Monday, September 27, 2010

More Multitude Monday

157.  the hope of rain
158.  rain falling
159.  the smell of rain and how it lingers
160.  worship songs like this -
161.  artists willing to spill out like this -
162.  to long to have a heart like His!
163.  remembering how small I am and how big He is!

Thank you, Daddy!


-t- said...

oh how our Daddy God loves us...

Jesus... break me, mold me, use me i pray... grace... hold me in Your embrace, Your love always saves...

I love her truth... His truth... that she, that we, can cry out hallelujah even in our blubbering mess & that we can stand because of Him.

oh how our Daddy God loves you, you are my Father's favorite child :}

Kim said...

You are more, t!! Love you and so glad you know His love and are resting there. You are beautiful, simply radiant! Keep shining!