Friday, September 10, 2010

A Season of Healing Continued

Day 17 - Learning more and more to be in the moment.  Being thankful.  Also knowing what it's like to be helpless and holding on to Jesus!

Day 18 - God reminded me that it is in the waiting that He heals.  "While I'm Waiting" continues to be my theme song.  I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone.  Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey.  Others can only benefit from my journey.  (I love it when the verse in my journal goes right along with what God's teaching me:  Ezekiel 34:26 - "I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing."

Day 19 - Asking hard questions is a good thing.  Finding freedom from self-imposed expectations.

Day 20 - Remember the difference between grace (getting what you don't deserve) and mercy (not getting what you deserve), but also how they go hand in hand.  Remember to love fearlessly!

Day 21 - Jesus is in the mundane tasks of life.  He is in everything and everything is for His glory.  I've discovered that I'm full of fear. 

Day 22 - Perspective - maybe I'm looking at this as a battle to win instead of a journey to enjoy.

Day 23 - God is my refuge.  I need to take some time out with Him alone.  Beth Moore said, "You know when you're empty when you can't get enough."  Once your heart is broken, you're never the same.  God esteems the brokenhearted.  He is more than willing to bind up the brokenhearted - it's what He came to do.  We're not bothering Him when we let him into our brokenness.  He came to do exactly that.  That was His mission - to deliver us, to be our refuge, to free us, to bind up our brokenness.  The word "bind" is like a medical term for tourniquet.  It hurts, but it does what it's supposed to do for the healing.

Be blessed!

1 comment:

-t- said...

"I must remember that this journey is mine and God's alone. Other people have their responses and choices, but they have no bearing on this journey. Others can only benefit from my journey."

I am a benificiary from His hand in your life. In more ways than one, dear Sister :)

Thank you for continuing to share His truth.

Day 23- praying for you to have some time out with Him alone :)

Much love & prayers,