Monday, September 13, 2010

Multitude Monday

#121 - #131

121.  Holding a sleeping toddler
122.  Watching that sleeping toddler sleep and being overwhlemed with my love for this child and God's love for me and this child.
123.  Amazing sunrises
124.  Rainbows that remind me that God keeps His promises
125.  Funny stories my husband shares
126.  A kindergarten teacher that is bold and tells the truth
127.  A 5-year-old that just wants to have fun
128.  Two brothers hugging one another
129.  Flexible work schedule
130.  When God challenges me to be the person He made me to be

1 comment:

-t- said...

Wonderful list of gifts this day my Sister!
Oh how I miss #121 & how i remember #122 :}

#130- in the words of my dear sister: Be bold! Be brave! Be You! & I'll add mine: in Him alone!

Much love, prayers, & gratitude!