Sunday, December 26, 2010

Multitude Monday - counting #468 - #504

468.  snow flurries in FL!!
469.  holding my sons and worshipping My Savior simultaneously
470.  a productive last work from home day
471.  letter to Santa
472.  letter to God
473.  that my oldest loves the lyrics "sin has lost its power"
474.  the excitement of ripping the wrapping paper off packages
475.  scarfs
476.  weather forecasts
477.  my father-in-law
478.  missing my mother-in-law
479.  my sister
480.   my mom
481.  my thoughtful husband
482.  studying more about lions
483.  the possibilities of a date night with my honey
484.  contentment
485.  not needing anything, not wanting anything
486.  healthy check-ups
487.  when boxes are the highlight of playtime
488.  comfortable sleep
489.  clean towels
490.  clean sheets
491.  Febreeze
492.  Christmas cookies and treats
493.  Remembering the simplicity of Christmas
494.  What does God require of us?  "to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
496.  cough drops
497.  Kleenex and enough breath to blow my nose
498.  seeing a friend released from a long-carried burden and now she is radiant
499.  car mechanics
500.  gas stations with car washes
501.  music that speaks to my heart
502.  confessed sin
503.  grace and freedom when confession and repentance happen
504.  the hopefulness of 2011

Happy 2011!


-t- said...

oh how i love this list... such rest, such joy!
oh how i love you, my Sister!

#484- contentment (aahhhh :)

#483- have fun!!

#494- thanks for remembering me to this :}

#504- me too :]

Happy 2011! Happy Week! Happy Date night!

Kara said...

Oh Kim, how I do love and miss you. You embody a simple purity for me. So lovely. I love reading your lists, it is like taking an honest, deep breath of fresh ocean air.

Do you know how I miss ocean air? Oh, they have a different variety here in the PNW. But the shore here is cold and the air biting and it burns your lungs to take it in.
I miss the gentle and warm air off of a southern ocean. The kind that cleanses without excoriation. That's what you remind me of. :)

Thank you for linking to Ann's blog, I missed that post of hers in the busyness of the last few weeks, and it looks like just what I need to read today!

I love you!