slumber party with the boys on a Saturday night!
988. Morning prep for worship - sooo quiet!
989. Sermons about dreams and how God gives them so He can answer them!
990. Jesus has constant intercession for us (Hebrews 7:24-25) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
991. God is always orchestrating our life. Do we recognize His activity? - question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
992. Referenced Moses and the rod he held in his hand. What do we hold in our hand that if released unconditionally God could use? question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
993. Probable thoughts from Jesus to the disciples, "There's nothing wrong with you fishing, but if you keep fishing in the presence of God, you need to repent." - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
994. By spending more time in prayer (both speaking and listening), I become more trustworthy to God. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
995. Let God let me know what is on His heart (Matthew 26:38) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
996. Note that Jesus didn't wake the disciples up the second time he came back from praying in the Garden. Are there times when I've fallen asleep and I missed something because I was sleeping and he didn't wake me up? nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
997. Jesus' soul is sorrowful, next to death during this prayer time. Do you sense the eternal destiny of people around you? - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
998. The power, example and responsibility of those in leadership roles (pastors, leaders, CEOs, husbands/dads, etc.) is such that your prayer life is a pace setter for others. Do you take people with you when you pray? Be aware of the intensity of your leader's prayer life. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
999. Christ can't live out His life in you without you having the same prayer life as Jesus! nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
1000. Would my children like to pattern their life after mine because of what they see in me? nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
1001. That the counting, wisdom and spiritual growth continues!
1002. The sweet way the wee one love is starting to sing "Jesus Loves Me" before bed.
1003. The kindness of big brother love trying to console the wee one love when his treasured bear decides to have a slumber party at church. Pure sweetness!
980. An amazing sister-friend's love, care, availability and willingness to ask the hard questions - even when it hurts both of us. She is so beautifully radiant. Her dedication to pray for things I mentioned months ago humbles me beyond words. Thank you, Jesus for the special gift of her and how you use her to sharpen me!
981. The excitement of the Global Day of Prayer and more importantly, the 90-days of transformation that will follow.
982. The wisdom found in the wee one - he was playing a video game with his dad. he didn't move his plane around, just shot his weapons when he felt like it. When his plane was destroyed, his reaction was "try again" and the next plane appeared, since he gets 3 planes for this game. Oh, how I want to look at my life and my mistakes that way. Adorable picture of grace! Thank you, Jesus for letting us "try again".
983. The joy of discovering believers in my midst at work - clients, social media, etc.
984. The way God uses a song to remind me of my wedding day - heard it twice this week!
985. Hearing joy in my grandma's voice again. She was speaking of watching a 3-month-old little girl - pure joy in coos, unconditional love, bright eyes and dimples!
986.The great reminder of this post (thank you, Ann! I married one of those men of few words too!) - http://www.aholyexperience.com/
987. Sweet Aunt Traci having a fun slumber party with the boys on a Saturday night!
988. Morning prep for worship - sooo quiet!
989. Sermons about dreams and how God gives them so He can answer them!
990. Jesus has constant intercession for us (Hebrews 7:24-25) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
991. God is always orchestrating our life. Do we recognize His activity? - question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
992. Referenced Moses and the rod he held in his hand. What do we hold in our hand that if released unconditionally God could use? question from Dr. Henry Blackaby
993. Probable thoughts from Jesus to the disciples, "There's nothing wrong with you fishing, but if you keep fishing in the presence of God, you need to repent." - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
994. By spending more time in prayer (both speaking and listening), I become more trustworthy to God. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
995. Let God let me know what is on His heart (Matthew 26:38) - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
996. Note that Jesus didn't wake the disciples up the second time he came back from praying in the Garden. Are there times when I've fallen asleep and I missed something because I was sleeping and he didn't wake me up? nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
997. Jesus' soul is sorrowful, next to death during this prayer time. Do you sense the eternal destiny of people around you? - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
998. The power, example and responsibility of those in leadership roles (pastors, leaders, CEOs, husbands/dads, etc.) is such that your prayer life is a pace setter for others. Do you take people with you when you pray? Be aware of the intensity of your leader's prayer life. - nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
999. Christ can't live out His life in you without you having the same prayer life as Jesus! nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
1000. Would my children like to pattern their life after mine because of what they see in me? nugget of wisdom from Dr. Henry Blackaby
1001. That the counting, wisdom and spiritual growth continues!
1002. The sweet way the wee one love is starting to sing "Jesus Loves Me" before bed.
1003. The kindness of big brother love trying to console the wee one love when his treasured bear decides to have a slumber party at church. Pure sweetness!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
counting gratefully - #964 - #979
Colossians 3:15-16: 15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
964. While praying good night prayers, the wee one adds in what he's thankful for from the day!
965. The wee one at bedtime, "Bear, there are no more pages in our book. Oh, bear, don't cry. I love you! It's ok. It's just night-night."
966. How the older boy love just wants to talk or play go-fish before bed.
967. True friends
968. How my older boy love loves play dates and socializing with friends.
969. "Summer Lovin'" from Grease turned into the Kindergarten graduation song - "Kindergarten, it happened so fast! Kindergarten, we had a blast!"
970. Heads bobbing to Jamz-Worship while driving to church
971. My sister's amazing servant heart
972. High school graduations and the excitement they bring
973. haircuts
974. the laugh that I get when I try to style my hair the way my stylist did when I got it cut!
975. that I have a job to go to every day
976. parents willing to volunteer in the pre-school ministry
977. watching the boys water the flowers and wondering who is getting wet more - the flowers or the boys!
978. re-reading great books
979. when I catch myself with a song in my head and realize that it's a song that leads me to Jesus!
964. While praying good night prayers, the wee one adds in what he's thankful for from the day!
965. The wee one at bedtime, "Bear, there are no more pages in our book. Oh, bear, don't cry. I love you! It's ok. It's just night-night."
966. How the older boy love just wants to talk or play go-fish before bed.
967. True friends
968. How my older boy love loves play dates and socializing with friends.
969. "Summer Lovin'" from Grease turned into the Kindergarten graduation song - "Kindergarten, it happened so fast! Kindergarten, we had a blast!"
970. Heads bobbing to Jamz-Worship while driving to church
971. My sister's amazing servant heart
972. High school graduations and the excitement they bring
973. haircuts
974. the laugh that I get when I try to style my hair the way my stylist did when I got it cut!
975. that I have a job to go to every day
976. parents willing to volunteer in the pre-school ministry
977. watching the boys water the flowers and wondering who is getting wet more - the flowers or the boys!
978. re-reading great books
979. when I catch myself with a song in my head and realize that it's a song that leads me to Jesus!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Counting amazing gifts - #951 - #964
951. KLOVE radio
952. date night with my husband love
953. Aunt Traci babysitting the boys
954. Improvements and more hope for a baby in the NICU
955. family reunions
956. 3-day weekends
957. Dairy Queen ice cream
958. That God can turn darkness to light
959. That God shows up on the scene with just the message needed! I was in tears, knowing that I was in battle. Turned on the radio at teh end of my prayer and He has David Jeremiah's message about putting on the armor of God (specifically the shield of faith). I had "church' in the parking lot of the meeting place!
960. God's answered prayer - Just asked him to deliver Women's Ministry to me the way He wanted on Monday. On Wednesday, got an e-mail from my Pastor to be the church's Women's Ministry Director. WOW!
961. remembering the difference between punishment and discipline
962. The wee one explaining to big brother that "I not the baby.... I not the kid... I the brother!"
963. The oldest son love's sweet remarks, "Mom, I wouldn't trade you for anything!"
964. The thought of Heaven and what our senses will be like! Imagine... seeing things more beautiful than we can describe, hearing sounds more clearly and beautifully than ever before, tasting the foods at the feast more spectacularly, touching things that are softer than we ever remembered, the scent of holiness all around! WOW!
952. date night with my husband love
953. Aunt Traci babysitting the boys
954. Improvements and more hope for a baby in the NICU
955. family reunions
956. 3-day weekends
957. Dairy Queen ice cream
958. That God can turn darkness to light
959. That God shows up on the scene with just the message needed! I was in tears, knowing that I was in battle. Turned on the radio at teh end of my prayer and He has David Jeremiah's message about putting on the armor of God (specifically the shield of faith). I had "church' in the parking lot of the meeting place!
960. God's answered prayer - Just asked him to deliver Women's Ministry to me the way He wanted on Monday. On Wednesday, got an e-mail from my Pastor to be the church's Women's Ministry Director. WOW!
961. remembering the difference between punishment and discipline
962. The wee one explaining to big brother that "I not the baby.... I not the kid... I the brother!"
963. The oldest son love's sweet remarks, "Mom, I wouldn't trade you for anything!"
964. The thought of Heaven and what our senses will be like! Imagine... seeing things more beautiful than we can describe, hearing sounds more clearly and beautifully than ever before, tasting the foods at the feast more spectacularly, touching things that are softer than we ever remembered, the scent of holiness all around! WOW!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thankfully counting - #933 - #950
Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
933. God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
934. Pictures of freedom
935. seeing the shuttle launch from downtown J-ville
936. healthy children
937. NICU doctors and nurses
938. prayers lifted up for baby Hayden and his family
939. how a business appointment turned into a divine appointment (guess it was divine all along!)
940. being real with my sister-friends
941. knowing that the closer we get to God, the pickier He gets (wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
942. the meditations of my heart really means the murmurings of my heart (what is flowing from my heart) (more wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
943. how my husband takes pride in our yard
944. tickling my boys' tickle spots and hearing the giggles and belly laughs
945. resting in His freedom
946. my sister's new apartment
947. the joy of seeing my boys be helpers during hte move
948. how my boys love the adventure of swimming
949. miracles and how they leave you speechless and in awe of our Maker.
950. fearless, brave, bold believers
933. God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
934. Pictures of freedom
935. seeing the shuttle launch from downtown J-ville
936. healthy children
937. NICU doctors and nurses
938. prayers lifted up for baby Hayden and his family
939. how a business appointment turned into a divine appointment (guess it was divine all along!)
940. being real with my sister-friends
941. knowing that the closer we get to God, the pickier He gets (wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
942. the meditations of my heart really means the murmurings of my heart (what is flowing from my heart) (more wisdom from a sister-friend's gain from her Beth Moore Bible study)
943. how my husband takes pride in our yard
944. tickling my boys' tickle spots and hearing the giggles and belly laughs
945. resting in His freedom
946. my sister's new apartment
947. the joy of seeing my boys be helpers during hte move
948. how my boys love the adventure of swimming
949. miracles and how they leave you speechless and in awe of our Maker.
950. fearless, brave, bold believers
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Multitude Monday - #916 - #932
Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
916. celebration of life - baby showers for baby Cole and baby Katerina. I work with their mommies!
917. God uses ordinary people
918. Fighting for joy, instead of always fighting against something.
919. Oh, how He loves me!
920. Remembering the call that I've already said yes to and now waiting...
921. My sons singing "Rock on Larry Boy" at the top of their lungs from the back seat of the car
922. Good, meaningful talks with my husband love that give me more clarity and assurance
923. Encouragement from others at just the right time
924. A sister-friend who stopped everything just to pray with me
925. Being moved to speechlessness in worship
926. God's word is true now and applicable now
927. Parallels in god's word
928. The fruit that God grows during a crisis
929. Hunger and thirst that can only be quenched by Him
930. Rain, sweet, much-needed rain!
931. The smell of the breeze right before (and right after) it starts to rain
932. Looking at God's word with new eyes and a new heart!
916. celebration of life - baby showers for baby Cole and baby Katerina. I work with their mommies!
917. God uses ordinary people
918. Fighting for joy, instead of always fighting against something.
919. Oh, how He loves me!
920. Remembering the call that I've already said yes to and now waiting...
921. My sons singing "Rock on Larry Boy" at the top of their lungs from the back seat of the car
922. Good, meaningful talks with my husband love that give me more clarity and assurance
923. Encouragement from others at just the right time
924. A sister-friend who stopped everything just to pray with me
925. Being moved to speechlessness in worship
926. God's word is true now and applicable now
927. Parallels in god's word
928. The fruit that God grows during a crisis
929. Hunger and thirst that can only be quenched by Him
930. Rain, sweet, much-needed rain!
931. The smell of the breeze right before (and right after) it starts to rain
932. Looking at God's word with new eyes and a new heart!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Counting on - #892 - #915
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7
892. The Warriors Prayer
893. You love me anyway
894. A Sacred Echo - The Beatitudes
895. A Sacred Echo - Esther - mentor, leader, warrior, brave woman
896. a theme of brokenness to beauty
897. perseverance
898. thoughtful gifts from loved ones
899. my mom
900. my grandma
901. that I'm a mom - wow! what an honor, privilege and responsibility!
902. A sister friend sharing great words of wisdom and challenge from her Beth Moore study - "Every one's in the battle whether they like it or not. The real question is how are you fighting. 'I have fought the good fight' - good is really translated beautiful. Are you fighting the beautiful fight or the ugly fight?"
903. Excitement about 2 co-workers wanting to grow in their relationship with Christ
904. A Mother's Day Tea in kindergarten - sooo sweet - flowers, china tea cups, hot tea, cookies, sweet poems, kind thoughtful gifts!
905. My older boy love thinks that I weigh 80 pounds and am 70 feet tall, but wouldn't trade me for anything!
906. Snuggle time with the boys
907. The wee one saying he's ready for a big-boy bed.
908. the wee one's love for talking on the phone
909. the power of intercessory prayer
910. that my God can and will clean my heart when I ask Him to
911. learning how to be a God glorifier - in everything I am and everything I have
912. sunshine
913. a kind husband who grilled out for me!
914. celebrating the achievements of others
915. the wee one wanting to sing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"
892. The Warriors Prayer
893. You love me anyway
894. A Sacred Echo - The Beatitudes
895. A Sacred Echo - Esther - mentor, leader, warrior, brave woman
896. a theme of brokenness to beauty
897. perseverance
898. thoughtful gifts from loved ones
899. my mom
900. my grandma
901. that I'm a mom - wow! what an honor, privilege and responsibility!
902. A sister friend sharing great words of wisdom and challenge from her Beth Moore study - "Every one's in the battle whether they like it or not. The real question is how are you fighting. 'I have fought the good fight' - good is really translated beautiful. Are you fighting the beautiful fight or the ugly fight?"
903. Excitement about 2 co-workers wanting to grow in their relationship with Christ
904. A Mother's Day Tea in kindergarten - sooo sweet - flowers, china tea cups, hot tea, cookies, sweet poems, kind thoughtful gifts!
905. My older boy love thinks that I weigh 80 pounds and am 70 feet tall, but wouldn't trade me for anything!
906. Snuggle time with the boys
907. The wee one saying he's ready for a big-boy bed.
908. the wee one's love for talking on the phone
909. the power of intercessory prayer
910. that my God can and will clean my heart when I ask Him to
911. learning how to be a God glorifier - in everything I am and everything I have
912. sunshine
913. a kind husband who grilled out for me!
914. celebrating the achievements of others
915. the wee one wanting to sing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee"
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Worshipping - #874 - #891
"Each of us is His unique creation, moved ina way different from everybody else. We express our worship depending on the bent or talent God has given us." -- Travis Cottrell's "Surprised by Worship"
874. lunch with a sister-friend that was simply a blessing!
875. reconnecting with another sister-friend via phone!
876. what confession and repentance can do for your soul and for your heart.
877. awaking at 4am to the wee one love smiling, standing in his crib and saying, "Mama, I had a good nap!" Thank you, Jesus, that he went back to sleep!
878. sweet clients bringing treats to the office
879. a powerful message from a fired up Pastor!
880. knowing that its best to live from the inside out; getting glimpses of the places in my life that need to be changed inside out
881. goodnight hugs and kisses
882. proud potty-parades that include high fives for everyone
883. catching snippits of the royal wedding
884. making the boys watch the royal wedding - it spawned some quesitons: "If God is King, then who is his queen?"
885. a Sunday evening cookout at a state park
886. the joy of swinging and aiming for the trees
887. the understanding look of a mom driving by as I carry my screaming toddler home from our evening walk
888. the wee one love's encouraging words, "I so proud a you"
889. communities coming together after devastation
890. God's mercies - new every morning
891. anticipation of a Bible study with 2 co-workers
874. lunch with a sister-friend that was simply a blessing!
875. reconnecting with another sister-friend via phone!
876. what confession and repentance can do for your soul and for your heart.
877. awaking at 4am to the wee one love smiling, standing in his crib and saying, "Mama, I had a good nap!" Thank you, Jesus, that he went back to sleep!
878. sweet clients bringing treats to the office
879. a powerful message from a fired up Pastor!
880. knowing that its best to live from the inside out; getting glimpses of the places in my life that need to be changed inside out
881. goodnight hugs and kisses
882. proud potty-parades that include high fives for everyone
883. catching snippits of the royal wedding
884. making the boys watch the royal wedding - it spawned some quesitons: "If God is King, then who is his queen?"
885. a Sunday evening cookout at a state park
886. the joy of swinging and aiming for the trees
887. the understanding look of a mom driving by as I carry my screaming toddler home from our evening walk
888. the wee one love's encouraging words, "I so proud a you"
889. communities coming together after devastation
890. God's mercies - new every morning
891. anticipation of a Bible study with 2 co-workers
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Counting joyfully - #858 - #873
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” - 1 Peter 1:18-19
858. goosebumps and worship
859. A great song with a great story
860. Just plain worship!
861. the boys begging for more tickle-time
862. visits from Mom and Tom
863. celebrating birthdays of family and friends
864. the ultimate rescue
865. Resurrection Eggs
866. the joy of a pre-school Sunday School teacher friend so enjoying seeing her class members truly worship Jesus. She expresses it in tears. One of her students cups her face in her small hands and says, "It's OK, Jesus is alive!"
867. My wee one standing up after a diaper change singing "stand up, stand up for Jesus, soldiers of the cross"
868. the pure fun and adventure of the boys chasing birds on the patio at a restaurant
869. victory, hope and healing that only Jesus can give!
870. my husband love is a great Sunday School teacher and all the work he puts into preparing
871. prayers prayed by elder boy love on his own
872. seeing old friends who were visiting
873. re-connecting with a sister-friend twice this week
858. goosebumps and worship
859. A great song with a great story
860. Just plain worship!
861. the boys begging for more tickle-time
862. visits from Mom and Tom
863. celebrating birthdays of family and friends
864. the ultimate rescue
865. Resurrection Eggs
866. the joy of a pre-school Sunday School teacher friend so enjoying seeing her class members truly worship Jesus. She expresses it in tears. One of her students cups her face in her small hands and says, "It's OK, Jesus is alive!"
867. My wee one standing up after a diaper change singing "stand up, stand up for Jesus, soldiers of the cross"
868. the pure fun and adventure of the boys chasing birds on the patio at a restaurant
869. victory, hope and healing that only Jesus can give!
870. my husband love is a great Sunday School teacher and all the work he puts into preparing
871. prayers prayed by elder boy love on his own
872. seeing old friends who were visiting
873. re-connecting with a sister-friend twice this week
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Multitude Monday! #843 - #857
2 Corinthians 12: 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
843. Listening to my Father say sweetly, gently, yet firmly, "Now you know how I feel about obedience."
844. Lunches with a sister-friend
845. Riding through the country on my way to a conference for a presentation. It was a great escape!
846. The great escape - church ladies retreat!
847. The challenges set forth and the wrestling matches with God that will soon come
848. Fresh touch from God: the sun was peaking through some clouds shortly after sunrise. I'm singing some praises to God and the sun appears to be brighter. I hear God whisper, "see what happens when you praise me?" When I stopped singing, the sun was covered under a blanket of clouds.
849. Lanacane and aloe lotion to the rescue for my sunburn!
850. Great sister time
851. New friends made
852. being reminded that our questions (His question - do I have what it takes and Her question - am I worth fighting for/am I beautiful?) have to be answered continuously throughout life
853. Remember to practice it, not perfect it!
854. Recognizing The Lord's Supper
855. Amazing worship experiences with the body of Christ!
856. Anticipation of celebrating Easter!
857. The joy of a sister-friend mom and little boy as he declares that Jesus is his Lord and Savior and follows in believers baptism.
843. Listening to my Father say sweetly, gently, yet firmly, "Now you know how I feel about obedience."
844. Lunches with a sister-friend
845. Riding through the country on my way to a conference for a presentation. It was a great escape!
846. The great escape - church ladies retreat!
847. The challenges set forth and the wrestling matches with God that will soon come
848. Fresh touch from God: the sun was peaking through some clouds shortly after sunrise. I'm singing some praises to God and the sun appears to be brighter. I hear God whisper, "see what happens when you praise me?" When I stopped singing, the sun was covered under a blanket of clouds.
849. Lanacane and aloe lotion to the rescue for my sunburn!
850. Great sister time
851. New friends made
852. being reminded that our questions (His question - do I have what it takes and Her question - am I worth fighting for/am I beautiful?) have to be answered continuously throughout life
853. Remember to practice it, not perfect it!
854. Recognizing The Lord's Supper
855. Amazing worship experiences with the body of Christ!
856. Anticipation of celebrating Easter!
857. The joy of a sister-friend mom and little boy as he declares that Jesus is his Lord and Savior and follows in believers baptism.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Counting Endlessly - #826 - #842
Romans 8:35-37 - Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
826. Celebrating husband love's birthday
827. husband love's joy in getting to say things to the boys that he's always wanted to say.
828. the wee one love announcing that he would like to have a bracchiosaurus in our backyard as a pet
829. the older one love logically suggests that we should really get a diploducus because they have longer necks. This is a good idea because then the diploducus could take care of our really tall pine tree in the back yard (probably the tallest one in the subdivision).
830. the roar of the ocean waves
831. the adventure created by a state park ranger at Ft. Clinch
832. the wonder of the older boy love as he lifts 538 lbs. using a lever and pulley system.
833. the pure joy of the boys splashing in the ocean, jumping waves, just taking it all in
834. the fun had with aunt and uncle at their campsite cooking hot dogs over an open fire and eating them in their air-conditioned camper (my kind of camping!)
835. God's natural beauty - canapy roads, beaches, baby birds and blue skies for miles
836. the older boy love understanding more about God's truth, the enemy's lies, how he hears both voices and how to make the best choice.
837. the study of the book of Philippians
838. the joy and sorrow lived out by her - http://www.newspring.cc/stories/mandy-smith/
839. anticipation of time with the Lover of my Soul at the Ladies Retreat
840. playing with my boys - whether it's football or potato head or farmer ted
841. new clients that are sisters in Christ
842. a battle won by remembering the truth!
826. Celebrating husband love's birthday
827. husband love's joy in getting to say things to the boys that he's always wanted to say.
828. the wee one love announcing that he would like to have a bracchiosaurus in our backyard as a pet
829. the older one love logically suggests that we should really get a diploducus because they have longer necks. This is a good idea because then the diploducus could take care of our really tall pine tree in the back yard (probably the tallest one in the subdivision).
830. the roar of the ocean waves
831. the adventure created by a state park ranger at Ft. Clinch
832. the wonder of the older boy love as he lifts 538 lbs. using a lever and pulley system.
833. the pure joy of the boys splashing in the ocean, jumping waves, just taking it all in
834. the fun had with aunt and uncle at their campsite cooking hot dogs over an open fire and eating them in their air-conditioned camper (my kind of camping!)
835. God's natural beauty - canapy roads, beaches, baby birds and blue skies for miles
836. the older boy love understanding more about God's truth, the enemy's lies, how he hears both voices and how to make the best choice.
837. the study of the book of Philippians
838. the joy and sorrow lived out by her - http://www.newspring.cc/stories/mandy-smith/
839. anticipation of time with the Lover of my Soul at the Ladies Retreat
840. playing with my boys - whether it's football or potato head or farmer ted
841. new clients that are sisters in Christ
842. a battle won by remembering the truth!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Still counting - #809 - #825
809. the older boy love's occupational choices this week: brain surgeon, heart surgeon, "the guy who shoots the animals with tranquilizer guns so they can see the vet"
810. kisses and snuggles with the wee one love
811. feeling connected to my husband love
812. sis being home from her grand adventure
813. the stories she shared
814. a little boy who needs prayer for healing (his mom and grandpa too)
815. The grandpa's Bible and how treasured it is (what an example for me!)
817. That the village believers teach their children Handel's "Messiah" so that the learn how to worship
818. The wee one love playing with Buzz Lightyear on a mini-skateboard.
819. the boys being in awe of an inchworm (and that husband love saw it!)
820. that frogs always excite the boys
821. that both of my boys fall and get right back up and do it again (this time, the older boy love fell out of a tree and the wee one love off of the playground).
822. Focus on the Family article that I read that I could completely relate too. God met me where I was at!
823. Playing a new game of encouragement: "What I like about you is..."
824. Amazing worship on Sunday morning
825. A humbling and challenging message - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Qb1qdXn4o
810. kisses and snuggles with the wee one love
811. feeling connected to my husband love
812. sis being home from her grand adventure
813. the stories she shared
814. a little boy who needs prayer for healing (his mom and grandpa too)
815. The grandpa's Bible and how treasured it is (what an example for me!)
816. That in this remote village in Asia, these simple people live out the meaning of giveing God their best. Take a look at their houses compared to the church building.
817. That the village believers teach their children Handel's "Messiah" so that the learn how to worship
818. The wee one love playing with Buzz Lightyear on a mini-skateboard.
819. the boys being in awe of an inchworm (and that husband love saw it!)
820. that frogs always excite the boys
821. that both of my boys fall and get right back up and do it again (this time, the older boy love fell out of a tree and the wee one love off of the playground).
822. Focus on the Family article that I read that I could completely relate too. God met me where I was at!
823. Playing a new game of encouragement: "What I like about you is..."
824. Amazing worship on Sunday morning
825. A humbling and challenging message - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Qb1qdXn4o
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Endless counting - #785 - #808
Philippians 4:8-9: 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
What responsibility. What privilege. What joy. What truth. What a challenge. What growth. What a God!
785. Remembering to have FUN!
786. Laughing about the sacred echo of FUN (thanks, t)
787. the check of living from the inside out
788. the car shopping adventure
789. A celebrant is the one keeping her eyes on Jesus and His perfect sacrifice — precisely because she isn’t perfect
790. sharing in the gratitude of others
791. Rest and refreshment
792. The possibility of walking with some younger ladies a walk that may be transformational!
793. A sacred echo question answered and how it brought me to my knees and I'm reminded He is enough!
794. blue jays munching on some bird seed in our back yard
795. words fitting together for a marriage mission statement and a mommy mission statement
796. the boys being so sleepy that they are silly with laughter - oh the sounds of innocent belly laughs!
797. finding a better deal
798. old-new; death-life; Adam-Jesus; Eve-Mary
799. celebrating with a friend's experience of witnessing God's amazing grace and healing in her heart, her husband and her marriage!
800. enjoying hearing and seeing older boy love's imagination in high gear!
801. Hearing the wee one seeing "We will, We will rock you" spontaneously
802. new car smell
803. re-learning to trust my husband love
804. God softening my heart
805. amazing worship - "I am yours, set apart for you"
806. holding hands with husband love at church while praying and being led in worship
807. hand written notes being exchanged between older boy love and best friend down the street
808. phone calls and text messages between sister-friends
What responsibility. What privilege. What joy. What truth. What a challenge. What growth. What a God!
785. Remembering to have FUN!
786. Laughing about the sacred echo of FUN (thanks, t)
787. the check of living from the inside out
788. the car shopping adventure
789. A celebrant is the one keeping her eyes on Jesus and His perfect sacrifice — precisely because she isn’t perfect
790. sharing in the gratitude of others
791. Rest and refreshment
792. The possibility of walking with some younger ladies a walk that may be transformational!
793. A sacred echo question answered and how it brought me to my knees and I'm reminded He is enough!
794. blue jays munching on some bird seed in our back yard
795. words fitting together for a marriage mission statement and a mommy mission statement
796. the boys being so sleepy that they are silly with laughter - oh the sounds of innocent belly laughs!
797. finding a better deal
798. old-new; death-life; Adam-Jesus; Eve-Mary
799. celebrating with a friend's experience of witnessing God's amazing grace and healing in her heart, her husband and her marriage!
800. enjoying hearing and seeing older boy love's imagination in high gear!
801. Hearing the wee one seeing "We will, We will rock you" spontaneously
802. new car smell
803. re-learning to trust my husband love
804. God softening my heart
805. amazing worship - "I am yours, set apart for you"
806. holding hands with husband love at church while praying and being led in worship
807. hand written notes being exchanged between older boy love and best friend down the street
808. phone calls and text messages between sister-friends
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Endless Counting - #766 -#784
Philippians 4:5-6 : Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
766. The thought and comfort that the Lord is near.
767. the gift of a sunrise over the river nestled behind the oak trees
768. the rush of joy that came with singing "Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name"
769. the honor and responsibility of being a mentor without knowing that's what you are
770. the sweetness of the robin's nest of eggs from a friend who is counting alongside
771. the trust of a sister-friend
772. the excitement of my sister's adventure and that I get to play a small part in the big adventure
773. the diligence of my husband love
774. the wee one's words - "idunno" and "boogie all gone"
775. thankful that the wee one's boogie isn't all gone!
776. oldest boy love's enthusiasm for Spring Break
777. oldest boy love's desire to bring a Bible to Sunday School
778. the boys' excitement of seeing "DinoAlive" at the zoo. What fun - animatronic dinos!
779. exploring "The New Eve"
780. Great sister-friends who help me stand when I'm tired. Thanks for holding me up! (Tobitha, Kara, Traci, Tracy, Kelly and Christa)
781. Long awaited answers to prayers - a baby for a couple who has waited; continued good check-ups on a 6-year-olds heart and many more
782. Hearing about joy through thanksgiving and being able to know it!
783. the joy in inviting others to count
784. that we are the daughters of Sarah (1 Peter 3:1-6) - I love verse 6!!
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
766. The thought and comfort that the Lord is near.
767. the gift of a sunrise over the river nestled behind the oak trees
768. the rush of joy that came with singing "Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name"
769. the honor and responsibility of being a mentor without knowing that's what you are
770. the sweetness of the robin's nest of eggs from a friend who is counting alongside
771. the trust of a sister-friend
772. the excitement of my sister's adventure and that I get to play a small part in the big adventure
773. the diligence of my husband love
774. the wee one's words - "idunno" and "boogie all gone"
775. thankful that the wee one's boogie isn't all gone!
776. oldest boy love's enthusiasm for Spring Break
777. oldest boy love's desire to bring a Bible to Sunday School
778. the boys' excitement of seeing "DinoAlive" at the zoo. What fun - animatronic dinos!
779. exploring "The New Eve"
780. Great sister-friends who help me stand when I'm tired. Thanks for holding me up! (Tobitha, Kara, Traci, Tracy, Kelly and Christa)
781. Long awaited answers to prayers - a baby for a couple who has waited; continued good check-ups on a 6-year-olds heart and many more
782. Hearing about joy through thanksgiving and being able to know it!
783. the joy in inviting others to count
784. that we are the daughters of Sarah (1 Peter 3:1-6) - I love verse 6!!
Be bold! Be brave! Be you!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
counting to overflowing - #749 - #765
749. That pain has a purpose
750. a dear sister sharing this quote: "Expectations are pre-meditated resentments."
751. the security of knowing you're loved
752. the struggle; wrestling with God and knowing that you'll know Him so much more when the wrestling match is done.
753. surprises
754. waterproof mascara
755. the joy in being asked
756. the joy in serving, especially when you discover that you didn't even know that's what you were doing
757. hard questions asked in truth and in love
758. being ok with not knowing the answer
759. the journey of seeking the answer
760. flexibility
761. Jesus Lover of My Soul - and there is no end!!
762. learning that the most mentioned command in God's word is "Fear not."
763. Freedom and Truth - http://www.aholyexperience.com/2011/03/what-happy-homemakers-know/
764. Toilets and sinks that work as they should
765. the good thing about being sick is that you get to rest
750. a dear sister sharing this quote: "Expectations are pre-meditated resentments."
751. the security of knowing you're loved
752. the struggle; wrestling with God and knowing that you'll know Him so much more when the wrestling match is done.
753. surprises
754. waterproof mascara
755. the joy in being asked
756. the joy in serving, especially when you discover that you didn't even know that's what you were doing
757. hard questions asked in truth and in love
758. being ok with not knowing the answer
759. the journey of seeking the answer
760. flexibility
761. Jesus Lover of My Soul - and there is no end!!
762. learning that the most mentioned command in God's word is "Fear not."
763. Freedom and Truth - http://www.aholyexperience.com/2011/03/what-happy-homemakers-know/
764. Toilets and sinks that work as they should
765. the good thing about being sick is that you get to rest
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Savoring the Moment
1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to savor. Most of the time when I hear that word it makes me think of food: something so delicious that you don't want the flavor to end. So from our friends at webster.com, I learned that savor is both a noun and a verb. I can already tell I'm leaning more towards the verb! It means:
: to have a specified smell or quality : smack
1: to give flavor to : season
2a : to have experience of : taste
b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish
c : to delight in : enjoy
I must say I love those words: season, taste, relish, enjoy. Isn't that what we're supposed to do with life - every day life?
Remembering the first time I really started paying attention to this word, "savor". It was 9/11/01. I couldn't help thinking about the words that were said, the kisses and hugs given and received not knowing they would be their last earthly experiences with those they loved. I think of my sweet grandma who kissed my wonderful grandpa good-bye in his hospital room so she could go to my aunt's to take a nap. It was their last. I think of dreams dreamt and little things said and done that won't be anymore here on earth. This is the everyday life that is to be savored; the life of 1 Timothy 6:17 that God provides for our enjoyment.
So how do you find joy in the middle of suffering, sorrow and craziness? You slow down, savor and count the blessings. This counting of blessings really is transformational. Sometimes I regress, but for the most part I see it as a daily adventure to see how God is going to show up each day in my life.
So here's to savoring the life we've been given. May we enjoy, relish and taste life the way our Creator intended: fully, abundantly and fearlessly.
Love you!
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to savor. Most of the time when I hear that word it makes me think of food: something so delicious that you don't want the flavor to end. So from our friends at webster.com, I learned that savor is both a noun and a verb. I can already tell I'm leaning more towards the verb! It means:
: to have a specified smell or quality : smack
1: to give flavor to : season
2a : to have experience of : taste
b : to taste or smell with pleasure : relish
c : to delight in : enjoy
I must say I love those words: season, taste, relish, enjoy. Isn't that what we're supposed to do with life - every day life?
Remembering the first time I really started paying attention to this word, "savor". It was 9/11/01. I couldn't help thinking about the words that were said, the kisses and hugs given and received not knowing they would be their last earthly experiences with those they loved. I think of my sweet grandma who kissed my wonderful grandpa good-bye in his hospital room so she could go to my aunt's to take a nap. It was their last. I think of dreams dreamt and little things said and done that won't be anymore here on earth. This is the everyday life that is to be savored; the life of 1 Timothy 6:17 that God provides for our enjoyment.
So how do you find joy in the middle of suffering, sorrow and craziness? You slow down, savor and count the blessings. This counting of blessings really is transformational. Sometimes I regress, but for the most part I see it as a daily adventure to see how God is going to show up each day in my life.
So here's to savoring the life we've been given. May we enjoy, relish and taste life the way our Creator intended: fully, abundantly and fearlessly.
Love you!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
blessed to keep counting - #730 - #748
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed. Isaiah 54:10
730. God's protection when glass shatters in a car accident
731. God's provision now that we will be considering another vehicle
732. Knowing that He is my shield and strength
733. The anticipation of a ladies retreat
734. The smell of rubber, fuel and smoke as mustangs race to beat themselves and one another
735. a sister who loves being an aunt, babysitter and amazing daughter of the king
736. dogwoods blossoming
737. how God put my Grandma's birthday present together just for her!
738. how God gives exceedingly beyond what we ask or imagine
739. learning how the counting is transforming others along the way
740. race cars with jet engines and the wonder on my husband's and oldest boy love's faces
741. divine pauses
742. A Pastor who shares from the heart
743. realizing that I needed to hear that God loves me and then taking some time to receive that amazing love
744. His grace overflowing
745. Being overwhelmed and humbled by His grace
746. rental cars
747. insurance
748. moms that have gone before you and share their wisdom
730. God's protection when glass shatters in a car accident
731. God's provision now that we will be considering another vehicle
732. Knowing that He is my shield and strength
733. The anticipation of a ladies retreat
734. The smell of rubber, fuel and smoke as mustangs race to beat themselves and one another
735. a sister who loves being an aunt, babysitter and amazing daughter of the king
736. dogwoods blossoming
737. how God put my Grandma's birthday present together just for her!
738. how God gives exceedingly beyond what we ask or imagine
739. learning how the counting is transforming others along the way
740. race cars with jet engines and the wonder on my husband's and oldest boy love's faces
741. divine pauses
742. A Pastor who shares from the heart
743. realizing that I needed to hear that God loves me and then taking some time to receive that amazing love
744. His grace overflowing
745. Being overwhelmed and humbled by His grace
746. rental cars
747. insurance
748. moms that have gone before you and share their wisdom
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Counting still - #708 - #729
Philippians 4:6-7 - Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. (The Message)
708. the colors that God has created for our eyes to feast upon
709. how each flower displays His creativity, attention to details and unique ability to individualize each of His creations. Stunning!
710. how His sacred echo follows you all day long splashing it on others sometimes too
711. Girl Scout Cookies (thin mints and samoas especially)
712. a tall glass of cold milk
713. a surprise phone call from a dear sister
714. pictures around the farm that remind me of God's stories
715. that I must be carefully reminded that my heart can be hard as a rock and grow nothing. But oh how wonderful it is when my obedience keeps my heart soft, moldable and teachable.
715. that I must be carefully reminded that my heart can be hard as a rock and grow nothing. But oh how wonderful it is when my obedience keeps my heart soft, moldable and teachable.
717. While the house looks sound and livable here, up close and inside it isn't safe.
718. Storing up treasures in Heaven!
719. Watching my big boy son compete well on the court - making baskets, rebounds, steals and much more! Most importantly, he had lots of fun!
720. Upward Awards night!
720. Savored phone calls to Grandma
721. Letting the tears fall unexpectedly as, "I can only imaging" plays on the radio
722. Learning that the same song was on the radio when my husband went to his mom and dad's home the night his mom went to be with Jesus.
723. disposable diapers
724. clothes hangers
725. ceiling fans
726. a husband who takes pride in our yard and does the work to keep it up
727. a wee one who is asking lots of good questions and repeating every last word that is heard
728. John Deere tractors and combines
728. the goodness of earning vacation days and looking forward to the opportunity to take them!
729. what we can learn from children - He wants us to come to Him like that!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Still Counting - #684 -
1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1: 1-3
684. That my sweet Grandpa lived as a Psalm 1 man!
685. The way my Grandpa adored my Grandma and she adored him. Pure sweetness!
686. "Hold each other close and put God in the middle." -- marriage advice my Grandpa gave my cousin
687. A field with a blanket made of hundreds of white geese heading to their northern home
688. Ice covered ponds preparing to melt
689. Sunrises that remind you that God makes things new every morning because your life has entered a new phase.
690. The thrill of seeing big tractors and combines on the family farm.
691. Remembering that there is so much more to farming than just planting the seed. Today's farmer must be involved in the chemistry, science, economics, technology, production, marketing and so much more of the farming business.
692. A sister road trip to IL full of fun and great conversation
693. That my Grandma displayed the strength of the Jesus who now holds her hand, as my Grandpa once did.
694. The purity and sweetness of a small community church family
695. The celebration of a life that went on for hours and I know continues in Heaven
696. Flowers and plants from friends and businesses to celebrate His life
697. His favorite hymns - "It is well with my soul", "Victory in Jesus", "In the Garden" and more
698. His favorite verses - Romans 8:26-29
699. Discovering poems he'd written that no one knew about
700. The wisdom etched on the pages of his Bible that went with his earthly body.
701. The wheat that was symbolic of his profession and his life for Jesus - etched on his casket and planted with the dirt
702. A husband who was willing to serve me by staying home with the boys
703. Beyond the Sunset
704. Precious prayer time as a family
705. Seeing younger cousins grow up to be great Godly men like their dad and Grandpa!
706. the privilege of savoring the moment
707. that I was able to take some more fun pictures that I'll share during next week's counting!
684. That my sweet Grandpa lived as a Psalm 1 man!
685. The way my Grandpa adored my Grandma and she adored him. Pure sweetness!
686. "Hold each other close and put God in the middle." -- marriage advice my Grandpa gave my cousin
687. A field with a blanket made of hundreds of white geese heading to their northern home
688. Ice covered ponds preparing to melt
690. The thrill of seeing big tractors and combines on the family farm.
691. Remembering that there is so much more to farming than just planting the seed. Today's farmer must be involved in the chemistry, science, economics, technology, production, marketing and so much more of the farming business.
692. A sister road trip to IL full of fun and great conversation
693. That my Grandma displayed the strength of the Jesus who now holds her hand, as my Grandpa once did.
694. The purity and sweetness of a small community church family
695. The celebration of a life that went on for hours and I know continues in Heaven
696. Flowers and plants from friends and businesses to celebrate His life
697. His favorite hymns - "It is well with my soul", "Victory in Jesus", "In the Garden" and more
698. His favorite verses - Romans 8:26-29
699. Discovering poems he'd written that no one knew about
700. The wisdom etched on the pages of his Bible that went with his earthly body.
701. The wheat that was symbolic of his profession and his life for Jesus - etched on his casket and planted with the dirt
702. A husband who was willing to serve me by staying home with the boys
703. Beyond the Sunset
704. Precious prayer time as a family
705. Seeing younger cousins grow up to be great Godly men like their dad and Grandpa!
706. the privilege of savoring the moment
707. that I was able to take some more fun pictures that I'll share during next week's counting!
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