Sunday, February 13, 2011

Multitude Monday - #664 - #683

664. - Surrender - 2/7/11
665. -  Everyone Needs Healing - 2/8/11
666.  that God is bigger than this
667.  sharing the One Thousand Gifts with others!
668.  trusting Him again after being derailed by doubt.  It's good to be back on track!
669.  sharing Jesus with a Jewish friend.  She's almost ready!
670.  the elder being a good example
671.  the wee one saying, "I see you!!" with an amazingly varied inflection as he peaks through his art project of a lady bug with 2 eyes attached to a Popsicle stick.
672.  a date night with my hubby
673.  that I know my grandpa is with Jesus
674.  that Grandpa is now holding my sweet Aunt Nancy Jean who went from life in the womb to life in Heaven.
675.  Memories:  how grandma and grandpa were always touching:  holding hands, hand on the other's knee, arms locked, etc.
676.  Memories:  the way he looked at her with love overflowing
677.  Memories:  riding in the car with grandpa and grandma; seeing flashing blue lights in the back window.  Grandpa says, "Oh dear!  What do I do?"  Grandma says, "Well, I think you need to pull over."
678.  Memories:  that he always went somewhere with a cap on his head that he affectionately referred to as "his lid"
679.  Memories:  how he loved Jesus!
680.  God's amazing irony of how sorrow and joy can co-exist
681.  The promise that he turns mourning to dancing
682.  remembering the importance of savoring the moment
683. anticipation of a sister road trip!


-t- said...

there's an ache of both joy and of sorrow in this reading...

did you remember you are loved by Him through me too?
i am praying, praying, praying... praising, praising, praising... and more praying.


Kara said...

I've been remembering Grandpa, too, these last few days. How he blessed everyone he knew! We are better for knowing him and now he is with our sweet Jesus!

Praise God! I am so happy for Grandpa. He lived such a sweet, good life.
I know you will miss him. Wishing we could celebrate his home-going with you and the family.

We love you!