Sunday, December 19, 2010

Multitude Monday - #441 -

No more let sin and sorrow grow
Nor thorns infest the ground
He comes to make
His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found
Far as the curse is found
441.  My husband taking his responsibility of a small group leader seriously
442.  Upward CDs that help me and my kids learn God's word
443.  The Action Bible - God's word presented like a comic book - my oldest loves it and can't wait to dig into God's word more!
444.  listening to the breathing of a sleeping child
445.  Boy adventures - Like father, like son - on their way across the street to look at some cows
446.  My grandparents celebrating 65 years of marriage
447.  Memories of my mother-in-law
448.  when the sun peaks through the clouds of the day and my sons say, "Praise Jesus!"
449.  safe travels
450.  that I was able to work from home for 6 years - what a blessing
451.  that God will grow me through all the experiences that will happen with the new boss
452.  a little 15-month-old boy is recovering from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, but they caught it early enough that no additional treatment is needed.
453.  The promise of Heaven
454.  That we have the opportunity to speed the return of Christ - see the December 19 message on
455.  a friend who is choosing to walk a hard road of healing to move toward the full and abundant life and receive victory!
456.  that my kids love to dance and they just don't care what it looks like!
457.  questions
458.  sometimes having the answers to questions and sometimes just coming to grips with the fact that we don't always have the answer
459.  vacation
460.  a good Cuban sandwich
461.  there is a spiritual battle raging all around us, but we are not big enough to see it or even be aware of it
462.  that God knows what we can handle and what is just too much
463.  that Mary pondered the treasure in her heart (Luke 2:19)
464.  that Gabriel said, "Don't be afraid"
465.  that Joesph was faithful
466.  that Jesus' story is so big, yet so simple
467.  that the Christmas story is also in Revelation 12 and Isaiah 61
Merry Christmas!
holy experience

1 comment:

-t- said...

i love your picture of 2 of your boys :) i love your list of gratitudes :) i love you :)

i miss us in touch - this week a reconnect through voices b/c spiritually the connection remains as our prayers never cease :)

praises for little boy healing with no further treatment :)

#450-451 - you go girl! no wonder you are my Father's favorite child, you think just like Him!! Praise Jesus! (as i typed that i am reminded to locate that verse!!)

i can't wait to hear David's sermon- will make time for that tonight :)

and then there's this:
457. questions
458. sometimes having the answers to questions and sometimes just coming to grips with the fact that we don't always have the answer

amen. it's so true, same Holy Spirit in you and me :)

soon :)