Monday, August 9, 2010

Multitude Monday - #33 -

holy experience

"It is God's responsiblity to cause you to hear and recognize His voice.  He wants to reveal His will to you and scripture clearly shows that He will do it." -- Priscilla Shirer

33.  Vacation/Staycation - it really doesn't matter!
34.  Home improvement projects - thankful I have a home to improve!
35.  A husband who takes pride in the home improvement projects!  He is working so hard.
36.  Catching up on time with my boys!
37.  Encouraging friends who don't know they're encouraging you.
38.  Friends who share the truth in love no matter how hard it is to say or hear!
39.  Little voices saying, "Bless You" and "Pretty" and then knowing that those sweet words were meant for you!
40.  Jesus dancing with me!
41.  Jesus loving me like no other!
42.  The guards He puts at my mouth.  Unfortunately, sometimes I make mine work a little harder than necessary!
43.  Finishing a great book!
44. Starting another great book!
45.  Sunshine peaking through the trees
46.  That His ways aren't our ways - thank you, Jesus, that you're in control
47.  Laughter at the next thing that the enemy tries to do to keep me down.
48.  How my husband helps me keep my perspective in check.
49.  Snuggle time!
50.  Mischievous smiles - they can be so cute when they're up to something!

1 comment:

-t- said...

Thank you for the smiles & the pauses to reflect on Truth. Soooo glad you shared your gifts with us today! I love you, my sister :]