Sunday, November 14, 2010

Multitude Monday #328 - #355

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  --- Philippians 4:6-7
328.  Making it through the first week with a new boss.
329.  Working with a team of ladies that make events easy for me.
330.  My boys singing and dancing to "Seeds of Courage" CD
331.  Music that makes you want to worship  (Thank you, Baptist College of FL Jazz Ensemble)
332.  Watching a "signer"  sign "Amazing Grace" even though the words aren't being sung.
333.  hugs from my kids when they greet me at the door after a long day
334.  a husband who works diligently on home improvement projects
335.  a husband who is willing to do the laundry
336.  when my oldest son said, "Do you know why I love daddy?  Because he's a worker."  So sweet!
337.  2 best friends playing to their heart's content, exploring and making their own adventures at the playground
338.  the wee one sleeping through the night Saturday night!
339.  holding the wee one's hand while we went through the car wash.
340.  that courage only exists when there is fear
341.  that courage helps you get to love, where there is no fear
342.  ice cream cones
343.  kleenex
344.  pictures of my boys that make my heart sing and overflow with love
345.  faithful friends that ask about what you asked them to pray for
346.  toddler cowboy boots
347.  good hair days
348.  dark chocolate 
349. good night kisses
350. imagining Heaven
351.  reminders from my kids' devotionals
352.  family games of hide and seek
353.  that I get excited about writing this list!
354.  family dinners full of laughter
355.  great pre-school Sunday School teachers
holy experience

1 comment:

-t- said...

i am joy-full here in this reading of thanks.

and especially this:
354. family dinners full of laughter

i can 'see' you all & my heart swells...

gratitude is contagious
the counting never ends :}

thank you, my Sister.