Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Healing Continues

Day 24 - 9/11 - Remembering tragedy and triumphs.  Where is my focus?
Day 25 - Learning that God doesn't remind us of lessons to condemn us (or we condemn ourselves) but to remind us of what imtimacy with Him looks like.  I looked through my blog last Friday night.  A year or so ago I blogged about a song my son was singing (God of Wonders) and how he changed the words from "You are holy" to "You are hold me".  Wouldn't you know Sunday morning as we're getting ready to go to worship, this song plays and my son sings the correct words every time except once - and he slipped in a "You are hold me".  How sweet is that!  Thank you, Jesus!! 
Day 26 - Focus on the Family aired the story of the President of Columbia International who quit his job to care for his wife who was afflicted with Alzhiemers.  WOW!  Great pictures of selfless love - loving fearlessly.  Great picture of God's love for us!  I am overwhelmed and empty.  Please fill me up, Lord!
Day 27 - Rest is needed.
Day 28 - I woke up with this question from the Lord, "What are you waiting for?"  I really thought the answer would come easily, but it hasn't.  Am I waiting for someone else to come through for me, for a situation to improve, for things to look the way I want them to look?  I'm missing so much life in the hiding of the waiting.  I believe healing has come.  I will continue for the next couple of days committed to my healing, but WOW!  Feelin' some freedom!  Thank you, Jesus!

1 comment:

-t- said...

"What are you waiting for?"

Imagine that, the same Holy Spirit asking the same question all around (:

He is!

As always, thank you for sharring his journey. It encourages and challenges.

So thankful He is gracious when we cry for help. Praying for you to continue to hear: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

Love you!