Sunday, November 16, 2008

Getting Started

I’ve waited long enough to do this!! Now I’m overflowing with things I want to share. Hope it comes out clearly!

I had an amazing “God experience” about 5 or 6 weeks ago. Here’s a description:
The company my husband worked for decided to close their doors. Not a fun place to be anytime, but especially when you’re 6 months pregnant. We had taken our 3 and a half year old to watch Pop Warner football (he’s a football fanatic and wants to be where the action is, in the action at all times!). Later that afternoon I needed to go get my haircut. You know just a normal Saturday of doing life stuff. Well, it cost us more than we expected to go watch the football games and then we didn’t have enough time to go home for lunch before I needed to get to my haircut appointment. It was logistical craziness. I submitted (with a bit of an attitude) and we ended up at McD’s for lunch. While Scott was getting our food, Ian and I were sitting at a table. Ian was singing some goofy song quite loudly. He quieted down and then this woman came up to our table. She said, “I know you don’t know me, but I feel it’s important for me to be obedient with what God tells me to do.” (Can you say freak out moment!) She proceeded to say, “You’ve been praying about some important decisions and God just wants you to go for it.” Struggling for words, I politely said “thank you” and sat in total shock. Scott came to the table and I explained the encounter to him. He looked up and saw the woman and by the time I turned around to confirm it was her, she was walking out the door. I told Scott, “I don’t know about you, but over the last several days I’ve been praying about a ton of important decisions – so which one is it?” Dumbfounded yet feeling secure and loved on by our Savior, I continued with the day. Later that evening I was getting Ian ready for bed. After his bath he wanted to read his Bible, but he wanted to read the whole thing right then. I explained that God tells us many things in His word and that we need to read a little bit every day so we can listen to all that God tells us. I referred to a movie we had been watching over and over again - “Facing the Giants”. I reminded Ian that in the movie, Coach Richt tells Coach Taylor that God tells us in his word 365 times to not be afraid. Well, I’m not sure what happened except that the Holy Spirit took over my son! He started preaching for the next 5 minutes about not being afraid and giving examples that were relevant to him. He turned out his light and said, “Mommy, see this shadow? We don’t need to be afraid because God is with us.” He continued with this type of message and related it to scarier shadows, thunderstorms, lightning, and more. Again, overcome with God’s clarity, specifics and truth, I sat there in shock. After a couple of days of digesting what had happened, I came to this conclusion: I had been letting fear steal so many of the things God has for me through various excuses like procrastination, timing not making sense, what my plans were and much more. So, I’ve embarked on a new study adventure: what does God’s word say about fear? It’s been enlightening so far. I trust that you enjoy the journey with me! Here we go!

1 comment:

blr said...

Be still and know that I am God - - out of the mouths of babes comes the true "childlike faith" God wishes each of us to have.

As Ian has no fear because God is with him; likewise he has faith that you and Scott will continue teaching him God's word that will strengthen each of you as you travel through life's journey, wherever it may take you.