Sunday, October 24, 2010

Multitude Monday - #232 - #267

233. hearing how God touched him
234. how He shows us that He is close to the brokenhearted
235. how He collects our tears in a bottle (or in my case barrells!)
236. a friend knowing that she is secure in the beauty He has bestowed upon her
237. unexpected bonuses
238. blogs that make my friends seem not so far away
239. blogs that challenge me to be more like Jesus
240. being part of divine appointments
241. the warmth of the sun on a beautiful day
242. evening walks
243. cool breezes
244. the wonder of bridges and going over them
245. family trips to the zoo
246. God's creativity - very evident at the zoo!
247. watching the Blue Angels practice for the air show - the wee one sleeping through it and the oldest in awe
248. glad that those pilots are on our side!
249. military men and women - both active and retired
250. military families and the sacrifices they make
251. the wee one attempting to say "hallelujah"
252. the wee one clearly saying "Yeah, baby!"
253. sweet conversations between the wee one and his treasured bear
254. the oldest being so loyal to his best friend
255. the freedom the oldest has - he doesn't care if his clothes match
256.  the oldest throwing a great strong spiral
257. the oldest expressing himself more and more in words, expressions and drawing
258. "Fireproof"
259. "Facing the Giants"
260.  the story behind the pictures
261.  m&ms
262. being reminded that Jesus made it possible for me to call God, "Daddy"
263.  remembering that our millionth experience of His forgiveness is no less special than the first
264.  listening ears
265. the certainty of Heaven
266.  Hope
267.  having hope in the Giver, not in what He gives.


blr said...

Sounds like you had a great familyl weekend! Wishing you and yours plenty of hugs - - also, Happy Birthday this week!

-t- said...

as always, rejoicing with you in giving thanks to The Giver :)

262. being reminded that Jesus made it possible for me to call God, "Daddy"

265. the certainty of Heaven

266. Hope

267. having hope in the Giver, not in what He gives.


#240 exciting stuff. Wow, the life He leads you in, my Sister!

:) wish i could share your birthday afternoon with you & your boys... an afternoon walk at the park with warm sunshine, a cool breeze, and cup cakes & singing :)

Kara said...

Oh how I love this list! Here are some of my favorites from your list this week....

235. how He collects our tears in a bottle (or in my case barrells!)

knowing you as I do, I had to smile at this one!

238. blogs that make my friends seem not so far away

this is one of the upsides of technology!

247. watching the Blue Angels practice for the air show - the wee one sleeping through it and the oldest in awe

ahh, the memories of the Blue Angels air shows!

252. the wee one clearly saying "Yeah, baby!"

too cute.

254. the oldest being so loyal to his best friend

so great when we see Jesus in our kids!

I love you girl!


-t- said...

Happy birthday to You,
Happy birthday to You,
Happy birthday, Dear Kim,
Happy birthday to you!

Love you! Many prayers,