Sunday, February 20, 2011

Still Counting - #684 -

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.  3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.  Psalm 1: 1-3

684. That my sweet Grandpa lived as a Psalm 1 man!
685.  The way my Grandpa adored my Grandma and she adored him.  Pure sweetness!
686.  "Hold each other close and put God in the middle." -- marriage advice my Grandpa gave my cousin
687.  A field with a blanket made of hundreds of white geese heading to their northern home
688.  Ice covered ponds preparing to melt

689.  Sunrises that remind you that God makes things new every morning because your life has entered a new phase.

690.  The thrill of seeing big tractors and combines on the family farm.
691.  Remembering that there is so much more to farming than just planting the seed.  Today's farmer must be involved in the chemistry, science, economics, technology, production, marketing and so much more of the farming business.
692.  A sister road trip to IL full of fun and great conversation
693.  That my Grandma displayed the strength of the Jesus who now holds her hand, as my Grandpa once did.
694.  The purity and sweetness of a small community church family
695.  The celebration of a life that went on for hours and I know continues in Heaven
696.  Flowers and plants from friends and businesses to celebrate His life
697.  His favorite hymns - "It is well with my soul", "Victory in Jesus", "In the Garden" and more
698.  His favorite verses - Romans 8:26-29
699.  Discovering poems he'd written that no one knew about
700.  The wisdom etched on the pages of his Bible that went with his earthly body.

701.  The wheat that was symbolic of his profession and his life for Jesus - etched on his casket and planted with the dirt
702.  A husband who was willing to serve me by staying home with the boys
703.  Beyond the Sunset
704.  Precious prayer time as a family
705.  Seeing younger cousins grow up to be great Godly men like their dad and Grandpa!
706.  the privilege of savoring the moment
707.  that I was able to take some more fun pictures that I'll share during next week's counting!


-t- said...


Thank you.

Love you,

Kara said...

Oh Kim,

I so loved your counting this week and those beautiful pictures. My eyes and heart are very full right now as I could picture all you were talking about with Grandpa. What an example. He truly set the bar high didn't he?

I love it!

Love you,